Recent content by smig

  1. S

    Can men wear skirt and be accepted openly in the public?

    in downtown glasgow they call them kilts not skirts... repeat a kilt is not a skirt.... PS "Is anything worn under the kilt?" "No, it's all in perfect working condition..." (thanks to the late great Spike Milligan)
  2. S

    multiculturalism good or bad??

    The idea that there is such a thing as a mono culture is a load of crap Here's some street grafitti i saw in Europe (paraphrased, = can't remember exactly) Your numerals are Arabic Your letters are Roman Your shoes come from Indonesia You eat apricots from Turkey and oranges from Israel Your...
  3. S

    17 Reasons Not to Slit Your Wrists/My first thoughts after the election

    that's a very long list of names there. I read a book called "Einen Bessern Findst Du Nicht" - ("You won't Find a Better one"), basically an autobiography of a German soldier in the Second World War. He argues that if, in every town, city and village, people saw, once a week, footage from a...
  4. S

    Do you hate non-developed countries? - Your opinion

    Yep, Hate is an extremely strong word. I don't understand why a thinking person would 'hate' a developing country, presumably on the basis that it is developing... What I think people hate/dislike are unrepresentative, corrupt, dictatorial governments. Because not only do they make it hard for...
  5. S

    Religion What's your religion ?

    I like multi-god systems because you can hedge your bets, and also blame someone for your problems. Your boat capsized? Blame Poseidon! Really hot and sunny? Sacrifice a bull to Zeus and get him to restrain Apollo a little. Also, multi god systems explain why horrible things happen to good...