Immigration Ban the burka?

I think I have explained my stance towards the Burqa. I don't support the use of it, but I don't support a law against it. If these women are alienated now, I don't think this will help. Is this supported by the majority of the Muslim women of the Union? Or doesn't it matter? The fact that a very small number of women wear such clothing make these law proposals little convincing in their arguments.
Knowing the utter dislike that most sensible people feel towards Islam, at least when they actually understand what the foul thing is, and considering the horrendous acts of inhumanity done by its followers.

We Europeans, especially in the case of Britain, have brave young men and women being killed and injured trying to bring civilisation to Afghanistan (A waste of time let alone a waste of European life in my view, but that’s another matter)

For that reason alone they should not wear the horrible thing and since they will not leave it off then they should be compelled to do so by law.

For some bint to walk down our streets with such a blatant in-your-face insult to us as to wear such an obvious badge of Islam is unpardonable.

Imagine if someone had walked down a main street in London during the war with a swastika armband on, or traditional Bavarian Hausfrau get-up.

Especially now, after 9/11, 7/7, and the other horrors, the “Honour” killings, the wars that have been taking place, and the constant stream of demands being made on us by this alien and utterly un-European viper in our midst. .

There is a piece of graffiti that’s appearing in some of our cities and increasingly towns and even villages. It’s “FIFO” and it’s got nothing to do with computer memory.

The “FI” stands for Fit In, “or” is as is usual with abbreviations, omitted and the “FO” you can figure out for yourselves.

Hopefully it’s a sign that more people are “cluing up”.
No, just being in public with a hidden face is suspicious, because in case you do something illegal, people and/or police can't identify you.

Fair point, but why is the Burka singled out for the ban?

Do you have any evidence of crimes commited by people wearing burkas? I would think they would need to be in the hundreds per year to require any government to pass a law on it.

The argument of making it illegal on security issues is absurd.
We Europeans, especially in the case of Britain, have brave young men and women being killed and injured trying to bring civilisation to Afghanistan (A waste of time let alone a waste of European life in my view, but that’s another matter)

For some bint to walk down our streets with such a blatant in-your-face insult to us as to wear such an obvious badge of Islam is unpardonable.

Imagine if someone had walked down a main street in London during the war with a swastika armband on, or traditional Bavarian Hausfrau get-up.

I'm not that worried about the majority of the muslim population in the UK, but I am slightly worried about your views.

Are you suggesting that the UK is at war with the entire muslim population of the world? And that all mulsims should denounce their faith or face Britain delcaring war on them?
I'm not that worried about the majority of the muslim population in the UK, but I am slightly worried about your views.

Are you suggesting that the UK is at war with the entire muslim population of the world? And that all mulsims should denounce their faith or face Britain delcaring war on them?
Read what I wrote. It is clear enough for a fifth grader to comprehend, assuming their first language was English of course.

All I would add is that Islam is at war with Dar ul-Haarb, though I do recognise there are armistices in place for parts of Dar ul-Haarb such as the “House of Treaty” and the like.

It is a war started by Mohammed and mandated by Mohammed when he invented Islam and we ignore that 1300 year old war at our peril.

As for all Mohammedans in the UK (and Europe) being required to denounce their faith or face having war declared on them, no. They should simply fit in to what we are and how we are, or get out.

WE should not be expected to change OUR way of life by so much as one iota, especially as what is involved in not about right to practice a religion, it is a much different matter altogether.
Fair point, but why is the Burka singled out for the ban?

Do you have any evidence of crimes commited by people wearing burkas? I would think they would need to be in the hundreds per year to require any government to pass a law on it.

The argument of making it illegal on security issues is absurd.
I've made it clear this is not the only reason. There are other reasons such as integration, rights of woman, etc,etc
Muslims have always been alien to the European way of life and most make little effort to adapt to Western culture and norms. These characters want us to embrace their way of life - no thanks. Acclimate or leave, that simple.
I think that what is proposed is a serious invasion of personal freedom without moderate reason. France should alternatively invest in convincing the Muslim society to abandon the headscarves at one's discretion. Interdictions only cause vexation and dissonance.
I think that what is proposed is a serious invasion of personal freedom without moderate reason. France should alternatively invest in convincing the Muslim society to abandon the headscarves at one's discretion. Interdictions only cause vexation and dissonance.

