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  1. Silverbackman

    Mughal India vs Qing China

    The Mughal Empire was India's last dynasty before modern India. The Qing dynasty was China's last dynasty before modern China. The Indian Mughals were the most wealthiest civilization on Earth at the time, while the Chinese Qing were the most technologically advanced at the time. Both empires...
  2. Silverbackman

    UN seeks world ban on indoor smoking Once again, the UN is acting more and more like a world government. And not a world government based on the enlightened principles or liberalism, but the irrational principles of socialism and/or...
  3. Silverbackman

    Did We Go Backwards From The Age Of Enlightenment?

    Remember the good ol' Age of Enlightenment of Europe? It followed the triumph of science over religion when science proved absolutely that the Earth is not the center of the universe and the Sun is the center of the Solar System. Reason dominated this era, at least among the intellectuals of the...
  4. Silverbackman

    Top 10 Best Modern Militaries/Armed Forces

    Who do you think are the top 10 best Militaries/Armed Forces in the world? In other words if each country was to go in an all out war with each other, one on one, who would win the most times? And I mean army, navy, air force, special forces, ect. and not so much on nukes. Think about...
  5. Silverbackman

    World's Smallest Political Quiz What did you come out to be? I came out to be; "Your PERSONAL issues Score is 90%. Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 90%. ACCORDING TO YOUR ANSWERS, The political description that fits you best is... . LIBERTARIAN"
  6. Silverbackman

    Politics How Can I Contact The EU Organization On........

    I am trying to contact the EU organizations in regard to Turkey being admitted into the European Union but there are too many different contacts and I'm not sure what to pick. Can anyone help me out?:relief:
  7. Silverbackman

    Should Marriage Be Up To The Government To Decide?

    I am semi-against same-sex marriage because to me it isn't marriage. But I do think if we do legalize marriage for homosexuals we should do the same for members of the same family to be fair, although many people would be against this (I opinion they are hypocrites). Actually, with that said I...
  8. Silverbackman

    Debate Afterlife: What Will Happen When We Die?

    Read this article if you can before posting; Why I disagree with 1. The eternal afterlife paradigmm The eternal afterlife paradigm seems more like mythology to me as our conscious souls don't necessarily have memory or "personality". Memory and personality...
  9. Silverbackman

    Bestiality vs Child Sex vs Homosexuality vs Incest

    Whenever someone thinks of incest or child sex, the whole "icky" feeling takes over. I think most people would support this icky feeling for these acts. Who wouldn't? In many countries both child sex and incest are banned, even incest between two consenting adults. Many would agree with this as...
  10. Silverbackman

    Greatest Military Conqueror In History

    Who do you think is the greatest military conqueror in history? I would have to say Genghis Khan. His tactics and ability to conquer largesforces with such a limited amount of soldiers are a few reasons. He also started what would become the largest land empire in history.
  11. Silverbackman

    Who Will Become The Next Superpower?

    For background info: What country will become the next superpower? Personally I think the European Union will become a single federal republic pretty soon. Europe already meets the criteria for a superpower so all they need to do is unify. China and...
  12. Silverbackman

    Politics Should Turkey Join The EU?

    In my opinion it shouldn't. In fact I think it should give up some of its European, such as Istanbul and the lands West of it. Most of its land is in the Middle East and it would be better if they were to join the Middle Eastern or West Asian Union if such a union takes place. I don't even think...
  13. Silverbackman

    Huns Ended Ancient Times

    When many people think of the end of Ancient Times they think of Rome falling. The idea of Rome falling was the cause of the end the ancient times is not accurate, because that only applies to Europe. The Huns are the ones who brought an end to Ancient Times because they basically conquered all...
  14. Silverbackman

    Religion What religion/belief do you follow or believe?

    What religion do you follow? Vote in the poll and discuss your beliefs. I myself am Deist, but still open-minded to all beliefs.