
Peaceful solution about a name? I'm just talking about a name, not the territorial concerns. It's a big stretch from the name to land acquisition of other country.

The name and the territorial concerns go hand in hand. Read my last post above more carefully (look at that giant sign more carefully in the pic I posted)
Lebrok watch carefully the down videos

the Fyrom-ian view

watch 2:09 min carefully

watch at 5:32

Now watch the truth, Greek view

watch at 1:014

what Macedonians, simply they use the name that J B TITO gave them,
and they are Bulgarians,

the old Russian way to exit to Aegean sea, from Catherine II of russia they wanted not to avoid Turkish Hellespont , and push Bulgarians to Aegean,
watch the videos carefully,

if you want more tell me to send you,

Look their heroes all are Bulgarians

Look at this video, Fyromian Nationalism


they change the name of the children so they cant find their roots,
and turn them against greece.


watch carefully 7:13 min
the True is that that Fyrom was build by Greekand Bulgarians claims to the region.
Tito and communists grab the chance, and create something imaginary, which today is real,
these people know that, and they live in a dream, of a home, their roots,
some big guys promise them the Big Makedonia as in the map, but that is an imaginary country,
so they don't know how to act, even who are they,
and they create and live in the lie of Alexander was a slavian,
How many people are they, lost in Slavian and communistic propaganda?

As you see Even UN afraid to enter the search for the children,
Why to make war with these people?
Why to bring them more sorrow?

find out your self

I know a man, very old,
in 1978 find his sister in skopje, in1983 his brother in romania, and the same time his other sister in Skopje and his other sister in Australia
he was lucky cause when gegs and NOF came and burn village he was out on the plains with the sheeps.
from 1948 to 1978 .... 30 YEARS 30 000 tears

J B TITO the Herod of 20th Century

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No, it's just a freakin 9 letter name that they want to use.
iapetoc, if we change your name to "whatever else" will you be a different person? Will your character change? Will your look change? You'll be exactly same person with same trillions of cells, talking the same things over and over on this forum.
We won't be even confused who you are because you will tell us this in advance.

The rest looks for me like one big national Greek paranoia.
thank you again Lebrok

first you make a me slavian, now a paranoid
thank you very much,
tell them its 9 letters, not to use it,
your car license plates is also some numbers,
why don't you change them???
No, it's just a freakin 9 letter name that they want to use.
iapetoc, if we change your name to "whatever else" will you be a different person? Will your character change? Will your look change? You'll be exactly same person with same trillions of cells, talking the same things over and over on this forum.
We won't be even confused who you are because you will tell us this in advance.

The rest looks for me like one big national Greek paranoia.

Paranoia exists, but but in a completely opposite side.

Current Macedonian (FYROM) elite in a country that is in a difficult economic position find a solution how to distract.

The campaign is "nationalism and antiquity".

One can not believe in what turns Skopje, by 2014 it will be a city full of statues.

Balkan Insight writes:

"The government submitted its 2011 draft budget of EUR 2.6 billion to the parliament on Monday. In the draft capital investments are increased from 15 to 29 per cent to help the economy stay healthy.

Although the details of the proposed budget have not been released, it is widely expected that significant portions of these funds will be directed at carrying out the controversial “Skopje 2014” revamp of downtown
Skopje, which includes a number of massive statues."

To solve life's questions has no assets but because statues are progressing at full steam.



Antiquity is everywhere, in order to the present false image that todays Macedonia (FYROM) is same as Ancient Macedonia.

Of course from such a policy is not surprising this demonstrations:


These are clear territorial requirements for other states and someone can be quite logical to interpret taking the name of ancient state is for the purpose of these requirements.
I confess that I was unaware of such an effort. Without seeing that, I would have thought that any such claims, like those I mentioned, would have been restricted to outrageous claims of the pamphlet type or put into textbooks at most.

I had no idea that so much capital was being directed towards building what amounts a whole infrastructure of a veneer to support their claims.

