The Byzantine Empire must be revived

Yes, we should, for the sake of Apollo and mighty Zeus.
Then I don't understand why you want Albanians and Bosnians to be christian? What is you logical base?
Then I don't understand why you want Albanians and Bosnians to be christian? What is you logical base?

We need to have a common religion to make the unification stronger. Of course to revive the old Gods would be a difficult task, but Christianity is common in the Balkans nowadays.
We need to have a common religion to make the unification stronger. Of course to revive the old Gods would be a difficult task, but Christianity is common in the Balkans nowadays.
how about no religion at all. That would be fair to everyone and no more wars. Problem solved.
We need to have a common religion to make the unification stronger. Of course to revive the old Gods would be a difficult task, but Christianity is common in the Balkans nowadays.

equal parts religion and equal parts nationality = wars for all

One should rule completely over the other , which is why we have issue in the world today
We need to have a common religion to make the unification stronger. Of course to revive the old Gods would be a difficult task, but Christianity is common in the Balkans nowadays.
How about more teaching more tolerance to make Unification stronger. Remember how Alexander the Great (the one you so fond of) embraced every religion of every country he conquered. He even became pharaoh with blessing of Egyptian priests.
You have so many great Geeks philosophers, scientists and conquerors showing you the right way to live or build a strong union, but you don't like their teachings for some reason.
Socrates and Hypatia, just to name couple from long lineup) would cry hearing what you're saying and dreaming of.
how about no religion at all. That would be fair to everyone and no more wars. Problem solved.
I support it if it comes to big organized religions, although people are spiritual in nature, and need to believe in something for at least healthy psychological reasons. That's why total ban of religion, like in Soviet Union or China, never worked. After 80 years (3 generations) of programed atheism in Russia 75% of people still believe in god. This should tell us something.
They were Christians before. They will become again.

It is the opposite of Christian to force people to convert. Christianity isn't a culture and should not be something a nation uniformly or by law believes, because it becomes plastic(which is what happened in Europe, going back to the Roman empire).
Shouldn't it be everybody's personal choice and not you telling people what to believe? According to your logic Greeks should go back to original hellenistic religion.

It depends on how Greeks converted to Christianity. Many at least in the early days willingly converted.
How about more teaching more tolerance to make Unification stronger. Remember how Alexander the Great (the one you so fond of) embraced every religion of every country he conquered. He even became pharaoh with blessing of Egyptian priests.
You have so many great Geeks philosophers, scientists and conquerors showing you the right way to live or build a strong union, but you don't like their teachings for some reason.
Socrates and Hypatia, just to name couple from long lineup) would cry hearing what you're saying and dreaming of.

Who likes Alexander the evil? I would rather see his gentiles slowly crushed by heavy metal and then have his intestines sliced with a sword, than meet him. I hate how people adore evil men from history, just because they were powerful.
I support it if it comes to big organized religions, although people are spiritual in nature, and need to believe in something for at least healthy psychological reasons. That's why total ban of religion, like in Soviet Union or China, never worked. After 80 years (3 generations) of programed atheism in Russia 75% of people still believe in god. This should tell us something.

You are more open to banning religion than enforcing religion, that tells alot about how you fell about religion. Don't forget that the last two greatest murders in history, Stalin and Hitler, were strong atheist. Their reasoning for dis belief in God came from the same European roots as your's. There are alot of things which are important to culture besides religion that cause conflict. You should not but all religious people under the same label, many are not going to conquer people because of dis agreement.
Who likes Alexander the evil? I would rather see his gentiles slowly crushed by heavy metal and then have his intestines sliced with a sword, than meet him. I hate how people adore evil men from history, just because they were powerful.

It is the opposite of Christian to force people to convert. Christianity isn't a culture and should not be something a nation uniformly or by law believes, because it becomes plastic(which is what happened in Europe, going back to the Roman empire).

