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  1. bertrand

    The rise of PIEs in the steppes --- From the Ural or from the from the Caucasus?

    In this post I wish to react to the excellent article of Maciamo on the origin of red haired people. I agree with everything that he wrote except on one point: the origin of R1b (and R1a). Maciamo favors “The theory of middle east origin (a point which very few population geneticists disagree)...
  2. bertrand

    R1b's arrival in Europe - Tumulus culture or Bell Beaker?

    Hello, After reading David Anthony's book "The wheel the Horse and Language" i became fairly convinced that the R1b and R1a haplogroups where at the origin of IE languages and spread to Western Europe through the Steppes thanks to early domestication of the horse and the mutation providing milk...
  3. bertrand

    Debate Should Greece leave the EU?

    Finally after months of empty debates about the Greek crisis the real question is on the table: Does Greece still have its place in the Euro-group? Immediately, this question raises a few others: - Do the Greeks still want to be part of the Euro? - Are they willing to make harsh sacrifices to...
  4. bertrand

    Was it possible for Napoleon to conquer Moscow and still win the war?

    I wrote a book not long ago (in French) in which I studied in great details the campaign of 1812 in Russia with the advance to Moscow and the long painful retreat back to France. By the time the Grande Armee recrossed the border of Russia in jan 1813, there was less than 5% of the men still...
  5. bertrand

    Was it possible for Napoleon to conquer Moscow and win the war?

    I wrote a book not long ago (in French) in which I studied in great details the campaign of 1812 in Russia with the advance to Moscow and the long painful retreat back to France. By the time the Grande Armee recrossed the border of Russia in jan 1813, there was less than 5% of the men still...