Tests on Authoritarian Personality and Fascism


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Test based on:

T. W. Adorno et al.: The Authoritarian Personality (Harper & Brothers 1950)
Mark R. Leary & Rick H. Hoyle (eds.): Handbook of Individual Differences in Social Behavior (The Guilford Press 2009)
My results in Authoritarian Personality Test:


Rigid adherence to conventional, middle-class values.

Your Score: Low

Authoritarian Submission
Submissive, uncritical attitude towards the idealized authorities of the group.

Your Score: Average

Authoritarian Aggression
Tendency to be alert to, condemn, reject, and to want to punish people who violate conventional values.

Your Score: Average

Opposition to the subjective and the imaginative, as well as a dislike of abstract art and tender-minded people.

Your Score: Average

Superstitious beliefs about the determinants of the individual's fate and the disposition to think in rigid categories.

Your Score: Average

Preoccupation with dominance-submission and leader-follower dynamics, as well as identification with power figures and the tendency to want to assert strength and toughness.

Your Score: Average

Generalized hostility to things not in line with one's personal values, and the devaluation of human life and tendencies.

Your Score: Very Low

Disposition to suspect that wild and dangerous things go behind closed doors, that one's group is losing control and that traditional society is headed towards destruction.

Your Score: High

Concern with the sexual "goings-on" of others and resistance to sexual degeneracy within one’s group.

Your Score: Average

Total Score
Your total F score, meaning your receptivity to authoritarian/fascist beliefs.

For another approach to testing for fascist beliefs, see our Fascism Test.

Your Score: Average


My results in the Fascism Test:

Fascism Test
You are 35% Fascist, which makes you a Fascist Fellow-Traveler.

In your case, it would appear that your political outlook shares more than a few of the core doctrines of fascism. Since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in, it is scarcely surprising that most people's political outlook will have quite a few similarities with the doctrines of fascism. Even after adjusting for these parameters, however, it would seem that the commonalities between your political outlook and fascism are not merely incidental, but arise from certain overall themes, concerns, and solutions which your personal outlook has in common with fascism. While you are most likely *not* a fascist, the overlap between your preferred society and that of fascism is simply too significant to be pure chance. In all likelihood, you are what one might call a 'Fascist Fellow Traveler': Someone who sees value in some of the immediate societal changes that fascism would bring about, but *not* someone who is an actual fascist. Your ultimate political goal lies elsewhere.

For another approach to testing for fascist beliefs, see the classical F Scale Test.
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My results in the Fascist Test were:
[h=2]You are 28% Fascist, which makes you Not Fascist.[/h]

While your political outlook may share a few (or even quite a few) of fascism's fundamental doctrines, it is overall safe to say that your political orientation is *not* a fascist one. Now, you may find this result unsurprising, but in reality, most people have at least some points of agreement with fascism since fascism is really a mix of communism, socialism, conservatism, and liberalism, with a few innovations of its own thrown in. Hence, adjusting for these factors, even though your fascism percentage might seem quite high, there is really nothing surprising about these agreements, when viewed in their proper historical context, so rest assured: Your political beliefs are definitely not fascist.

For another approach to testing for fascist beliefs, see the classical F Scale Test.
I don't know if it's the same test, but...

These are the results of the Right-wing Authoritarianism Scale.

Your score for right-wing authoritarianism was 19.32%.

Have I disappointed you, Tomenable? :)
I got 58%
This makes me 19.6% more authoritarian than the average person.

Hmm interesting, maybe im a anti-hero
Ok. 1st test:
[h=1]F-Scale Test[/h][h=2]Your results:[/h]
[FONT=&quot]This makes you 7.4% less authoritarian than the average person.

2nd test:

[h=1]Fascism Test[/h][h=2]You are 28% Fascist, which makes you Not Fascist.[/h]I'm not surprised. On the other hand, no offense, but I think these kinds of questionaires don't really tell us much. I had huge qualifiers on almost every question. I'm also a highly conventional, old fashioned type of woman. It's just that I don't believe in imposing my beliefs on other people.

