Politics Athens on fire

Imperialism is when Greece with 2 times sun instead of produce solar panels, buys them from North countries,
Imperialism is when Greece with oranges, buys orange juice from Germany,

You are funny! So why didn't Greece produce it's own solar panels? Why didn't it manufacture it's oranges right where the oranges grew?
Solar power is one of the energy sources of the future! And of course technological research has to be done to improve it's quality. Germany funded a lot of money into that research, as well as for businesses that produce this technology. But what did the Greek government fund it's money for instead?
Tell you what, I'm really sick of these accusations of blaming others for innovation and it's benefits!
You are funny! So why didn't Greece produce it's own solar panels? Why didn't it manufacture it's oranges right where the oranges grew?

Probably because it has become cheaper to import juice and solar panels. I think thats a great example of the impossibility to devaluate own products due to the EURO.
i bet this would have been the situation of southern italy, if italy was divided in two..
Greece, has the misfortune, to not have an itself correspondent to what is northern italy for southern italy, who can support the poorer economically part...
Endri, you just put the finger on something that might be the best way to explain the whole crisis. Capitalism is the survival of the fittest. However, it seems the left in Europe prefers to ignore this universal law and give money to the unemployed, the work-shy, the disabled, single mothers and subsidise asylum seekers and a whole spectrum of unproductive people. At society level, that thing you cleverly mentioned is called social Darwinism. Over the last 40 years, a lot of jobs in Europe have been robotised or went to countries where the workforce is cheaper and more flexible. The current situation is that there are more people than ever for an ever-shrinking pool of available jobs, who also tend to become more and more specialised, hence restricting their access to a highly qualified workforce. To grossly simplify, there are more people fighting for less jobs. The Darwin laws taught us that only the fittest (more qualified or more educated) or the specimen that better adapts to its environment (people who accept lower wages, ready to move to find a job, learn new skills or further their education) will survive. The European left has been swimming against the tide since the 70es and told workers they would be the champions of workers rights. Reality has hit them, and it's only the beginning. This debt crisis coupled to the Eurozone crisis could hammer back Europe back to the Middle Ages economically, or having us beg China to intervene and humiliate Europe like never before in its history. The left has deluded workers into thinking they could have great wages, great retirement schemes, endless and generous social welfare with little work and no sacrifices. Now the Greek middle class meet at soup queues, and I predict the same in France if Hollande wins the election. The bankers and the ruthless economic system played a massive role in getting Europe into the situation we are now driven to see spiralling down, but the left las also played a very foolish role into the demise of the system in refusing to play the game by the rules. Remember social Darwinism, it is a concept that is becoming increasingly actual...

I agree with you.. to have a powerful economy, the state should be light (state structure, bureocracy, and publicworkers)... that is also the problem for italy.. with those people who vote left, and for pdl traitors like fini... the only pure politician in italy was Berlusconi, who wanted liberalism, and an invisible state... but all the left and his internal prty traitors.. did all the posssible with magistrates to make fall the legitated voted by the majority government... now we have unwanted technocrats... who are almost not cutting public spending and public inefficent work, and above all they aren't doing nothing to higen our competitiveness
i bet this would have been the situation of southern italy, if italy was divided in two..
Greece, has the misfortune, to not have an itself correspondent to what is northern italy for southern italy, who can support the poorer economically part...

Quite the contrary. Greece is about yet to become the south italy of europe. You know, the richer EURO countries are being asked right now to play the role of north italy and to "help" greece. That was not the case before. For me this is a direct result of the EURO. Maybe if Italy would have remained divided, south italy would have found a strategy to survive by its own, no matter on which level. Who knows. If italians feel like one nation, then they can keep solidarity between north and south, else not. The same question is crucial for the EURO-zone too.
You are funny! So why didn't Greece produce it's own solar panels? Why didn't it manufacture it's oranges right where the oranges grew?
Solar power is one of the energy sources of the future! And of course technological research has to be done to improve it's quality. Germany funded a lot of money into that research, as well as for businesses that produce this technology. But what did the Greek government fund it's money for instead?
Tell you what, I'm really sick of these accusations of blaming others for innovation and it's benefits!

indeed the fault is of the people mentality.. in place like germany the local people have more of a business mentality...
an example is in italy... why the south is more unproductive on agriculture business percentage than northern italy ? (it should be the reverse because southern italy has more sunhours, and many types of fruits and vegetables grow better and faster there)... because in northern italy they have a more business mentality.. in southern italy all the people searche the public immobile work... and because they full it in their regions they also go to northern italy in search of public works... not starting private business and even less enterprises... this is true in 70% of cases
Quite the contrary. Greece is about yet to become the south italy of europe. You know, the richer EURO countries are being asked right now to play the role of north italy and to "help" greece. That was not the case before. For me this is a direct result of the EURO. Maybe if Italy would have remained divided, south italy would have found a strategy to survive by its own, no matter on which level. Who knows. If italians feel like one nation, then they can keep solidarity between north and south, else not. The same question is crucial for the EURO-zone too.

i want a united italy, for me the better solution is tax federalism.. in that case.. southern italy will learn to survive on its own, and there could be a high possibility to develop southern italy, and make it productive...
some people need to be forced to be efficient because of mentality..
also all the other productive regions of italy would beneficiate.. higheningh their competitivness

i think too, that greece shouldn't be helped from europe, it should do on his own..
You are funny! So why didn't Greece produce it's own solar panels? Why didn't it manufacture it's oranges right where the oranges grew?
Solar power is one of the energy sources of the future! And of course technological research has to be done to improve it's quality. Germany funded a lot of money into that research, as well as for businesses that produce this technology. But what did the Greek government fund it's money for instead?
Tell you what, I'm really sick of these accusations of blaming others for innovation and it's benefits!

