Recent content by Salmon

  1. S

    Tuscany had a middle age admixture event?

    They wouldn't have necessarily been kicked out if they converted to Christianity or were Christian. Not all Levantines were Muslim. Not all Jews stayed Jews, many converted. Not all Levantines arrived in the Middle Ages, some were probably there since the Roman Empire though Carthage, Syria...
  2. S

    New Paper on Autosomal, yDna, and mtDna of Algerian Populations

    - Vandals/Vandals who converted to Islam - Slave traders - Barbary Pirates - Regular old fashioned merchants, sailors throughout history. - European soldiers from one of many military campaigns Europeans have had in North Africa in the past few thousand years. -Andalusian Mawali -Andalusian...
  3. S

    Haplogroup J2 and the spread of the Alphabet.

    You're just focusing on one type of R1b but let's take a closer look... This may have something to do with how the Romans divided up land and managed the provinces. The Roman provinces in Gaul were important food producers that were not in the hands of highly civilized groups. Rome sent...
  4. S

    Haplogroup J2 and the spread of the Alphabet.

    I've read about J2s and Es in the Neolithic but these populations may not be responsible for the majority of J2s in Western Europe. They may have no connection to most J2s in Europe today, the middle ages, or those J2s that spread the alphabet. From some of the papers I've read, the J2s in...
  5. S

    Haplogroup J2, Greeks, Phoenicians and Mesopotamians.

    Italy was the center of the world for a long time. It was the capital of the Roman Empire. People in the Empire aspired to earn Roman citizenship and move to Rome. Italy also become the center of Christianity. The Roman Empire Semitized when Constantine declared Christianity a state...
  6. S

    Haplogroup J2 and the spread of the Alphabet.

    The Phoenicians and Carthaginians were traders originating from J2 dominated areas. Writing began out of necessity. They had to count resources and keep track of them. If the Greeks picked up the alphabet from the Phoenicians it was because Phoenician was a language of business. I don't...
  7. S

    Haplogroup J2, Romans, Christianity and Viticulture

    J2's in Italy arrived a long time after the founding of the Roman Empire. Before the Punic Wars the Romans weren't great sailors. The Italian peninsula was attracted a lot of people from all over the Empire. The Romans had civil wars once in a while and the Romans would Latinize...
  8. S

    Where did E-V13 originate ?

    Pelasgians were people there before Greeks. They could be those G haplogroup dominated groups from the neolithic.
  9. S

    Was E1b1 very first inhabitants in Europe 42,000 YPD?...or Saami U5 haplogroup?

    Weren't the 3 bodies from those 2 studies from 5000-3000 BC?
  10. S

    Where did E-V13 originate ?

    They may have not spoken proto-AfroAsiatic. Berber language is in its own branch of the Afro-Asiatiic language tree but their language could have easily originated with early Eurasian migrants that reached North Africa in pre-history. Berbers have considerable Eurasian admixture. Areas...
  11. S

    R1b and Native Americans

    Ancient Eurasians crossed the Atlantic on canoes? or Modern researchers are not taking into account the possibility that many natives mixed with early European settlers in the NorthEast.
  12. S

    Where did E-V13 originate ?

    1) North Africans displaced by Eurasian migrants that invaded North Africa. or 2) Coastal North African aquatic hunter/gatherers. Changing climate enticed them to move up the coasts fishing, avoiding inland non-African humans. They eventually got absorbed by inland Europeans and Coastal...
  13. S

    Blue eyes maybe linked to alcoholism

    A lot of blue eyed people lived in areas with cold weather. Less sweet and starchy things to eat. Caucasian people with darker eyes came from areas where they are more honey, fruits, and grains? They got jacked up primitive booze earlier. They drunkards died off earlier. Those with higher...
  14. S

    Was E1b1 very first inhabitants in Europe 42,000 YPD?...or Saami U5 haplogroup?

    Trombetta study was done using DNA from living people, in modern times. They were using blood and swap samples. They were using living people. The claim is that E-V13 must have happened in Europe/Eurasia because E-V13 is rare in Africa. Possible but what if E-V13 developed in a part of...