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  1. S

    New Indo-European Language Discovered

    This is not only interesting but surprising . I was aware of the existence of the Burushaski language, but it's curious that it's now being classified as Ind-European . Some linguists have classified it as belonging to Dene-Caucasian .
  2. S

    With what ancient ethnicity do you most identify, and what has DNA told you ?

    The fair hair and eyes of many Russians are also due to mixture with Finno-Ugrian peoples, Finnic, not Ob-Ugrian, . The Ob Ugrians and Samoeydic people are racially mongoloid . Myself, I'm an American of Russian/Ukrainian Jewish descent , and my maternal grandmother, the only one of my...
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    Are humans all born equal ?

    All people DESERVE equal rights, though unfortunately this has never been the case anywhere in the world because of prejudice and bias, which are universal phenomena . Not all people have equal intelligence, but intelligence is a very difficult thing to measure as far as I am concerned ...
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    Who is the greatest Dane in history?

    I don't think there's any one "greatest" person of any nation . All of these are great Danes (not dogs!). Another who is not listed here but should be is Denmarlk's greatest composer Carl Nielsen (1865-1931 ), who worte highly original and individualistic music, mostly famously his six...
  5. S

    The pelasgians

    Hello ! I'm new to this very interesting forum, and very interested in linguistics. The Circassians of the north Caucasus believe that they are descended from the ancient Hatti of Anatolia . They are a fascinating people who speak one of the strangest languages on earth , which is very poor...