Search results

  1. Ricardo

    Ethnonational origins of Brazilian Y/mt DNA

    I made a general estimate of the global Brazilian Y DNA and mtDNA: Brazilian population= 200 million 100 Million Men in Brazil - 55% Brazilian Portuguese = 40% Colonial Hardcore - 15% Post-Independence Immigration. (55 million men with Portuguese Surnames - 100% of the “White” population in...
  2. Ricardo

    H1 mtDNA 16262T 16278T as a genetic signature of the Portuguese maritime expansion

    My mtDNA is also a component of the Brazilian Portuguese foundation. The Women related to my mtDNA genetic signature were part of the genetic founding stock related to the Portuguese Language and they were among the first to navigate the Atlantic Ocean with their Husbands and Sons. They belonged...
  3. Ricardo

    Y DNA J1b in Europe

    Estimating the time of most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) for Y DNA J1b M365+ in Europe The STR diversity between the different clusters is related to 1500/2000 years before present That’s the period of the Fall of the Roman Empire. A rare haplogroup is connected with a unique event when a...
  4. Ricardo

    History and Destiny of the Portuguese and Brazilian Y DNA J1b

    Y DNA haplogroup J1 is one of the elements in the individuality of Portugal. We can find all types of J1 in Portugal and that’s a singularity of Portugal. The Medieval County of Portucale and the County of Coimbra had specific types of J1. The support of Dom Mendo Alão, the local Warlord of...