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  1. D

    Vikings had rare mtDNA haplogroups

    Maybe I missed something, but neither of the articles you quoted seem to have tested any Y-DNA.
  2. D

    Questions about M167/SRY2627

    Hi Maciamo, I noticed that you updated your page shortly after responding to my question, and have reconfigured the "most prevalent ancient ethnic group" to read Atlantic Celts and Suebi. I definitely see evidence for the Atlantic Celt designation, but am wondering how you came up with...
  3. D

    Questions about M167/SRY2627

    Thank you for this. What is the latest thinking on this forum about the ancestral origins of R1b-SRY2627? I have read elsewhere that there is a marker called L176.2 that is ancestral to both SRY2627 and S68 (the latter found often in Scandinavia and in Norse settlements), so some are arguing...
  4. D

    Questions about M167/SRY2627

    Hi Maciamo, I am new posting to this forum but have been studying Y-DNA for some time. I was wondering if you had any sources for the statement that M167/SRY2627 is found in Cornwall and western France (and wasn't Brittany listed on there previously as well)? Thanks!