There's a liberal fascist test, but I couldn't find it.
[h=1]F-Scale Test[/h][h=2]Your results:[/h]
This makes you 18.4% less authoritarian than the average person.
[h=2]Explanation of Facets:[/h][h=2]Conventionalism[/h]Rigid adherence to conventional, middle-class values.
Your Score: Very Low

[h=2]Authoritarian Submission[/h]Submissive, uncritical attitude towards the idealized authorities of the group.
Your Score: Low

[h=2]Authoritarian Aggression[/h]Tendency to be alert to, condemn, reject, and to want to punish people who violate conventional values.
Your Score: Very Low

[h=2]Anti-Intraception[/h]Opposition to the subjective and the imaginative, as well as a dislike of abstract art and tender-minded people.
Your Score: Low

[h=2]Superstition-Stereotypy[/h]Superstitious beliefs about the determinants of the individual's fate and the disposition to think in rigid categories.
Your Score: Very Low

[h=2]Power-Toughness[/h]Preoccupation with dominance-submission and leader-follower dynamics, as well as identification with power figures and the tendency to want to assert strength and toughness.
Your Score: Very Low

[h=2]Destructiveness-Cynicism[/h]Generalized hostility to things not in line with one's personal values, and the devaluation of human life and tendencies.
Your Score: High

[h=2]Projectivity[/h]Disposition to suspect that wild and dangerous things go behind closed doors, that one's group is losing control and that traditional society is headed towards destruction.
Your Score: Very Low

[h=2]Anti-Degeneracy[/h]Concern with the sexual "goings-on" of others and resistance to sexual degeneracy within one’s group.
Your Score: Very Low

[h=2]Total Score[/h]Your total F score, meaning your receptivity to authoritarian/fascist beliefs.
For another approach to testing for fascist beliefs, see our Fascism Test.
Your Score: Very Low
I don't like them describing me as someone who is hostile towards those who don't agree with my beliefs (based on my cynicism score) because that's not who I am. I have close friends who are Trump supporters. If someone doesn't agreee with my views, I can still get along with that person just fine as long as that person treats me with respect (and I'll gladly do so in return if that is met).
F-Scale Test


[FONT=&quot]This makes you 12.4% less authoritarian than the average person.


[h=2]Conventionalism[/h][FONT=&quot]Rigid adherence to conventional, middle-class values.
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Low[/FONT]

[h=2]Authoritarian Submission[/h][FONT=&quot]Submissive, uncritical attitude towards the idealized authorities of the group.
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Very Low[/FONT]

[h=2]Authoritarian Aggression[/h][FONT=&quot]Tendency to be alert to, condemn, reject, and to want to punish people who violate conventional values.
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Average[/FONT]

[h=2]Anti-Intraception[/h][FONT=&quot]Opposition to the subjective and the imaginative, as well as a dislike of abstract art and tender-minded people.
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Low[/FONT]

[h=2]Superstition-Stereotypy[/h][FONT=&quot]Superstitious beliefs about the determinants of the individual's fate and the disposition to think in rigid categories.
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Very Low[/FONT]

[h=2]Power-Toughness[/h][FONT=&quot]Preoccupation with dominance-submission and leader-follower dynamics, as well as identification with power figures and the tendency to want to assert strength and toughness.
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Low[/FONT]

[h=2]Destructiveness-Cynicism[/h][FONT=&quot]Generalized hostility to things not in line with one's personal values, and the devaluation of human life and tendencies.
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Low[/FONT]

[h=2]Projectivity[/h][FONT=&quot]Disposition to suspect that wild and dangerous things go behind closed doors, that one's group is losing control and that traditional society is headed towards destruction.
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Low[/FONT]

[h=2]Anti-Degeneracy[/h][FONT=&quot]Concern with the sexual "goings-on" of others and resistance to sexual degeneracy within one’s group.
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Very Low[/FONT]

[h=2]Total Score[/h][FONT=&quot]Your total F score, meaning your receptivity to authoritarian/fascist beliefs.
[FONT=&quot]For another approach to testing for fascist beliefs, see our Fascism Test.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Your Score: Low[/FONT]

[h=1]Fascism Test[/h][h=2]You are 28% Fascist, which makes you Not Fascist.[/h]
We can tell who’s an authoritarian or not, just by reading posts.of active members, including mine.

We know. lol :)
Ironside, congrats on the 17 percent authoritarian submission score! I wish mine was lower. I can see how yours is as low as it is, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Too many people around you being arrested for committing the crime of recognizing basic human rights and engaging in non hostile activities that pose no threat to anyone.
I like to test tests like this and see the results. If you answer as a transhumanist anarchist, it gives you a 46% and says you are a “fascist fellow-traveller.” If you mark neutral all the way down you get 50% and labeled a “crypto-fascist”...
Ironside, congrats on the 17 percent authoritarian submission score! I wish mine was lower. I can see how yours is as low as it is, it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. Too many people around you being arrested for committing the crime of recognizing basic human rights and engaging in non hostile activities that pose no threat to anyone.

Ah thanks, but it's not as bad as you think, thankfully not so many people around me get arrested.

The only issue that I have always been vocal about is women's rights, freedom in dress and independence from male guardianship, and economic equality and independence.