Yes we know, you only addor what your narrow definition of Christianity covers. I hope that by now you noticed, that just because you learnt your religion from your beloved parents, it doesn't make it true. Yes it makes your Christianity special, because your version of beliefs is different from other 7 billion people, but again it is not a reason to be the only true one. It makes your religion special but yourself very common. There are billions of people on this planet believing that their religion is only true and chosen one and their god(s) exist. They all want their religion to be most successful and rule the world at the end of times. Most of them will do various sacrifices in name of their religion, some even giving life for it.
Are you still feeling special and chosen?
You are more open to banning religion than enforcing religion, that tells alot about how you fell about religion. Don't forget that the last two greatest murders in history, Stalin and Hitler, were strong atheist.
So was Churchill fighting them, so were many founding fathers of USA with Lincoln and Jefferson leading the way. Hitler and Stalin didn't kill because they were atheists, they killed because they were psychopaths. They took pleasure in human suffering and death. In this department of monsters we can find many Christians and Muslim kings of the past.
Do you think there is a reason why most atheists are among scientists?
Yes we know, you only addor what your narrow definition of Christianity covers. I hope that by now you noticed, that just because you learnt your religion from your beloved parents, it doesn't make it true. Yes it makes your Christianity special, because your version of beliefs is different from other 7 billion people, but again it is not a reason to be the only true one. It makes your religion special but yourself very common. There are billions of people on this planet believing that their religion is only true and chosen one and their god(s) exist. They all want their religion to be most successful and rule the world at the end of times. Most of them will do various sacrifices in name of their religion, some even giving life for it.
Are you still feeling special and chosen?

Wow, what a model and mature adult making attacks on someone's parents. Should I believe Jesus is the Son of God and believe he is not? There is nothing wrong with believing only one thing. Lebrok you are usually the one who shoot out the first PERSONAL insult. If you want to have civilized arguments don't insult people PERSONALLY.

I am not a ignorant as you think, I have heard that argument millions of times and your way of thinking is very common(the media preaches that gospel 24/7).

You are like many on the left, you guys tend to think that anything that is passed down, moral, or seen as normal, was dictated to us by an old man who lived thousands of years ago and that he did it to control people, or for some other bad reason. The left trys to twist alot of things like gender roles, traditional family, marriage(not talking about gay marriage), sexuality, you name it. You guys feel intelligent and entitled if you even consider an idea like boys and girls are no differnt.

If you actual live by the rules of the far left you will have an empty meaningless life, because they don't believe in morality, they don't believe in family, they don't believe in ethics, and they tend towards utilitarianism and Marxism.

My narrow definition of Christianity? Did Jesus ever say we should enforce his teachings and conquer unbelievers, like some Christian have done? Jesus rebelled against Jewish religious leaders who thought about religion in a very similar way as do modern Catholics and other Christians. Many Christians throughout history have perverted the religion into just a culture and tradition, and they are plain wrong they don't just have another definition. For many subjects in Christianity there is only ONE correct way to interpret them.

I am not as ignorant as you assume. I know there are alot of people who thing about things differently than I do, and have some of the same desires(I have heard this argument millions of times). That doesn't mean that one way of thinking about certain things can't be correct.
So was Churchill fighting them, so were many founding fathers of USA with Lincoln and Jefferson leading the way. Hitler and Stalin didn't kill because they were atheists, they killed because they were psychopaths. They took pleasure in human suffering and death. In this department of monsters we can find many Christians and Muslim kings of the past.
Do you think there is a reason why most atheists are among scientists?

I don't associate with Christians in the past who twisted the religion, and who conquered and killed? There should not be a contest to see who kills more atheist or religious people. Throughout history the vast majority of humans have probably been religious and religion is important to people personally and ethnically, and worth fighting for(much more than dis belief), so it is an unfair contest. My guess is that most conquest and killings in history had nothing to do with religion or non-religion, and mostly due to resources, pride, survival, competition, hate, and madness.
"If you actual live by the rules of the far left you will have an empty meaningless life, because they don't believe in morality, they don't believe in family, they don't believe in ethics, and they tend towards utilitarianism and Marxism." Please quit stereotyping. It is like saying everybody from the right are racists, war mongers, religious fundamentalists, and women beating gun totting rednecks. It has nothing to do with values. Both parties have the same agenda, they only differ on the fluff (the BS that doesn't really matter). When it comes to making policy both the right and the left go center. The left and the right rhetoric is nothing more than talking points to sway vote for a candidate. Don't get trapped in the hate (from both sides).
You are more open to banning religion than enforcing religion, that tells alot about how you fell about religion. Don't forget that the last two greatest murders in history, Stalin and Hitler, were strong atheist. Their reasoning for dis belief in God came from the same European roots as your's. There are alot of things which are important to culture besides religion that cause conflict. You should not but all religious people under the same label, many are not going to conquer people because of dis agreement.