Talk about an "opiate of the masses"
Waited to see what you fools should come up with and I guessed right - Political crap from the Serbs and Greeks that dont belong here, the tread discussions is about Y-DNA and history. The tread is already damaged and there is no way to start discussion about Macedonians history and DNA from ancient times to present in this tread.

Spammed with propaganda and none discussions about facts only pure outrageous behavior. None of the crap you posted have anything to do with macedonians, their dna and history. This is the only tread that have nothing to do with it. Thats why I didnt bother to answer anything.

And many here have already broken against the rules of the forum.
(4) ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR : repeated, abusive posts that are intended only to attack other members, ethnic groups, countries, or organizations.

Close the tread or get a warning. New tread is needed to continue with the unsolved arguments. Maciamo its up to you to do your job now.

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The following violations of the rules will get you banned immediately.

(1) ILLEGAL DOWNLOADS/UPLOADS : hyperlinks to torrents, MP3s, yousendit/megaupload/rapidshare, and other filesharing services due to the sensitive nature of copyright protection.

(2) SPAMMING : posts promoting commercial products, services or websites, but also new members promoting any websites unrelated to Europe or Genetics.

(3) PORNOGRAPHY : any explicit picture or video.

(4) ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR : repeated, abusive posts that are intended only to attack other members, ethnic groups, countries, or organizations.

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We want that as many people as possible enjoy the forum within the rules.

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I'm so sorry that you misunderstood post.

I quoted the website Balkan Insight, to understand, you should know what kind of site is it. Balkan Insight is very serious international site and not transmitted through anyone's nationalist propaganda.

"Balkan Insight is the leading news site covering the Western Balkans Region. Our correspondents are drawn from across the former Yugoslavia and Albania, Bulgaria and Romania and our site is widely regarded as the only source of balanced reporting providing copy in English to international journalistic standards.

Our writers include respected authors and commentators on the region, including Tim Judah, author of the seminal work on the conflicts of the 90s, 'The Serbs', Kenneth Morrison, Senior Lecturer in Modern East European History at De Montford University and author of 'Montenegro: A Modern History' widely recognised as the leading work on the subject, Matthew Parish, formerly the Chief Legal Advisor to the International Supervisor of Brcko, and author of 'A Free City in the Balkans: Reconstructing a Divided Society in Bosnia' and Marcus Tanner formerly the Independent's correspondent for the region and author of 'Croatia: a Nation Forged in War'.

We also publish commentaries and opinions from international political and government figures.

Our own team of correspondents and editors have won many national and international awards including an Overseas Press Club (USA) and Human Rights Watch Award, CEI SEEMO Award for Investigative Journalism (2009 and 2010), Association of Professional Journalists of Kosovo Best Print Online Story Award (2006) United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and Kosovo Anti-Corruption Agency Journalism Prize (2006)."

Here you can read the full article:

You can read more reviews of Macedonians and Albanians about such spending (in this and other articles of Balkan Insight):

Dafina Trenkovska

"Only in Macedonia the people live in poverty and the authorities throw millions on splendor."

Post is fully in line with the theme as it comes to construction of ancient statues, ie. search links current elite in Macedonia FYROM with ancient Macedonia.
I really wonder, except of Alexander did they also make Slavian Aristotle?
King Phillip II, or Olympias,
oh God, someone must inform these people about trough.
Waited to see what you fools should come up with and I guessed right - Political crap from the Serbs and Greeks that dont belong here, the tread discussions is about Y-DNA and history. The tread is already damaged and there is no way to start discussion about Macedonians history and DNA from ancient times to present in this tread.

Spammed with propaganda and none discussions about facts only pure outrageous behavior. None of the crap you posted have anything to do with macedonians, their dna and history. This is the only tread that have nothing to do with it. Thats why I didnt bother to answer anything.

And many here have already broken against the rules of the forum.
(4) ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR : repeated, abusive posts that are intended only to attack other members, ethnic groups, countries, or organizations.

