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  1. Deus

    Ancient faces - Photoshop Reconstruction

    The Face of . . . Mark Antony (Photoshop Reconstruction) Hannibal Barca (Photoshop Reconstruction) Alexander the Great (Photoshop Reconstruction) Julius...
  2. Deus

    How to survive 2012

    Author Patrick Geryl came to the staggering conclusion that the Earth will soon be subjected to an immense disaster. The cause: upheavals in the sun's magnetic fields will generate gigantic solar flares that will affect the polarity of the entire Earth. The result: our magnetic field will...
  3. Deus

    Animals on Flags Fierce Animals on National flags signify “A country’s strength, its priority on defence and on occasions generosity too”. Amongst the animals depicted on flags, perhaps, the Lion is the most widely used animal symbol on flags. The...
  4. Deus

    Richard The Lion Heart spoke only french.

    Richard the Lionheart spoke no English and he spent just ten months of his ten-year-reign in England. Richard The Lion Heart was king for only nine years, of that he only spent 6 months in England and the only Christmas he spent in...