Cultural shift in Europe


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From a British newspaper this week:

"London is not the first European capital to see Mohammed become the number one name for baby boys. In Brussels, Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Oslo the name has already gained the top slot."

It may be ignorance on my part, but I'm amazed about Oslo being on the list. England, sure - we've been sleepwalking into this cultural shift for years, but Norway?

To me, this is just another example of how politicians' arrogance and ignorance combine to create significant sociological and cultural change, without asking the electors their views.
Have you considered the possibility that it could be intentional,instead of misguided policies?
Have you considered the possibility that it could be intentional,instead of misguided policies?

Always. On various levels, many of them in the UK don't care about what voters feel. They act in accordance with their political and world view. We're just the masses that keep voting some variation of them back in office and in the intervening 4-5 years, ignore what the voters want. That's why I don't vote for any of them.
I'm of the opinion that the powers behind the scenes would very much like to return to European feudalism.
This would entail lowering the living standards of the industrialized nations,and raising the standards of the 3rd world nations-by taking what you have,and giving it to them,until there is a meeting in the middle.
Then they could have the power elite on top,and the masses on bottom,with no middle class,and no restrictions on the whims and desires of the elite.
I'm of the opinion that the powers behind the scenes would very much like to return to European feudalism.
This would entail lowering the living standards of the industrialized nations,and raising the standards of the 3rd world nations-by taking what you have,and giving it to them,until there is a meeting in the middle.
Then they could have the power elite on top,and the masses on bottom,with no middle class,and no restrictions on the whims and desires of the elite.

They've already achieved it. Instead of subjugating the masses (impossible, even in Iran) they neutralise them with consumerism. Keep the people focused on what they don't have (i.e. don't actually need) and they'll never be happy - always striving. Promise them everlasting opportunity, and they won't challenge your changing the world around them. We're all to blame for voting for them.

You don't need a middle/lower class if they're all striving for the same goal. We all end up being mindless strivers, dancing to the tune of 'I wannabe...'

When we next wake up, European culture has already changed, and is turning into a global, 'free market', consumerist blob.
I wonder what will happen in Europe if Geert Wilders becomes Holland's first Minister.
They've already achieved it. Instead of subjugating the masses (impossible, even in Iran) they neutralise them with consumerism. Keep the people focused on what they don't have (i.e. don't actually need) and they'll never be happy - always striving. Promise them everlasting opportunity, and they won't challenge your changing the world around them. We're all to blame for voting for them.

You don't need a middle/lower class if they're all striving for the same goal. We all end up being mindless strivers, dancing to the tune of 'I wannabe...'

When we next wake up, European culture has already changed, and is turning into a global, 'free market', consumerist blob.

Spot on! The Corporate-Government Axis at work. Keep them fat, stupid and poor...

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