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  1. bossel

    Sensible Justice

    Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat Quote: "A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal. [...] Mr Alifi, Hai Malakal in Upper Nile State, told the Juba Post newspaper that he heard a loud noise around midnight on 13 February and...
  2. bossel

    World Hunger Solved, OFFTOPIC about drugs

    Ugly? As with most things, there are 2 sides to the story. As it can be misused, it can also be used in positive ways. AFAIK, if taken under medical supervision meth can be rather helpful. Regular usage can lead to addiction & has adverse effects, though. Edit: BTW, I wouldn't trust some...
  3. bossel

    Enjo Kosai (or teenage prostitution) OFFTOPIC about legalising prostitution

    The worth of human beings is up the themselves. If they consider it OK for them to sell sex, it's entirely their own business (unless they have a contagious disease which they deliberately spread). You don't buy a prostitute. She (or he) sells a service. If you look down upon them, maybe you...
  4. bossel

    The Genographic Project

    There is a new project to map the migration of human beings in the world via DNA. Here's the introduction. I'm pretty interested & wanted to join by buying a participation kit. But I'm quite shocked by the price of it: $99.95 (plus shipping) :shock: . Therefore (since I'm quite poor) I won't...
  5. bossel

    Hairy discrimination

    School bans girl with hair braids Political correctness gone wild again? I thought the British are so open-minded regarding extravagance, but this... In the 80's a British teacher told me that even in English banks you could find employees with punk haircuts. Nowadays a rather innocent...
  6. bossel

    Considering intimate body piercing?

    Consider again! Body piercers 'suffer in silence' Quote: "Of those who took part in the study, 43% had nipple piercings, 25% had genital piercings and 32% had both. The team found that 66% of people with nipple piercings and 52% of those with genital piercings had developed health problems...
  7. bossel

    Never steal a webcam!

    Serial burglar caught on webcam "A house burglar was caught after a webcam on the owner's computer recorded images of him carrying out the raid." On the attached pic you can see the burglar snatch at the camera. Now we know the real use of webcams at home. :cool:
  8. bossel

    Al-Qaeda, a politically-driven fantasy?

    Interesting piece I found on BBC, regarding a series called "The Power of Nightmares" aired last autumn. The series tried to show that much of the "War on Terror" is in fact a pursuit of a fantasy: Quote: "As the films showed, wherever one looks...
  9. bossel

    Inside Falluja

    While the US is on the brink of making yet more friends in the Middle East, the BBC allows us a look inside the city of "assassins & thugs": Quote: " This used to be a city of 500,000 people. Now, my guess is there are about 100,000...
  10. bossel

    Alien spaceship debris found?

    Russian researchers say they have found stuff that might turn out to be the debris of an alien vessel at the place of the Tunguska explosion from 1908. You should think, that's big news, but no major news station has announced it yet. By chance I heard about it on BFBS radio & what I found...
  11. bossel

    Army rations rehydrated by urine

    Well, science has made another great step forward. Now soldiers can pee on their rations to make them edible. :nuts: A silly as it sounds, it's true. Found it today on the New Scientist website: "Food scientists working for the US military have developed a dried food ration that troops can...
  12. bossel

    oriental or asian?

    Labels Oriental or Asian? Well, I suppose if you talk about races it is best to use the scientific names such as mongoloid, europid/caucasoid, negroid a.s.o. If you talk of ethnic origin, you can use the nation's, tribe's or similar name. Asian or Oriental doesn't make much difference to me...