Recent content by loco_aullador

  1. L

    Greatest Spanish contribution(s) to the world ?

    Well if you have the cultural level of a bean is your problem.
  2. L

    Greatest Spanish contribution(s) to the world ?

    Well we the spanish are very good in forgetting our history and remembering only the worst things we did in the past (it is more remembered the Armada Invencible incident-great spanish loss against Britain-than the Jenkin's ear war-spanish win against british for example). Also we dont do...
  3. L

    Greatest Military Conqueror In History

    I agree with bud. Any serious history student or reader wont wonder who's the greatest military conqueror. Theres not greatness in any military matter.
  4. L

    Greatest Spanish contribution(s) to the world ?

    Stop insulting and lets get serious about that. Spain has brought a lot to humankind. People who say bad words or tries to offend do not know nothing about Spain, its culture or its history. Corridas and Inquisition? someone who goes to Spain and think thats all that it has brought to humankind...
  5. L

    Pontic-Caucasian Steppes Prehistory Cultures chronology doubts

    Hi i've been reading about Pontic-Caucasian Steppes Cultures for several weeks but i've found some troubles understandig its choronological order in the Neolithic, Calcolithic and Bronze Age. On some sites and publications some cultures are in the Neolithic or Calcolithic on some others that...