The Israeli ambassador left Spain and regrets anti-Semitism of spanish society.

I know what you try clown, but you are a total liar like this man, Schuzt.

Spain is not Anti-Semitic like this individual claims. Is Anti-Israeli operations towards Palestinians since the day they occupied their land. Not all people of Jewish descent is responsable of this, but Israeli governators and quite administrative workers contribute to this with millitary operations and lies, wich is the case right now.

Stop fooling, charlatan.
Is this about the Gaza Flotila?

The translation would be:

Israel's ambassador in Spain, Raphael Schutz, has returned home, ending four years in office during which he lived "in his flesh of the hate and anti-Semitism that exist in Spanish society." Schutz admits this impression in an article published on the website of the Embassy of Israel in Madrid for his farewell. The former ambassador confesses to having been "unpleasant times" during his stay in Spain, where he arrived in July 2007. He cites the Israeli army operation against the Gaza Strip in January 2009, which caused an estimated 1,300 people, mostly Palestinians, and the assault on the "Freedom Flotilla" in late May of last year, which killed activists nine Turks.
Besides these two episodes, which led to criticism of the Spanish Government and the social collective, Schutz regret aversion against Israel, he said, has suffered in his years in Spain.
I supose that Schuzt is angry because in Spain the vast majority is not agree with the Israeli actuations towards Palestina, and he hadn't a better idea than focus his frustration in false charges to Spaniards.

Pathetic attitude, and ridiculous that this clown pretended to give notoriety to an evidence like this. Of course, this is because he is not Spanish, and then he is a totally clueless about the Spanish thoughts of this conflict.
Really Schuzt is a manipulator on having related anti-Semitism to the disagreement of the Spanish society and the Spanish politics especially of left sides to the interventions of Israel in Palestine.
The sociopathic clown, Ferreiro, failed miserably to falsely picture native origin Spaniards as N. African and Gypsy / Roma in appearance, so now he's attempting to label Spain as anti-semitic. What planet is this looney from? :LOL:
Hahahahahaha :LOL: :LOL:

The sociopathic clown, Ferreiro, failed miserably to falsely picture native origin Spaniards as N. African and Gypsy / Roma in appearance, so now he's attempting to label Spain as anti-semitic. What planet is this looney from? :LOL:

Really Schuzt is a manipulator on having related anti-Semitism to the disagreement of the Spanish society and the Spanish politics especially of left sides to the interventions of Israel in Palestine.

I supose that Schuzt is angry because in Spain the vast majority is not agree with the Israeli actuations towards Palestina, and he hadn't a better idea than focus his frustration in false charges to Spaniards.

Pathetic attitude, and ridiculous that this clown pretended to give notoriety to an evidence like this. Of course, this is because he is not Spanish, and then he is a totally clueless about the Spanish thoughts of this conflict.

Well I don't know,
Simply I had seen that Video,

and I wonder, is it really a trick? or password,

who knows?
Most of the Spanish do not care about the fate of a Muslim people, including Palestine. Here in Spain the Muslims are hated. The very idea that there is genetic of muslim origin among Spanish (such as the famous E-M81), is an idea abhorrent. If Pakistan and India, Sudan and Ethiopia, Morocco and Mauritania or Russia and Chechnya make war, Spain does not matter. Asked the Spanish people, the answer would be: that they kill each other. The exception is the Israel-Palestine conflict, why? Because they are Jews.
I suppose this is not exclusive of Spain. A lot of europeans hate jews too, but only the israeli embassador has had to leave Spain. At the moment, this has not ocurred in Italy, France, UK, Germany...
Most of the Spanish do not care about the fate of a Muslim people, including Palestine. Here in Spain the Muslims are hated. The very idea that there is genetic of muslim origin among Spanish (such as the famous E-M81), is an idea abhorrent. If Pakistan and India, Sudan and Ethiopia, Morocco and Mauritania or Russia and Chechnya make war, Spain does not matter. Asked the Spanish people, the answer would be: that they kill each other. The exception is the Israel-Palestine conflict, why? Because they are Jews.
I suppose this is not exclusive of Spain. A lot of europeans hate jews too, but only the israeli embassador has had to leave Spain. At the moment, this has not ocurred in Italy, France, UK, Germany...

There is no proof that your much ballyhooed E-M81 is of "Muslim origin" (the marker is about 5,600 years old, while Islam is less than 1,400) plus the ambassador went back because he finished his term.

Your nose is growing... again

Stop already, liar. In Spain there is a lot opposition to Israeli actuations towards Palestine. Since a long time the global Spanish vision about the conflict is Pro-Palestine, any real Spanish ignores that. Is not a case of racism, just disagreement with the way Israel acts.

Of course Schuzt knows this perfectly, and he decided to be a charlatan like you are now. Worst for you; you are showing that you are not Spanish; no way.
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Most of the Spanish do not care about the fate of a Muslim people, including Palestine. Here in Spain the Muslims are hated. The very idea that there is genetic of muslim origin among Spanish (such as the famous E-M81), is an idea abhorrent. If Pakistan and India, Sudan and Ethiopia, Morocco and Mauritania or Russia and Chechnya make war, Spain does not matter. Asked the Spanish people, the answer would be: that they kill each other. The exception is the Israel-Palestine conflict, why? Because they are Jews.
I suppose this is not exclusive of Spain. A lot of europeans hate jews too, but only the israeli embassador has had to leave Spain. At the moment, this has not ocurred in Italy, France, UK, Germany...

Declarations in the whole Spain against the Israeli invasion

Now do you want to undermine also the morality of the Spanish?
Most of the Spanish do not care about the fate of a Muslim people, including Palestine. Here in Spain the Muslims are hated. The very idea that there is genetic of muslim origin among Spanish (such as the famous E-M81), is an idea abhorrent. If Pakistan and India, Sudan and Ethiopia, Morocco and Mauritania or Russia and Chechnya make war, Spain does not matter. Asked the Spanish people, the answer would be: that they kill each other. The exception is the Israel-Palestine conflict, why? Because they are Jews.I suppose this is not exclusive of Spain. A lot of europeans hate jews too, but only the israeli embassador has had to leave Spain. At the moment, this has not ocurred in Italy, France, UK, Germany...
I could not express it better. There are many antisemitic people disguised as anti-zionist in Spain.

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