Close the tread or get a warning. New tread is needed to continue with the unsolved arguments. Maciamo its up to you to do your job now.

Forum Rules
We would like to kindly remind members to respect the Forum Rules.

The following violations of the rules will get you banned immediately.

(1) ILLEGAL DOWNLOADS/UPLOADS : hyperlinks to torrents, MP3s, yousendit/megaupload/rapidshare, and other filesharing services due to the sensitive nature of copyright protection.

(2) SPAMMING : posts promoting commercial products, services or websites, but also new members promoting any websites unrelated to Europe or Genetics.

(3) PORNOGRAPHY : any explicit picture or video.

(4) ABUSIVE BEHAVIOUR : repeated, abusive posts that are intended only to attack other members, ethnic groups, countries, or organizations.

(5) RELIGIOUS PROPAGANDA : active promotion of any organized religion.

Note that spammers will be automatically reported to the anti-spam authorities.

We want that as many people as possible enjoy the forum within the rules.

Thank you for your cooperation,


Nothing here is factual? everything here is factual, and yes we talk about history alot too. It's not the propaganda that you grew up with I give you that, it's the truth.
your car license plates is also some numbers,
why don't you change them???

Often when I buy a new car I keep old license plate from previous car. Car changes but number is the same, imagine that! Who cares, it's just a number, right? What matters is the car and not the license plate number.
Thanks for helping me. :)

Just to be understood. I'm not claiming Macedonians are good, greeks are not good. There is much bull shit in any country. All Balkan countries are spewing their own propaganda, and complain about the others propaganda. I can't even find one innocent country here, at least partially.

I'm talking about only Macedonia name, that's all.
Waited to see what you fools should come up with and I guessed right - Political crap from the Serbs and Greeks that dont belong here, the tread discussions is about Y-DNA and history. The tread is already damaged and there is no way to start discussion about Macedonians history and DNA from ancient times to present in this tread.

Spammed with propaganda and none discussions about facts only pure outrageous behavior. None of the crap you posted have anything to do with macedonians, their dna and history. This is the only tread that have nothing to do with it. Thats why I didnt bother to answer anything.

Do you want to tell us that settlement of all the Slavic tribes in Macedonia on the map bellow is invented and that instead ancient Macedonians lived there? If you claim that those Slavic tribes are in fact ancient Macedonians (which perhaps might be the case), burden of the proof is on you. If you have arguments, you will respond to this. If you do not have arguments, you should rethink about the meaning of word propaganda...

Often when I buy a new car I keep old license plate from previous car. Car changes but number is the same, imagine that! Who cares, it's just a number, right? What matters is the car and not the license plate number.
Thanks for helping me. :)

Just to be understood. I'm not claiming Macedonians are good, greeks are not good. There is much bull shit in any country. All Balkan countries are spewing their own propaganda, and complain about the others propaganda. I can't even find one innocent country here, at least partially.

I'm talking about only Macedonia name, that's all.

What I don't understand LeBrok is why you insist that they should get the name. According to what you say it is just a name so why should we give up the name we have been using for thousands of years? Why shouldn't they give up the name and use something else? After all it's just a name you say and historically the name is ours...

If you happen to have the same name and last name as somebody else then you have an ID number that tells you apart from each other. If you didn't have that ID number or some other form to differentiate yourself then the other guy would be able to come to your house and claim it along with anything else you own. Would it also be fair to you that someone who wants to change his name legally to yours then demands that you no longer have the right to call yourself with your rightful name?

If they get to be named Macedonia, and not Vardaska Macedonia or North Macedonia or Upper or whatever, they will claim every other land called Macedonia (which is 3 times their size )and that is Greek lands mainly and also Bulgarian. You saw the pictures above with flags depicting one big united Macedonia as one nation. They want to expand and getting the name is the biggest step.

