Recent content by Horizon

  1. Horizon

    Animals A Cruel Method of Dealing with Katrina's Pets

    You didn't seem like that to me at all. In fact, you made good points and all. As for the pit bull things, so just because the pit bulls were potentially dangerous, they had to be murdered and left to rot? I see people who are DEFINATELY dangerous and I don't hear about the same thing...
  2. Horizon

    Animals A Cruel Method of Dealing with Katrina's Pets

    I see. You're right. I'm sorry. :sorry: :bluush:
  3. Horizon

    Animals A Cruel Method of Dealing with Katrina's Pets

    It could have been an over-weight dog. That's what it looked like to me. And the people who did it might have either gotten bored with it or may not have found the others for some reason or another. And why would an animal rescue site have unreliable, possibly untrue stories about it? That...
  4. Horizon

    Animals A Cruel Method of Dealing with Katrina's Pets

    Sorry for the misleading title! :sorry: I had absolutely NO idea what to call it... :relief: And if it was done by their care-takers, that would be even worse. :(
  5. Horizon

    Animals A Cruel Method of Dealing with Katrina's Pets

    Did you not look at the pictures? I would have thought that would have been enough... Here are other sources though: An Animal Rescue Alert Site: A news site...
  6. Horizon

    Animals A Cruel Method of Dealing with Katrina's Pets

    I came across this in another forum and I thought I'd share it. I thought it would make sense to be in here, but, if not, I'm so sorry! :sorry: :relief: Here's the background story: The source. And here is another link. However, do NOT go in there unless you have a strong stomach. It...
  7. Horizon

    Bird Flu in Asia

    Perhaps over-crowded-ness? And, perhaps, we're not as "clean" and "sanitized" as we believe we are?
  8. Horizon

    Bird Flu in Asia

    Those bloody beepers! :auch: :angryfire: Anyway, I stopped right there 'cause I got all angry-like (obviously), so...Yeah. :relief: It was interesting before the cruelty there...-grumbles- As for the original topic type thing, I hate to say it (again), but these things are NATURAL. They are...
  9. Horizon

    What is the Oldest Business in the World...

    By using logical thinking here: 9. farming/herding/ranching/livestock After all, in order to do these things successfully, one would need to settle down in one area first and, since there's safety in numbers and the fact that we're social animals, one wouldn't be alone and, thusly, a...
  10. Horizon

    Religion What's your religion ?

    Hmmm...I chose "athiest", however, I'm open to the possibility that everything has a spirit-like thing or something of the sorts and, part of my logic in not believing in a deity is that there's no proof. I might also just have no religous/spiritual believes. I have no idea...I haven't really...
  11. Horizon

    Chinese girl gets robbed. Happened to you too?

    Luckily, I've never been robbed (although that might have to do with any of the following: small town, I don't go outside much, and I have a tendency to growl, hiss, snarl, look psychotic and take "cheap shots"), however, that robbery with the Chinese woman is just horrible. There was a man just...
  12. Horizon

    A Cat Attracted to Its First Language

    You...You have a Bull Terrier! Lucky! :( ...And I'm done now. :relief: As for the original topic, I've never met one, however I wouldn't be very surprised about it if I did.
  13. Horizon

    The Opinion Game

    Considering how I only have a PS2 and not an XBox, I'll have to go with the prior. As for my question...Off the top of my head here (hence the lameness): The Roman gods or the Greek Gods?