Politics European Army?

In my case it was a vitamin D3 deficiency. For 20 years I was using sunscreen to protect myself against skin cancer and early aging. Accidentally I run myself into D3 deficiency which wasn’t too difficult if one lives in Canada. For years I also had alopecia areata, and then around age 40 I got rheumatoid arthritis, both autoimmune diseases. My joints in fingers where hurting like crazy all the time. Thanks to Mr. Google, some medical tests and knowing history of my health I deduced that my immune system could be out of whack from lack of vitamin D3. I went to the Safeway got a bottle of D3. Three days later the pain was going away. After couple of months it was gone. Now, 5 years later, no signs of arthritis or alopecia. I’m still using sunscreen, but I take 2 000 IU of D3 in summer and 4 000 in winter.
I have a genetic predisposition to these diseases from my mother side. She had them both too.

Let me know if D3 works for you too. I wish you luck.

PS. For good few months I'm taking B 50 (complex), half a pill a day.
I’d swear I feel better with more energy. Possibly my body regenerates in faster rate. Before that I could feel my joints in hands acting sometimes with intense physical activity. Now even this little acting of arthritis is gone. Also I can go outside without sunglasses now, and my gums stopped bleeding while flossing, plus few other minor improvements. So far I didn’t notice any adverse effects form both vitamins.
Do you think a European Army is a good idea?

Today France and the UK sign a new defence treaty, is a European Army only a matter of time. source

I would prefer European army instead of NATO...
I believe that NATO is often misused by USA for its own goals
Yes it should work out give it a time and couple of generations. I'm just a little impatient. :)

Anything can be achieved, taking into account the welfare of European countries and Europe as a whole.

So, no one should make unnatural alliances.

Future EU will be sufficiently large that each country may find itself allies countries.

In that context, if Romanians, Serbs and Greeks like each other it is natural their countries to cooperate more with each other (in economy, culture and many other areas).

For example, it is natural that the Serbs and Romanians spend their summer vacation in Greece more than any other neighboring country, as Serbs and Romanians like Greece, it would be unnatural for someone to try to artificially reduce the number of Serbian/Romanian tourists in Greece to increase elsewhere.
I strongly believe that good economy in the country make people more mellow, happy and less aggressive. They concentrate on making money, buying things, and taking care of family, plus having lots of fun. Bad economy makes people look for someone to blame them for their misfortune. Usual suspect are people of different ethnicities, minorities in their country, and emigrants....well, you can always throw US, Jews and Bankers to the mix. :)
Good economy is a key. With today's economy based on production we don't need to invade other countries to steal their gold and enslave locals to work for us. In today's economy based on production, technology, science and machines we can produce things that we enjoy and improve our lives without wars, and slaves. The machines are our slaves now, super slaves.
Interesting thing is mass-media and communication taking part in building peace. I'm watching TV, or listening to the radio, and I know that German and Polish people are quite alike and they both want exactly the same; to buy a car or a house, go to the movies, raise a family, have a job and fun. The communication puts a human face on your neighbor. Why would I want to attack and kill similar human being of similar goal as mine? Many years ago it was so easy to entice one nation against the other with only one newspaper or radio-station run by government, and spewing propaganda.

European Army might be needed, but mostly to keep peace in conflict zones around the world, and not in Europe.
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i dont think it is possible to fix a woman. how did you manage it?

It was done with natural means but I say that miracle happened. :rolleyes:

Google Effexor or Paxil. These are the antidepressants that can turn people's life around, bordering with miracle.
Let me put it this way. Few years ago I was only waiting for my kids to grow up to leave my woman and finely enjoy a peaceful life. Today I can't imagine my life without my lovely wife, my support and my Angel. Oh yeah that's the change, that’s the difference!!!
Not only that she stressed about every little aspect of life, not mentioning bigger ones like kids, me, work, etc (knowing few woman pretty well, and talking to my male friends, this could be a norm for most women, I’d say).
Her overactive emotions was destroying family life and also holding here professional life back. Some emotional stress was bordering with phobias. She was afraid to drive, try anything new, or take any risks in life. With Effexor help she started believing in herself, her talents and skills. Her self esteem skyrocketed. Now she is a successful business woman, brings a lot of money home, and she's loved by her employees too. Can things get better than this for me?! lol Maybe I should mentioned the bed situation with my relaxed wife......forget about this. :grin: I tell you this instead. Remember guys how your wife behaved as your girlfriend before you got married? And I mean all aspects of life, not just bed.