I doubt your suggestion will work. You are dealing with a highly habituated mental set that is dependent on culturally specific semiotic gratification for purposes of maintaining psychological equilibrium. Besides, Muslins detest Western society...
Diaphragmatic crown on my head.

Dialogue between the wear hijab and unveiled

Seen once a dialogue between a beautiful girl wearing hijab balanced and was very blatant adornments, beauty and sedition .. And listened to this dialogue between them:

Altjbp: Why Tseverin for your beautiful face, why not this Tsonin good looks and splendor for the eyes and eyelids Winks?

Blatant: because the veil is blind, my living, light and brightness does not authorize me to the eyes, including the most enjoyable masterpiece God of advantages and beauty The eye wants to see this vast universe on a beautiful bright image, rather than from behind a screen.

Altjbp: Do you not know that the unveiling, wanton display and demonstrate the advantages of not making eye misappropriate some of which looks innocent and naive, including the cunning and immoral and that the consideration shares of the arrows of the devil and that all incidents of its principle of the matter.

Blatant: Why not turn a blind men's eyes for vision and look at Mhacna, the pain regardless of party ordered to us in an airtight downloading?

Altjbp: Yes, I have ordered to lower their gaze as commanded by our vision we women regardless of their men if we are frightened of them ourselves sedition.

Naked: then why not us as Ithajabun Nthjb them?

Altjbp: Because the law did not ordering them to wear hijab.

Naked: Is not there an explanation of this or wisdom?

Veiled: "Yes" because there is a difference neat consider women to the men and the view of men to women in terms of psychological characteristics of the two classes because of the nature of men taking it if I like something that seeks to progress and access to it, but in the nature of women's reluctance to flee for her modesty .., "said Abu A'la Maududi.

And because the man is relied upon primarily in the fight in life, which is in charge of the first to earn a living A woman remains in her seclusion, protected an honor enough, and their child-rearing, upbringing upbringing virtuous only if forced to work in the area commensurate with the fitr on her behalf and femininity do not mix in their work.

Moreover, women are characterized by innate feminine nature, sedition, and tenderness and kindness and good members and consistency, which were not received by the opposite sex, these beauties and others have made the opposite sex tends to be our vision. Therefore ordered the God Almighty to even its very abiding-mahram men order to preserve ourselves from their eyes and to disappear from their eyes Mhacnna has permitted us to highlight some of the Mhacnna Maharmena As all of these advantages and attractions are with our husbands and wives only.

Blatant: You are talking about the advantages of women, the daughters of Eve all queens of beauty or are God's creation as the best and the most innovative, Valhassan divided in varying degrees among women, and many of them do not draw attention to them and refuse to Sun

Altjbp: Did you hear the words of God he describes the cunning of women and snare the Almighty said: "The" Behold! "Women like to draw attention to it in every way - from the womb of God - that show her arms bare, and then comes down the abaya, or robe and the shine her face and conceal in deceit, deception and other perfume, which raises the smartest Oabgaha smells, and other wearing apparel and transparent The "Make Up", it increases the advantages of Belle as some of the faults of that Leicester distorted.

Blatant: If Guile in women or in some of them What is the crime if they're looking for young women in transit? Why do not you think, including some of innocence and safety of intent does not think them but probably bad?

Altjbp: In fact, the cunning common among men and women and men may have been stronger and demonstrated. Did I hear trade in white slaves - women - there are some men who adorn most of the young pros of women and charms these men who played the seduction brains know how to tampering with our minds and our hearts and how Ikhaddonna yellow resonator, taking advantage of our beauty and Mphatnna and naïve and Grorna the name of art and sometimes on behalf of the acting or singing and progress at other times.

Blatant: What is the share of these words from my health?

Altjbp: As you believe? Think carefully See also: Why beauty pageants?! Why do fashion models and magazines, movies, pornography, promiscuous and immoral songs and clubs Rash?! How many there are who have fallen Almailat Almmellat clothed yet naked lights Vdechn brought them fame of the wider doors and Natn falsely Balphenanat planets, stars, or they may TAKING OFF robe of modesty and wearing a dress debauchery and delinquency.

Blatant: What then attacks on artists and the arts, the planets and stars?

