Recent content by phantasmagoria

  1. phantasmagoria

    What language best fits your personality ?

    Dutch, British Enlish, Japanese and Italian all worked for me... So since Dutch is the only one I'm not learning... I'll think about it
  2. phantasmagoria

    If you want to learn another, NEW language, which & why?

    I want to learn Italian, both because I'm going there in the summer (and I hate going to places that speak another language and can't speak any of it, it's ignorant and makes me feel bad), because it sounds beautiful to me and because I'm a Lacuna Coil fan and some of their songs are in Italian...
  3. phantasmagoria

    Debate Q7: In any profession, which would you rather have; money or fame?

    Money. Fame can be the wrong kind, fame can lead to bad things, fame takes away your privacy.
  4. phantasmagoria

    FGM (female genital mutilation)

    *screws up face just thinking about it* That's horrible! People are treated so badly in our so called civillised world... It needs to be stopped, somehow... I'm sure there's plenty of people in these people who object but can't voice their opinions... It's just not right, what they would...
  5. phantasmagoria

    Question Why do people die?

    True... it's a horrible thing when someone close to us, or a good person dies... There's no really effective word to describle it, really... Maybe it's because that's the way things are meant to work, maybe it's just due to our lack of technologies to acheive immortaility... But people are...
  6. phantasmagoria

    Politics How has the EU changed Europe?

    Well, in the UK it's a bit of a waste. We should move the the euro, it would make life a lot easier in the long run... Bloody politicians (though I say this not knowing much about politics, so it's not fully justified)! I figure if we've joined a bit we might as well do it right, ne?
  7. phantasmagoria

    Question Can you separate reason and emotions in your mind ?

    It's hard to say... Sometimes, yes, emotions do take control... But being calm is always the way forward, ne? Just need to remeber that at times... Anyway, to answer the question... I can, though not all of the time, unfortunately.
  8. phantasmagoria

    Question what do you look for in the opposite sex?

    Feet >.< I hate feet, and belly buttons.. *shudder* As a person, I'd want them to have depth, and understand what I'm on about (most people, if they get into a real conversation with me get lost very quickly... They just agree cause they don't know what's going on! I like it when people argue...
  9. phantasmagoria

    Your dream job?

    Rockstar :cool: Lawyer (No idea why, it's just been a lifelong thing) Marine Biologist (If I'd get to dive, I love diving) English teacher in Japan (I'd need to do higher french though to do the Japanese course.. meep!) Psychologist (current main ambition)
  10. phantasmagoria

    What are the 5 best things and 5 worst things about your country ?

    Best: Full of beautiful scenery No creatures about that'll poison you the worst biting insects are midgies! (about Glasgow) The city has a brilliant atmosphere, in the centre (about my area in particular) Local bands by the tens! Worst: Ned (chav, townie) infested >.< Rainy Hard to find a job...
  11. phantasmagoria

    How tolerant are you ?

    Drug Addicts and Noisy people, definitely... But then, I'm not exactly quiet... I ffeel really horrible when I'm loud though, my neighbours are so nice!
  12. phantasmagoria

    What types of Books do you read?

    I like Anne Rice, but mostly I'm into crime... My favourite author is Val McDermid, who wrote my favourite book, The Wire in The Blood... Books about criminal profiling interest me... and spies, I'm reading Funeral in Berlin right now.
  13. phantasmagoria

    Religion What's your religion ?

    Religion interests me, how people can live their entire lives driven by the rules of someone that may never have existed... It's a powererful thing that's started wars, changed millions of lives... So I'm not messing about with it, I'm not just gonna find something and settle... I believe there...