So, where I come in the picture? Well, it took me 5 years of persuasion, arguing and bagging her to at least try something. I wasn’t crazy about any psycho-therapy. You can’t go against your nature, well, you can but it is as successful as diet, lol. The easiest way is to change hormone levels in once body with drugs. Of course it’s a good thing if it benefits the person without big side effects.
It's not easy by any stretch to convince someone to take drugs that change one personality. People don't react nicely to these suggestions. Nobody wants to be someone else (at least they think this way), and there are always side effects. And it's true, there is constant balancing of pros and cons that makes it an extremely difficult decision.
At the end she went with my logic and the benefits are extremely positive for all parties involved.

And yes, she tried to get off the pills to see if her brain learned to deal with stress without drugs. Long story short, she was back on Paxil after couple of months. This is one of my arguments, how in many cases, the nature is way stronger than nurture.

The effects were so positive that here best friend is on antidepressant too. She likes her life now. I like these effects, these drugs make on people too. Now I see myself as the stressed and angry in our family. I’m contemplating more often than not to try them myself. Life is too short to live in stress, anger, phobias, and never to full extend. If I can achieve more in life with help of science, so be it. The science Miracle!

PS. I told you this in confidence, and I don't want my wife to learn about this. She wouldn't be too happy with this, even on Paxil, lol.
I decided to write it hoping that it might save someone life or at least a marriage. ;)
I took Fluoxetin [in North America "Prozac"] for about two years. It has basically the same effect as Paxil. Together with psychotherapy it also has changed my life, and I wouldn't have believed in the effect before I had taken it. I stopped to take it after some while, and it didn't get worse. In confidence I would also recommend it further!
Anything can be achieved, taking into account the welfare of European countries and Europe as a whole.

So, no one should make unnatural alliances.

Future EU will be sufficiently large that each country may find itself allies countries.

In that context, if Romanians, Serbs and Greeks like each other it is natural their countries to cooperate more with each other (in economy, culture and many other areas).

For example, it is natural that the Serbs and Romanians spend their summer vacation in Greece more than any other neighboring country, as Serbs and Romanians like Greece, it would be unnatural for someone to try to artificially reduce the number of Serbian/Romanian tourists in Greece to increase elsewhere.

In my opinion the balkan situation isn't as bad anymore. Greeks, Serbs, Romanians, Bulgarians don't have an awful relationship with each other, and are often very cooperative. 'Macedonians' would join that list once they change their name and stop the territorial claims. The only country it seems to still have problems, and therefore exports it to their neighbours, is Bosnia and the political fragmentation there. Maybe Bosnia is an 'unatural' state like yugoslavia was, the only people that want to keep it together are the bosnians (non-serb or croats).
if EU wants to control europe, there is no need for big army. if EU wants to control world, it requires big army (and money).

P.S i used prozac for 6 months after giving up alcohol (i was almost alcoholic). and it saved my life.
In my opinion the balkan situation isn't as bad anymore. Greeks, Serbs, Romanians, Bulgarians don't have an awful relationship with each other, and are often very cooperative. 'Macedonians' would join that list once they change their name and stop the territorial claims. The only country it seems to still have problems, and therefore exports it to their neighbours, is Bosnia and the political fragmentation there. Maybe Bosnia is an 'unatural' state like yugoslavia was, the only people that want to keep it together are the bosnians (non-serb or croats).

There are three countries in the Balkans with a very mixed population.

They are: Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro.

For Montenegro is the smaller problem since Serbs and Montenegrins, who together make up almost 4/5 of population, are very close people. In Montenegro Muslim Bosnians and Albanians are about 20% of population.

You're right for Bosnia. But in Republic of Srpska Serbs are majority. In B&H federation Muslim Bosnians are majority, although in the western part there is a significant Croatian population. Croats want to have their own entity to avoid being marginalized.

I think it's a detriment for Croatia which was almost left without Serbs who once (two decades ago) constituted 15 to 20% of the population and many countries, and Croatian side, and Serbian side, and international community side, bear the blame for it. Croatia has thus entered in the long-term demographic problem that is irreparable.

However, I personally think that there are possibilities that the future relations between Serbs and Croats improve.