Altjbp: those advantages and attractions of these and other luster fades away day after day and age is decreasing until the end of the pit of the grave, how many included this land of beautiful face and neck Oguid, Aseel entry. How much under the soil of Kaddod and Cheeks, how many secrets of the rich sense of gaps.
Where is it now? The wear and tear and bait hag yard and ate worms, and became the oblivion and is awaiting the account of the one God the Judge. Where to read and Buthaina and pride and the birth of what came out but where Hollywood and the likes of Marilyn Monroe and other prostitutes, we have all become obsolete.

Naked: Is this the yard frightening disposition of our bodies soft, and tender this is the fate Hassanna and glamorous beauty, and felt my heart was trembling for those moving words and Fraisi to tremble in fear of this fate and .... And ....

Altjbp: I Abratk Zbl on the cheeks and tongue has hinted fumble for a sequel words why .. Why.

Naked: O Allah, I repent to you shortening has seemed me and I Sostr what gave me the God of good and beauty, because I suffer a bit to try to delay some young fiddler and narrower their tired and I do not like to narrow their fed up valuable floor and made a calculation is difficult in the Hereafter. And Praise God for the advice and the best reward I hope that tomorrow we go together to buy Leicester, my face, God willing.

Altjbp: Praise be to God, who insist the right and letting the devil.
your views are wrong, we dont hide our faces becasue we want to do something wrong but we do it for modesty. please respect other cultures
You are a property of man, that's why men created laws and traditions to make you cover you face or hair. It was done for protection of man's property.
Modesty? I'm pretty sure you can even find a poem romanticizing hijab. On top of it you're traditional and highly religious, you wouldn’t dare to go against words of your father, husband and overall imam. After years of koranic education it would be sinful and immoral for you to show your face in public, or naked hair. Are you modest?, could be, but over you are enslaved by your tradition and religious preaching to cover you hair and face, and serve your man like a slave.
The truth is our Europe had same tradition centuries ago, women had to cover hair or even faces with tunic, now our women are equal to men and free. Look how many covers their faces or hair now, just from their own will?
My dear, look more around, learn history, compare things, question dogmas and you'll see the truth. Just listening to imams and koranic dogmas won't let you understand the world. You are reciting and mumbling koranic verses like a robot, is it going to make you a smarter person?
There is a reason why Europe is so much forward in sciences and technology. We can think freely! It is not allah blessing us with all the goods. The goods and so many we have, it is the product of our free and logical thinking! You, my friend, have your head stuck in Middle Ages, and it's covered like in middle ages! Only man could own anything, woman belonged to man, man covered woman's head to protect his property.
Why Muslim men don't cover their faces? I guess they are not modest.
Or maybe because they control women, and not women control men.
To better illustrate my point, try answering few more question. Why, in many islamic countries' women can't drive cars, go outside alone, can't divorce, are not equal to men under the law?
Same answer as with hijab, men control women, men own women, women are men's property.
your views are wrong, we dont hide our faces becasue we want to do something wrong but we do it for modesty. please respect other cultures

No. YOU respect OUR culture when you come into our lands.
Indeed, the phenomenon of the veil in the history is often the phenomenon of religious guided by the divine religions, and focused by Islam, so many of the pagan tribes and peoples that do not adhere to the religion of divine does not recognize the Women's Veil, but there are some tribes, regardless of the quality of their religion obliges men Women without the veil ... In the Sudan, Algeria, Libya, Niger Tuareg tribes are Ithjb Itltm and involving men and result in women without adequate justification.

Although this indicates anything, it indicates that the headscarf issue did not come as a result of male control over women, it would not obscure the men in the Tuareg, and what resulted Alutniat women, and to spread profligacy of women in the United Greece before their entry into Christianity.

If the phenomenon of religious veil divine, or anything harmful that the man he used to historical periods of non-objective religious right, many of the character and distorting the facts, this does not mean that the facts themselves are worthless.

Have pointed to the phenomenon of religious headscarves and necessity in whole or in part ... In the Jewish religion came in the Torah traded Saying: (Rebecca and raised her eyes and saw Isaac, she lighted off the strings, and said to the slave: Who is this guy Walker in the field for our game? The servant said: Sir ... I took it and pulled a burqa).

Download the sanitation and the third from the Book of Isaiah Torah current Almsthtrut unveiled Decorative Tuadhn and tortured.

In the Christian religion came in the gospel of working as saying: (But every woman praying or predict, and its head is covered, Vchen her head, because they shaved one thing in particular. The woman did not overspread Vliqs her hair. Albeit ugly women to cut or shaved Feltngt).

