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    New K51 Admixture calculator

    I am currently running a supervised ADMIXTURE calculator at K=51. The first version of the calculator has the following components: I. Components in Europe: 1. North_Atlantic ----- (Irish) 2. North_Sea ----- (Norwegians) 3. Fennoscandian ----- (Finns) 4. Baltic ----- (Lithuanians) 5...
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    Society Poland's population exceeds 40 million

    According to this website: "The current population of Poland in 2023 is 41,026,067." Of course this increase is mainly thanks to Ukrainian refugees.
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    GEDMatch Do you match Native Americans on GEDmatch

    You can check on GEDmatch if you match any of these kits: Kit Number: XV3681980 Name: *USA Chippewa Minnesota A Kit Number: MW8902763 Name: *USA Navajo Nation A Kit Number: MA1117906 Name: *USA Navajo Nation B Kit Number: M952632 Name...
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    Slovincians (Leba Kashubs) - Protestant Slavs native to former Provinz Pommern

    In this thread I will post autosomal results of Slovincians (a.k.a. Leba Kashubs) from the village of Kluki: In total there will be a sample size of at least n=3, but today the first person's results became available. Slovincians are a sub-ethnic group, considered a...
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    Personality Differences in frequencies of MBTI types between nations

    I wonder if there are any statistically relevant differences in frequencies of MBTI types between the populations of different countries?: I suppose that this should be the case. What do you think? Or do e.g. Nigeria, China and France have very...
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    My calculator models on Explore Your DNA

    I've decided to create one collective thread for all of them here:
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    Americans: can you trace your ancestry back to 1830, and if so...

    If you can trace your ancestry back to year 1830, tell us if any of them lived in the "Wild West"? In the area of 20 states west of the line drawn on this map covering a total of 5,166,327 square km, there were only about 100,000 non-Amerindians in 1830: Map:
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    Population of Europe ca. year 1 AD

    Population of Europe ca. year 1 AD within modern borders plus Yugoslavia and European part of former USSR: (arrows for Germany & Poland show the high rate of population growth between ca. 1 AD and 4th century AD) This is a compilation from several authors: Colin McEvedy & Richard Jones...
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    Tomenable World 6th century BC

    Try my new Global25 scaled calculator: Recommended settings in Single/Multi: Cycles - 4 Add Dist Col - 0.25X Aggregate - Yes Recalculate - Yes Reduce - try without and then to 5 Populations Print Zeroes - No...
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    Deutsche Welle reports about Jewish life in Poland

    For something coming from Deutsche Welle, I found it surprisingly unbiased, maybe since 2020 they have managed to improve their quality?: :thinking:
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    Episodes of the Polish Campaign 1939

    An enlightening video about this:
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    Genetics and the so-called monkey pox

    Do you know Stanisław Pietrzak who cooperated with Bonnie Schrack in research on A haplogroup?: - Pietrzak's website He is warning about some "Monkey Pox" new pandemics in...
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    G25 Native North Americans in G25

    These are converted to G25 from K36 (based on GEDmatch kits which I found - these are modern samples, not ancient samples): South_Dakota_Sioux: Distance to: South_Dakota_Sioux 0.05569336 Amerindian_North 0.06877276 Chipewyan 0.08940841 Mixtec...
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    G25 Tool for converting K36 to G25 coordinates

    Here is my map of some regional West Slavic and Eastern German samples which I have gathered: ^^^ Below K36 results for samples from this map, you can convert them to simulated G25 coordinates: - K36 to Global...
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    Maslomecz Goths Y-DNA: 13 out of 18 are I1-M253

    User Michał wrote on Anthrogenica: ^^^ I'm posting below modern frequencies for these I1 subclades checked using this tool: I-S9318 subclade: I-CTS11603 subclade: I-Y3968 subclade: I-Z2041 subclade: I-L1242 subclade...
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    Y-DNA clusters of Polish population based on Grochowalski et al. 2020

    I made a map of Polish Y-DNA clusters based on Table S1 from Grochowalski, I gave my own names to these clusters based on historical regions: - Table S1 (with the list of clusters, sample sizes, and information which counties belong to which clusters)...
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    Tribes of Sarmatia Europea & eastern Germania Magna their suggested linguistic stocks

    Tribes of Sarmatia Europea & eastern Germania Magna their suggested linguistic stocks Map of tribes (note that locations of tribes along the edges of Sarmatia Europea are more certain, while these deep inland are less certain): List of tribes from the map: 1. Acibi 2. Agathyrsi 3. Alauni 4...
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    Tomenable 10 Thousand Years Ago K42 - G25 calc

    Tomenable 10 Thousand Years Ago - G25 calc The goal of this calculator was to represent populations which existed in the world around 10,000 years ago (KYA). Use G25 scaled coordinates: There are 46 components: Alaska_Beringia_10KYA Anatolia_Greece_10KYA Caucasus_10KYA Central_Africa_10KYA...
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    G25 Tomenable's Basic World K10 - G25 calc

    Updated and (probably) final version of my G25-based calculator from the link below: Now it should work very well also for Saharan and Horn of Africa region populations. PCA (made using Vahaduo's Custom PCA tool)...