Many people have called me a cuckold for not enforcing the veil on my sisters, I have stood with and supported my eldest sister in her divorce from a conventional marriage to a man she didn't love, who was oppressing her.

I say damn them all.

As to democracy, I'm for it all the way, but if the people themselves don't make a move, and are still waiting for the government to give them their right, then it will never happen, because who gives a right can also take it.

Anyway, the current authoritarian prince seems like a good, enlightened guy.
I understand, Ironside! Thanks for clearing things up!

edit: SO SORRY! I accidentally downvoted that post you made, my clumsy thumb accidentally tapped the red minus sign it on my phone (I wanted to upvote it). I upvoted two of your posts to make up for it!
On the F-Scale Test, these were my results. Mostly all were ranked low to very low, decidedly non-authoritarian and not fascist, except for the unexpectedly high (too high even, wow!) scores for destructiveness-cynicism, which was really a (bad) surprise for me. :-O

I don't like them describing me as someone who is hostile towards those who don't agree with my beliefs (based on my cynicism score) because that's not who I am. I have close friends who are Trump supporters. If someone doesn't agreee with my views, I can still get along with that person just fine as long as that person treats me with respect (and I'll gladly do so in return if that is met).

I also took a 75% score in destructiveness/cynicism. Considering the questions of the test that I think were most related to that, I would disagree on the point that it's a "hostility to people who don't hold my personal values", but just that I do believe that there are some fundamental values and rights that do not depend on the generalized approval of a culture, ethnicity or state, and I would strongly criticize a certain practice or custom even if it's held to be "traditional" or "collectively accepted" in a certain place or time. I also firmly believe that people with radical, authoritarian beliefs must be vehemently, openly criticized, though I wouldn't favor punishing them just because of their beliefs. But I'm definitely no man to say that I respect and accept all beliefs and positions, especially if they are directly offensive and dangerous to other people (from that point on, one's opinion concretely matters to other people, because it's not just about the person that holds those thoughts, those ideas themselves are meant to be enforced on the collectivity).

So, in that sense I can be really - but actually a bit unashamedly in a proud way - intolerant of practices and beliefs that I firmly believe are harmful to individuals regardless of what broader groups/institutions, like the "society", state or religion, prescribe. I don't think those practices and customs are condoned just because "the majority approved" or "it's the traditional way of that people". If that makes me cynical and destructive, well, then the test was spot on. LOL
I'm not sure which questions were related to Destructiveness-Cynicism but I'm glad that I scored 0% on this. As for Authoritarian Submission, I guess that mildly agreeing with that statement about courageous, tireless, devoted and trustworthy leaders increased my score. But I don't see any reason why should I disagree with that, good leaders are very important. Even the best laws can be implemented badly by poor leaders.
First test:

I am surprised. I got 43% Fascist (highest score so far) at the 2nd test, even though I am economically and socially (ultra-)liberal, atheist, anti-war, and generally favour the individual over the state, and I am definitely against military-style schools (I am more of a Montessori advocate). I scored 56% conventional when there is nothing conventional about me. I am a future-oriented reformist that doesn't mind getting rid of most traditional systems and beliefs. I should also score lower than 22% on superstitions. That makes one wonder about the accuracy of these tests. The only things that are compatible in my personality with fascism is toughness (e.g. against crime and corruption), and maybe dislike of abstract art (but I hate Art Deco too and that was the Nazi's official style).
I also took a 75% score in destructiveness/cynicism. Considering the questions of the test that I think were most related to that, I would disagree on the point that it's a "hostility to people who don't hold my personal values", but just that I do believe that there are some fundamental values and rights that do not depend on the generalized approval of a culture, ethnicity or state, and I would strongly criticize a certain practice or custom even if it's held to be "traditional" or "collectively accepted" in a certain place or time. I also firmly believe that people with radical, authoritarian beliefs must be vehemently, openly criticized, though I wouldn't favor punishing them just because of their beliefs. But I'm definitely no man to say that I respect and accept all beliefs and positions, especially if they are directly offensive and dangerous to other people (from that point on, one's opinion concretely matters to other people, because it's not just about the person that holds those thoughts, those ideas themselves are meant to be enforced on the collectivity).

So, in that sense I can be really - but actually a bit unashamedly in a proud way - intolerant of practices and beliefs that I firmly believe are harmful to individuals regardless of what broader groups/institutions, like the "society", state or religion, prescribe. I don't think those practices and customs are condoned just because "the majority approved" or "it's the traditional way of that people". If that makes me cynical and destructive, well, then the test was spot on. LOL

I also scored high on destructiveness/cynicism and I couldn't agree more with your analysis. I feel the same way.

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