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  1. B

    K36 Tool for K36: your similarities rates on maps

    Had some issue posting previously, hope this does not end up like a duplicate. Is there some legend for linking the k36-map squares to cities? Do you consider your 24-Gen investment worth it for what they provided? Anyone else on this thread use ancestrydna and compared to k36 also? I believe...
  2. B

    K36 Tool for K36: your similarities rates on maps

    Is there some sort of legend that maps each of the K36-map squares to an actual city, such as your 94 reference to Normandy, or is that an approximation or more of a reference to your "24 Genetics" results? Did you find the investment in 24-Gen worth it? Do they only return something similar to...
  3. B

    K36 Tool for K36: your similarities rates on maps

    That's interesting, since I have high numbers in those areas with that K36 map. The K36 mapping paints a picture more to what I would expect compared to how Ancestry maps it out, at least for what would seem more likely to me for perhaps hundreds of years ago or so, although perhaps not...
  4. B

    K36 Tool for K36: your similarities rates on maps

    guess i need a few more posts before I'm allowed to upload an image.
  5. B

    K36 Tool for K36: your similarities rates on maps

    I would also be interested to know what time frame this k36 mapping should be referencing....