(Women should have power over her head for the angels).
(Is it fit for women to pray to God and is not covered.)

In the Islamic religion, the Holy Qur'an says: (O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women, ask them from behind a screen, they should be known so do not disturb, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful) parties / 59.

(Not to reveal their adornment except what appears draw their veils all the bosoms and not to show off their adornment) Light / 31.
(... And if the daughters of Mta Vsolohn from behind a screen) parties / 53.
That is why the veil is not a phenomenon essentially exploitative, but it is a religious phenomenon in ancient history is not concerned with Islam, but Islam has a delicate and conditions of its general principles.
As for why the imposition of the veil on women and not men? Why is that bear this burden without him?

The answer is that such a distinction good reason:

First: to keep the generations and birth control and family relations and quality control and to avoid social vices, there must be some firm boundaries between men and women, the veil was legitimate, it is costing you see the commitment of this border? Who is best suited to the use of the veil men or women?

Since women were stuck Educational generations and the role of the family, food preparation, housekeeping and management of small kingdom, and the man stuck in the role of work abroad. Women were often the first to bear the responsibility for the hijab because it commensurate with the nature of the role of ESCAP in the home, particularly as it was hidden in the house inexpensive veil.

The fact that a man more suited to work and toil of the roughness, whereas women more appropriate measure of the household of the paper.
May ask: but the women went out today to the field of work, and became as men in this respect, it is forcing the veil of injustice!

The answer: It went out to work reluctantly obliged to provide food for her, just as the children went out to work ... A woman going out to work and the status of severe pressures on women. Assuming that she leaves for work he became the foundation and bedrock, it is not practiced in overseas business and heavy jobs as men but what an odd and rare, so its convenient abroad keep it more worthy to bear the responsibility of the veil of the man who exercised the most violent acts and troubling, which can not do women, in line with Hijab .. It does not matter gay appeared to run out of women and men because the legislation takes into account the most important and comprehensive cases.

Second: The room for maneuver is limited to women largely the result of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding, child-rearing and caring for the family, but is open to the man who Oafth nature of the orders of God of all that, but placed upon him the tasks of the most difficult: the secure food, the face of adversity abroad and wrestling the horrors of nature society and life, while granting women the tasks of education and home in the basis of composition of physical, so it was the burden of the veil lighter on women than on men, because the mask man hinder its economic external hard work in often, while women must wear hijab at home as long as the house preserved for the attention of curious onlookers. Moreover, the veil is not constrained by child-rearing and management of the family.

But if he reversed it and put the veil on women or men, but not both of them, that would be something wrong in practice and set up for something inappropriate.

Third: The man is not of a nature of seduction, although sometimes practiced, while women from the nature of seduction of the body through an ideal Kjamalip their march and smoothness and wonderful composition .. The nature of the composition will protect you scream but was not the intention, but do not suggest the nature of man will protect you only if made, the roughness of his voice and Kthatp beard and body hair density contrast seduction .. The nature of man is the dominant force .. It was printed in the men and women in print, so the people hate Transsexual men and women tomboy to deviations from Tabahma afternoon ... As a woman without her consent sly therefore be prudent to protect you watered down coats and headscarves. Perhaps the reason that Islam called for holy women to the jurisdiction of the veil and not to men, and in planning and adapting to the temptation to achieve its objectives in building a natural family happy and healthy society, not overshadow or extravagant.

From here we put our hands on the secret that to be called the veil of the share of women in Islam seeks to achieve its moral easy way and at the lowest possible cost ..
no. you respect our culture when you come into our lands.

Do you not state of freedom? Such as Tdhanon ..!

Well we have a freedom in that ..

Why you if you come to our country, do not tell you something though you Zbbon for our young people a lot of strife because of your wives, nudity on the beach

We are a nation governor
Do you not state of freedom? Such as Tdhanon ..!

Well we have a freedom in that ..

Why you if you come to our country, do not tell you something though you Zbbon for our young people a lot of strife because of your wives, nudity on the beach

We are a nation governor

You are absolutely right. We should all of us respect the cultural values of countries that we either visit or emigrate to.
I'm sorry Truth be told, I don't know what is wrong with your writing. Is it Google translation or mindless, forced "logic" of your religious education, or our cultural divide is too large. Your writing doesn't make sense.

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