Who were the Thracians?

Balkar and Bulgar is not the same!
Nobody from Ukraine settled the Balkan, it was much later when the barbarians of Svetoslav come. Apparently you know nothing about Bulgaria. Russia did not exist at this time. Ukrane is younger than Bulgaria.
Stop speaking about Balkar and Turks.
Bulgars were J2a ,R1a Iranian warriors!
Learn some Bulgarian and Balkan history and then we can talk!Have a nice day!
We speak English,not your language,so use the proper terms!
Balkar and Bulgar is not the same!
Nobody from Ukraine settled the Balkan, it was much later when the barbarians of Svetoslav come. Apparently you know nothing about Bulgaria. Russia did not exist at this time. Ukrane is younger than Bulgaria.
Stop speaking about Balkar and Turks.
Bulgars were J2a ,R1a Iranian warriors!
Learn some Bulgarian and Balkan history and then we can talk!Have a nice day!

Sorry pal the answer is from your own leaps

Bulgars never come from Turkey you are completely wrong. Bulgars come first from what is today Tajikistan and Uzbekistan,then they settled in European Russia and finally in the 4-7 century they come to the Balkan.They mixed with the South Slavs which were mix of Slavic R1a,I2a people and local J2b,E(V13) people. The Bulgars themselves were R1a,J2 and G2a people with probably some R1b!
So there is the propaganda that Bulgars were Turkic,but I do not believe this and there is no prove!In Bulgarians Turkic genes such as C,D,O are non existing and Q is 1% even though I have never seen a research with a Q in it!
Bulgarians are mix of Bulgar,Slavic and Thracian!
Albanians are mix of Iliriyan, Thracian and some Slavic!
It is so funny how Albanians try to privatized the right to be the only indigenous people to the Balkan and haplogorup E(V13)
Just like some crazy Croat here forced the moderator to change the Bulgarians values for I2a(between 28%-38%,here it was 33%,so the moderator was forced to change them to 20% ,because the Croat was unhappy!
Guys it does not work like this!
Bulgars never come from Turkey you are completely wrong. Bulgars come first from what is today Tajikistan and Uzbekistan,then they settled in European Russia and finally in the 4-7 century they come to the Balkan.They mixed with the South Slavs which were mix of Slavic R1a,I2a people and local J2b,E(V13) people. The Bulgars themselves were R1a,J2 and G2a people with probably some R1b!
So there is the propaganda that Bulgars were Turkic,but I do not believe this and there is no prove!In Bulgarians Turkic genes such as C,D,O are non existing and Q is 1% even though I have never seen a research with a Q in it!
Bulgarians are mix of Bulgar,Slavic and Thracian!
Albanians are mix of Iliriyan, Thracian and some Slavic!
It is so funny how Albanians try to privatized the right to be the only indigenous people to the Balkan and haplogorup E(V13)
Just like some crazy Croat here forced the moderator to change the Bulgarians values for I2a(between 28%-38%,here it was 33%,so the moderator was forced to change them to 20% ,because the Croat was unhappy!
Guys it does not work like this!

Albanians have nothing to do with Slavs primary.And stop ******** please.Ofcourse we are older than the rest of Balkan Slavs who score high with R1a+I2a2.
Albanians especially Tosk also have a lot of Slavic genes(R1a and I2a)!
You do realise that Tosk are the south albanians? If you would show links to support your claims, instead of propaganda you would be more convincing...

As for the theme, i think there might be Thracian genes among Bulgarians but those aren't dominant in compare to the Slav and Turkic ones.

PS: I had never heard that Russians were from the viking tribe of Rus and that vikings spoke slavic :O
Turkic genes in Bulgarians are 1 % or less.
Between 19-25 % of the Bulgarians are E(V13) Thracian
Turkic genes are C,D,O,N and Q, the first four are not observed in Bulgarians, the last is like 1!
So the propaganda is you!
Bulgars - R1a/J2a/G2a
Slavs- I2a/R1a
Thracians- E(V13), J2b,R1b
That's all ancient stuff, making up some 2% of the genetic identity if that. I suggest you pay more attention to autosomal markers. Read Dienekes' blog and familiarize yourself with its creatively shifting components. The Europeans are basically a continuum today.
There is little R1b in the Balkan and a lot of J2b and E(V13) far more then 2 %,for Bulgarian Thracian/Iliriyan genes are like 30%,for Albanians maybe close to 60%!
Turkic genes in Bulgarians are 1 % or less.
Between 19-25 % of the Bulgarians are E(V13) Thracian
Turkic genes are C,D,O,N and Q, the first four are not observed in Bulgarians, the last is like 1!
So the propaganda is you!
Bulgars - R1a/J2a/G2a
Slavs- I2a/R1a
Thracians- E(V13), J2b,R1b

J2a is Characteristic of many tribes,

Can you give details of what J2a?
there are J2a that is connected with Greeks, ith minor Asia etc
Can you be more specific?

or you just thought that J2a is Balkar-Bulgarian? cause you like it,

G2a is also Characteristic of minor asia and Greece, it is considered Local from far ancientry.
Can you be more specific on DYS etc? cause I am G2a also