Actually, Hitler was a devout christian who claimed in his writings that he was "doing the Lord's work". I suppose one could deny that, or resort to the "no true christian' argument on the basis of some of Hitler's less than orthodox ideas about what christianity was, but he definitely considered himself to be a devout christian and a strong supporter of corporate Germany. Fascism is all about using religion and nationalism and the fear of "the other" in order to manipulate the masses on behalf of the plutocrats.
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Actually, Hitler was a devout christian who claimed in his writings that he was "doing the Lord's work". I suppose one could deny that, or resort to the "no true christian' argument on the basis of some of Hitler's less than orthodox ideas about what christianity was, but he definitely considered himself to be a devout christian and a strong supporter of corporate Germany. Fascism is all about using religion and nationalism and the fear of "the other" in order to manipulate the masses on behalf of the plutocrats.

I recently learned about the Nazis in history class and wrote a paper on Adolf Hitler. All that I remember finding about his religious beliefs was that he was raised Catholic, left the faith when he left home, and feared away from religious debates when he was a politician because the German people were traditionally very Christian.

Also, Wikipedia agrees with sources I used(can't find them now).

Jesus said the only way to the father is through him, if you don't believe that you're not a Christian plain and simple. Saying someone is not a Christian because of that is not being judgmental it is being factual.
"If you actual live by the rules of the far left you will have an empty meaningless life, because they don't believe in morality, they don't believe in family, they don't believe in ethics, and they tend towards utilitarianism and Marxism." Please quit stereotyping. It is like saying everybody from the right are racists, war mongers, religious fundamentalists, and women beating gun totting rednecks. It has nothing to do with values. Both parties have the same agenda, they only differ on the fluff (the BS that doesn't really matter). When it comes to making policy both the right and the left go center. The left and the right rhetoric is nothing more than talking points to sway vote for a candidate. Don't get trapped in the hate (from both sides).

I hope it is as you describe. I described the far far far left, my point was that leftism tends towards those extremism just like rightism tends towards religious fundamentalism.
Wow, what a model and mature adult making attacks on someone's parents. Should I believe Jesus is the Son of God and believe he is not? There is nothing wrong with believing only one thing. Lebrok you are usually the one who shoot out the first PERSONAL insult. If you want to have civilized arguments don't insult people PERSONALLY.
What?! Stating that faith of your parents might not be true is an insult? It is pretty much description that all people could be wrong in anything. It is a general truth of human nature, we do make mistakes. Should I apologize to all humans? Do you feel insulted when I tell you that you don't know everything?

I am not a ignorant as you think,
Possibly so, you just have difficulty considering and contemplating other's point of view.

If you actual live by the rules of the far left you will have an empty meaningless life, because they don't believe in morality, they don't believe in family, they don't believe in ethics, and they tend towards utilitarianism and Marxism.
Lol, you are ignorant after all. Did Jefferson, Lincoln, Marx or Einstein have meaningless lives? Since when I don't believe in family?
Just becuase your ethics might be a tad different than Marx's it doesn't mean he didn't have any. Your black and white world must be very scary for you. Only you are Christian, only you have morals and ethics, only you can see the truth, everybody with different opinion is attacking you. Dude, can't you see how ridiculous your point of view is?
Morality and Ethics are rules of interaction between human beings. You don't need ethics or morals for a country of one man. Whenever there is a group of people there must be rules, so they can coexist together. Christians or Marxists consist of many people therefore need morals and ethic (not mentioning codexes of laws for many segments of life and work). Even though these two groups don't have same sets of ethics they do have them. Actually in more instances than not they have similar ethics. They both emphasise importance of hard work and working together, they both emphasize justice and equal sharing (actually marxists more than christians), group order and peaceful coexistence are addressed, family life, protection of children, property rights, etc, etc.
Please, don't confuse again lack of ethics with groups having few differences.

My narrow definition of Christianity? Did Jesus ever say we should enforce his teachings and conquer unbelievers, like some Christian have done? Jesus rebelled against Jewish religious leaders who thought about religion in a very similar way as do modern Catholics and other Christians. Many Christians throughout history have perverted the religion into just a culture and tradition, and they are plain wrong they don't just have another definition. For many subjects in Christianity there is only ONE correct way to interpret them.
Did you give some thought these few questions I've asked?

I am not as ignorant as you assume. I know there are alot of people who thing about things differently than I do, and have some of the same desires(I have heard this argument millions of times). That doesn't mean that one way of thinking about certain things can't be correct.
That we know, what baffles me is how in tender age of 16 you assumed that what you were taught was right or wrong? If you have different religion than your parents, I would say that you made your own choice, gathered info, did some thinking and made an educated choice. Otherwise you just believe what you were taught with no choice.

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