The biggest problem in the Balkans may be in Macedonia (FYROM). In Macedonia, the Macedonians and Albanians are the most numerous, their relationship is regulated by the Ohrid Agreement that was passed with strong international pressure but that is only calmed the situation but not solve.

While the Macedonian population is stagnant Albanian population is rapidly growing and young Albanians want to see as soon as the decision of what they consider the problems and results.
if EU wants to control europe, there is no need for big army. if EU wants to control world, it requires big army (and money).

P.S i used prozac for 6 months after giving up alcohol (i was almost alcoholic). and it saved my life.

Question is if the EU really wants to control the world! Of course it would require a big army then. Right at the moment it is really hard to estimate how the EU developes in the future and in how far it will change it's aims. At the moment it is mostly struggling with itself, not for survival as such, but at least for some kind of stability. If it succeeds the question will be if it leaves it with that or if it wants to expand it's interests in the world. But at the moment an army is still of secondary importance.

PS: I'm glad that you've made it with Prozac and hope you're continuing well now!
Haha.. Europe doesn't want or need to control the world. The world can do that themselves. Also, we don't want to make the same stupid mistakes allover again we did in the past. The only point is, the USA and the UK try to single out some continental European countries every time to stir the European soup.
Now it's France and Germany that are considered as American allies, together with the drama-democracy Junta in the Netherlands.

Our best European policy would be to immediately stop the NATO treaty.
Then make a European defense alliance that is strictly based on European home defense.
And that is for all continental European countries, and them who want to join according to the defense agreement !!!
There are three countries in the Balkans with a very mixed population.
They are: Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro.
For Montenegro is the smaller problem since Serbs and Montenegrins, who together make up almost 4/5 of population, are very close people. In Montenegro Muslim Bosnians and Albanians are about 20% of population.
You're right for Bosnia. But in Republic of Srpska Serbs are majority. In B&H federation Muslim Bosnians are majority, although in the western part there is a significant Croatian population. Croats want to have their own entity to avoid being marginalized.
I think it's a detriment for Croatia which was almost left without Serbs who once (two decades ago) constituted 15 to 20% of the population and many countries, and Croatian side, and Serbian side, and international community side, bear the blame for it. Croatia has thus entered in the long-term demographic problem that is irreparable.
However, I personally think that there are possibilities that the future relations between Serbs and Croats improve.
The biggest problem in the Balkans may be in Macedonia (FYROM). In Macedonia, the Macedonians and Albanians are the most numerous, their relationship is regulated by the Ohrid Agreement that was passed with strong international pressure but that is only calmed the situation but not solve.
While the Macedonian population is stagnant Albanian population is rapidly growing and young Albanians want to see as soon as the decision of what they consider the problems and results.

Well Garrick, the Serbs were abused by high brass politicians and military personnel of Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA.
Worst devil in this game was HD Genscher..


Genscher ignited the war in Yougloslavia, I guess he had orders for it from Nato.

Canadians, Dutch and other military personnel were abused by these assholes too!

It was all a NATO conspirational method to both lower the power of the USSR, and get sympathy for the Palestinian/Israeli peace talks in the same time..
Remember Albright?


Albright succeeded in hiding for the world, what was happening in Palestina.
A very clever move!!! :confused:

USA supported Islamaniac fundamentalists back then. Later on that group was called Al Qaeda.

And another thing..

Dutch soldiers in Srebrenica.
They really knew what was happening over there.
"Victims" stayed in Srebrenica during the day, and started raids on Serbian military during the night.
Why should Dutch soldiers die for terrorists like that?

As I said.. Dutch soldiers were abused. By other, bigger NATO countries.
They all wanted to get out of there!
And the Dutch government was stupid enough to grab the bait.

Nothing new. We have a stupid government for at least 170 years.
Only planning their own career and wealth.
Haha.. Europe doesn't want or need to control the world. The world can do that themselves. Also, we don't want to make the same stupid mistakes allover again we did in the past. The only point is, the USA and the UK try to single out some continental European countries every time to stir the European soup.
Now it's France and Germany that are considered as American allies, together with the drama-democracy Junta in the Netherlands.

Our best European policy would be to immediately stop the NATO treaty.
Then make a European defense alliance that is strictly based on European home defense.
And that is for all continental European countries, and them who want to join according to the defense agreement !!!

shell will not like this idea reinaert
Well Garrick, the Serbs were abused by high brass politicians and military personnel of Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA.
Worst devil in this game was HD Genscher..