R1a might Slavic or Turkic with Q or Thracian even Germanic
But R1a is minority in Bulgaria, as the whole Balkans,
I mean it is not primary HG
EV-13 is ArcadoCypriot Levantine that entered Balkans at Chalkolitic and Copper era (2000 BC) a
E-V13 is not IE so Thracians were not EV-13

J2b is spread from Italy to India,
J2b according DYS can be romano-Italian, Greek Albanian Local Bulgarian, Minor Asian even Indian from Cingueari (guitanes)

now for first time I hear that Thracian were r1b by you!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a post about Thracians of mighty be I2a
Thracians were R1a or I2a and not the ones you say,

Be more specific and give some extra details,

And surely minority

Before you answer plz read


Asparuch possible meaning Silver man in Turkic
or white as silver
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Turkic genes in Bulgarians are 1 % or less.
Between 19-25 % of the Bulgarians are E(V13) Thracian
Turkic genes are C,D,O,N and Q, the first four are not observed in Bulgarians, the last is like 1!
So the propaganda is you!
Bulgars - R1a/J2a/G2a
Slavs- I2a/R1a
Thracians- E(V13), J2b,R1b

I'm the propaganda? HELL YEAH B****H! I want a fee for every time i'm mentioned and you've mentioned my name once till now :p

Anyway the lack of Turkic genes means just that Bulgarians are just some common slavs from the VII century, and as i saw from the thread that Yetos linked, it seems pretty common for Slavs to claim they are Dacian/Thracian origin, or even more, claim that Thracians (and Dacians but this not so often) spoke pre-slavic language or that slavs originated from balkans. What it seems clear is that this claiming runes in your genes :p
Albanians especially Tosk also have a lot of Slavic genes(R1a and I2a)!

I don't consider Albanian those that don't know their fis.Besides that Kosovar Ghegs completely lack Slavic genes.There is a lack of logic at your statement.How can Albanians have almost the same amount of Slavic genes as Bulgarians or Serbs.It is irrational.And your previous posts are hilarious.You are biased personality.
Endri wash your mouth. Yaan stop shouting with every sentence. In general guys, try talking to your new friends on Eupedia like you would talk face to face across a table.
Ongoing discussion in current form won't be tolerated!
Endri wash your mouth.

I think you misunderstood me... That word there has one * more than the word needs + is just an expression with no bad intentions behind it -_-
I'm the propaganda? HELL YEAH B****H! I want a fee for every time i'm mentioned and you've mentioned my name once till now :p

Anyway the lack of Turkic genes means just that Bulgarians are just some common slavs from the VII century, and as i saw from the thread that Yetos linked, it seems pretty common for Slavs to claim they are Dacian/Thracian origin, or even more, claim that Thracians (and Dacians but this not so often) spoke pre-slavic language or that slavs originated from balkans. What it seems clear is that this claiming runes in your genes :p

its the fault of the propoganda book called - Srbi...narod najstariji written by Olga Lukovic-Pjanovic which basically describes that all eastern europe from modern Germany ( rhine river), scandinavia (except finns), balkans ( except Greece) where slavic people from 4500BC , also says the Pelagasians, etruscans and trojans where slavic people.
This book was presented and taught in schools ....I think basically until Tito's death. I need to confirm with my slavic friends .
PS: I had never heard that Russians were from the viking tribe of Rus and that vikings spoke slavic :O

Its the same rubbish as saying that during the roman empire everyone spoke Latin so everyone was Roman.....from britain to Parthia.
Today most people speak English so we are all from England ...........LOL

some people are very strange in placing people with each other because they speak the same language
The problem in Balkans is far old from 1900
each religion each language each castle each feudal ruler created each own ideas of pure nation

they took special parts from written delete another and prove them selves as the good ones and the rest as garbage,
that was pushed in low degree schools to raise the moral, and in some cases even to Universities,
even today we speak that still happens in Balkans,

so high Educated people who know they kept mouth closed from Fear,
High Educate do not even go to provoke, but lower extra Nationalists claim bullshit,

I read a book from 50's from my country, and books of 2000 from modern Balkanic countries and I tell you Zanipolo that the one you mention might even be innocent comparing others
Thracians are the people the ancient Greeks described living in Thrace. I don't think they called themselves "Thracians", but since we know little to nothing of their language, we continue to have to call them this. I think modern day bulgarians do decend from a mixture of Thracian, Slavic, and a Bulgar ruling class. Thracians were also hellenized and modern day Greeks also have a connection with these people.
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Thracians are the people the ancient Greeks described living in Thrace. I don't think they called themselves "Thracians", but since we know little to nothing of their language, we continue to have to call them this. I think modern day bulgarians do decend from a mixture of Thracian, slavic, and a Bulgar ruling class. Thracians were also hellenized and modern day Greeks also have a connection with these people.

I suggest you capitalize "Slavic" else people think you are prejudiced :)=)))
I'm the propaganda? HELL YEAH B****H! I want a fee for every time i'm mentioned and you've mentioned my name once till now :p

Anyway the lack of Turkic genes means just that Bulgarians are just some common slavs from the VII century, and as i saw from the thread that Yetos linked, it seems pretty common for Slavs to claim they are Dacian/Thracian origin, or even more, claim that Thracians (and Dacians but this not so often) spoke pre-slavic language or that slavs originated from balkans. What it seems clear is that this claiming runes in your genes :p
R u calliing me names? How disgusting! Moderators please punish this poster!

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