Not every country is lucky enough to border with only one country in peace, like yours. We have big issues here in the Balkans...
So how do you want to solve big Balkan issues without compromising, giving up, accommodating? There is no other way to solve these problems.
And look, you claiming to be ready to "negotiate" and work on problems with Macedonia, but you stuck even on stupid name.

PS. You always now a person or nation, not by what they say or promise, but truly for what they do, by their actions.

Lebroc Greece build many small factories, Greece build and construct telecomunications there, Greece imports goods, Greece helped them to pass the economical shock, of falling east europe status qvo,
they know it, and they accept it,
the name does not stop both countries to trade and visit,
but the name is an step to better relations without claims etc,
So how do you want to solve big Balkan issues without compromising, giving up, accommodating? There is no other way to solve these problems.
And look, you claiming to be ready to "negotiate" and work on problems with Macedonia, but you stuck even on stupid name.

PS. You always now a person or nation, not by what they say or promise, but truly for what they do, by their actions.

Compromising, giving up, accommodating? Greece is doing all of these things by letting them use the name macedonia but making sure they add some kind of prefix to the name. Vardar Macedonia, Vardarska Macedonia, Northern Macedonia, Upper Macedonia, Slavo-Macedonia, New Macedonia, these are all compromeses. It is FYROM that is not compromising, giving up, or accommodating the concerns of greece which stem from the propaganda their government deploys on its people which is highlighted throughout this discussion. It is illegal in FYROM to have scientific study of the origins of their people, they have something to hide (they were bulgarians, and fought for bulgaria in the balkan wars). Lebrok you are starting to have a very double standard tone in your opinion of this issue, saying greece should do more to comprimise. Greece is already accommodating FYROM's concerns, maybe its time FYROM do the same.
OK then, show me any international document that states that Macedonia name belongs legally to Greece. Is name Macedonia registered as Trademark or with Rights Reserved, or any other international organization that controls ownership of names?
Is Macedonia braking any international law when calling itself Macedonia?
Dont bother to comment in this tread. Forum rules are broken and all who continue with the discussion will soon find out its irrelevant.

Greeks are afraid thats why they started to talk about politics to hide the real truth.
Its not only about the name of the country its also about the identity renaming the language and people thats why no solution in the name issue and it have nothing to do with territorial claim.

Matthew Nimitz proposed that the Northern Greek region of Macedonia be renamed.

The UN mediator for the Macedonian naming dispute has just proposed in recent talks that rather than Macedonia (the country) be renamed Macedonia region in Greece should be.

Since that none of the compromises involving the country of Macedonia' name were acceptable to Greece. Only Greece is the one with a problem with the name maybe it would be easier for them to change the regions' name to avoid confusion.

NORTHERN GREECE - Region of Macedonia was known as that till 1988. So going back to the old name should be simple. The name Region of Macedonia in Greece did not exist before year 1988.

There is No Antique, Slav, or Greek Macedonians only Macedonians and no Macedonians.
Go back to your real name fake greeks and now fake macedonians we dont need your fake identities.
OK then, show me any international document that states that Macedonia name belongs legally to Greece. Is name Macedonia registered as Trademark or with Rights Reserved, or any other international organization that controls ownership of names?
Is Macedonia braking any international law when calling itself Macedonia?

I showed you enough to detail why they are not macedonians, if you have to use bureaucracy to help define a country you know something in wrong. Greece got its macedonia in the balkan wars of 1912-13. The 'macedonians' of FYROM at that time were proud bulgarians. After brainwahsing commmunist yugoslavia under Tito and later the nationalism that erupted form the breakup of said Yugoslavia, they called themselves Macedonians and then proceded to lay land claims on greece because of said invented nationalism of the 'ethnic macedonians' as shown in this discussion. If you support FYROM that they can call themselves just Macedonia you support its land claims on its neighbour. You can do whatever you want, its your opinion on the matter, just know you are not looking for peaceful resolution to this dispute, nor do you care about historical accuracy at all. It won't bother me though, because as a history major I feel it nessecary that history is not turned into a commmodity that can be bought or sold.

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