Genscher ignited the war in Yougloslavia, I guess he had orders for it from Nato.

Canadians, Dutch and other military personnel were abused by these assholes too!

It was all a NATO conspirational method to both lower the power of the USSR, and get sympathy for the Palestinian/Israeli peace talks in the same time..
Remember Albright?


Albright succeeded in hiding for the world, what was happening in Palestina.
A very clever move!!! :confused:

USA supported Islamaniac fundamentalists back then. Later on that group was called Al Qaeda.

And another thing..

Dutch soldiers in Srebrenica.
They really knew what was happening over there.
"Victims" stayed in Srebrenica during the day, and started raids on Serbian military during the night.
Why should Dutch soldiers die for terrorists like that?

As I said.. Dutch soldiers were abused. By other, bigger NATO countries.
They all wanted to get out of there!
And the Dutch government was stupid enough to grab the bait.

Nothing new. We have a stupid government for at least 170 years.
Only planning their own career and wealth.

In the twentieth century, more than three million Serbs died in wars and pogroms.

This is a disaster for the people but also I think for Europe.

I hope, it will be better for nation in the 21st century.

About 50% Serbs today are I haplogroup, Serbs are originally Old Europeans, this means that Old Serbs, Old Germans, Old Scandinavians and other I carriers in Europe are far brothers.

According to Wiik (2008) holders of I haplogroup came from Anatolia to Balkan 25,000 years ago.

And once I carriers were dominant in Europe until the arrival of Indo Europeans, today the two branches: Western Europeans R1b and Slavs R1a.

The I and R and carriers of other haplogroups contributed to European society, culture and prosperity.

For residents of European countries, their country and Europe as a whole should be a priority.

Well done to many countries around the world, but Europe is in the first place for Europeans.
Did I mention once before that I totally DON'T CARE about what haplogroup people belong to? That it's complete rubbish to base culture and politics on it, not to mention that it excludes all women?
Did I mention once before that I totally DON'T CARE about what haplogroup people belong to? That it's complete rubbish to base culture and politics on it, not to mention that it excludes all women?

Mzungu mchagga
It was only in context (and this matter is of interest to people and they can read and talk about it).

My opinion is for all European citizens regardless of origin, culture, etc.. Europe should be in the heart.

For example, it would be good to every European, in addition to his/her native language, to speaks at least two other languages of European countries.

Hopefully this year I will set aside time to enroll a course in German language.
Mzungu mchagga
It was only in context (and this matter is of interest to people and they can read and talk about it).

My opinion is for all European citizens regardless of origin, culture, etc.. Europe should be in the heart.

For example, it would be good to every European, in addition to his/her native language, to speaks at least two other languages of European countries.

Hopefully this year I will set aside time to enroll a course in German language.

I think I got your point! I only wanted to mention that if you say 'Europe should be in the heart', it refers to everyone who carries Europe in his heart. Not only those who allegedly also carry Europe in their genes [y-DNA HG I, R1a, R1b etc...].
Hmm.. Just wanted to let you know that Garrick has a point.
Europeans are closely related to each other, and the racist theories of yesterday are complete bogus.
It's time for "Europe über alles" ;)

Meaning we should support each other in Europe, and not fall for dirty tricks from other major powers.

As well do I pronounce again that Serbia was abused time and time again.
First by the Ottoman empire, then by the Austrian empire.
They even made movies about the "lovely" Austrian Empress "Sissy", but the fact is she was the key figure in the betrayal of the Serbs, by giving the Hungarians the same rights as the Austrians. In that way Austria and Hungary became a double monarchy, and in that way triggering the First World war, because the Serbs became second class citizens.
Hmm.. Just wanted to let you know that Garrick has a point.
Europeans are closely related to each other, and the racist theories of yesterday are complete bogus.
It's time for "Europe über alles" ;)

Meaning we should support each other in Europe, and not fall for dirty tricks from other major powers.

As well do I pronounce again that Serbia was abused time and time again.
First by the Ottoman empire, then by the Austrian empire.
They even made movies about the "lovely" Austrian Empress "Sissy", but the fact is she was the key figure in the betrayal of the Serbs, by giving the Hungarians the same rights as the Austrians. In that way Austria and Hungary became a double monarchy, and in that way triggering the First World war, because the Serbs became second class citizens.

And once again you are making a fool out of yourself.

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