you are funny,

the 'Biscuit' of solar panels is founded by an engineer of Crete Polytechneion made by urban garbage,
in mount Athos monks use Solar energy from 1985,
I my self made a cheap solar panel from reignforced class for my Farm, which State and EU laws forbid me to sell or to produce,

European market is controled and checked,
I have seen many products, but never a polish sausage or a Baltic product in Greece,
why? have you ever ask your self?

the problem of Greece is not the Public corporations and extra jobs, but who create them,
the problem of Greece is not the Depth but who created,
the problem is who puts 13% tax in primary production, (farming products)

What Greece needs is revolt, destroy the old political 'families' system, and isolation for 5-10 years,

remember that the corruption that was in Greece already passed the West and North,
soon you will see phainomena strange in other EU countries,

the problem is not the Greek depth, but to defend Democracy, from charlatans like a German vice president who took loan to buy house (much common phainomenon in Greece)

in Europe decadence will not come like in '18 revolt or like in china,
but like India,
they will put high taxes to people in order to slave them.
as Menandros said
i bet this would have been the situation of southern italy, if italy was divided in two..
Greece, has the misfortune, to not have an itself correspondent to what is northern italy for southern italy, who can support the poorer economically part...

That is a bit true, and a bit not,

I wonder from where is the famous Italian wheat and semigdale (semola) of pasta-psaggeti and where are produced-fabrique?

By what I know Italy has the priviledge of Hydro-power in the North, and the 2 ports entrance to central in Europe also in North,
so that gives North an advantage to build industry,

but I wonder, if Italy starts drilling the oil of apulia
the fields among Greece Albania and Italy,
where industry will grow?
will it grow to South, or North will put problems so to keep its imperialism?
The current problems have their source in the fact that southern countries have been trying to mimic northern countries lifestyle without having the means or the economy to back it, and have been relying on cheap loans or the bubble speculation on housing has brought (as you will read here; http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/1521511-greece-1858-plus-ca-change, that is not the first time in its history Greece is on the verge of bankrupcy). Portugal, Spain and Italy also have to think about a double reform of the state and its economy to stick to reality. However, I tend to think that the EU has a lot to be blamed for in the mess the whole continent is at the moment. A union of all European countries is unseen in history, and there are reasons for it. Our systems, politics, cultures, languages, religions, mindsets, creeds, are all to different to hope to roll them all into one. If European unity is a noble project, it should have been implemented very slowly and with the utmost respect for specificities of each member state, and not pushed down every one's throat by branding the threat of evil nationalism and war every time an incident occurred. Recent events shows that the 2008 crisis did not trigger the wave of reforms some leaders were asking for. Time will tell if they have learned from their previous errors. As the saying goes, fool me once...
The current problems have their source in the fact that southern countries have been trying to mimic northern countries lifestyle without having the means or the economy to back it, and have been relying on cheap loans or the bubble speculation on housing has brought (as you will read here; http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/1521511-greece-1858-plus-ca-change, that is not the first time in its history Greece is on the verge of bankrupcy). Portugal, Spain and Italy also have to think about a double reform of the state and its economy to stick to reality. However, I tend to think that the EU has a lot to be blamed for in the mess the whole continent is at the moment. A union of all European countries is unseen in history, and there are reasons for it. Our systems, politics, cultures, languages, religions, mindsets, creeds, are all to different to hope to roll them all into one. If European unity is a noble project, it should have been implemented very slowly and with the utmost respect for specificities of each member state, and not pushed down every one's throat by branding the threat of evil nationalism and war every time an incident occurred. Recent events shows that the 2008 crisis did not trigger the wave of reforms some leaders were asking for. Time will tell if they have learned from their previous errors. As the saying goes, fool me once...

That is True EU was not ready for such, and still we don't know if the reaction is good,
but the case brings to surface more problems, to be discussed and solved,
and not only to fortify Euro against a possible bankrupt of South,
cause all measures that taken in Greece show just that, Save banks, let poor and middle class die, take the money of the innocent to pay the depth,

the Video is clear how youth Think

it is from Freedom anniversary of Ioannina from Ottoman empie,
the Birthplace of President of Democracy who thanks God did not went, cause Ioannina will be in riots also

the tradition is to turn Head at right, to see the rulers and the rulers to see you,
comes the Kings times,

the movement of head left means decline, while the raise of hand up and open is typical at least for Greeks as bad move,

you can How youth reacts,

official gallup give 60 % of want the Euro and 75% of want the EU
unofficial independent gallup at blogs give only 40 % to want Euro and 50% EU

youth is denying politicians and memorantum

a good example is the traditional right-nationalist party from 7 % drops 3% and might not in parliament
while the 2 big parties who had at least 75%-85% can't get more 50%
the Left parties against EU is about 40%
while Social-Nasionalist a major anti EU party for first time enter parliament with 5%

seems like Nigel farrage might have company soon in Eu parliament,

for those who do not understand Greece is under parliamental Dictatorship,
and referendum or elections must be done soon.

the decline is obvious since you hear εισαστε μαλ...ς a well know word

all these pupils face a punishment for turning head left and the rest,
indeed the fault is of the people mentality.. in place like germany the local people have more of a business mentality...
an example is in italy... why the south is more unproductive on agriculture business percentage than northern italy ? (it should be the reverse because southern italy has more sunhours, and many types of fruits and vegetables grow better and faster there)... because in northern italy they have a more business mentality.. in southern italy all the people searche the public immobile work... and because they full it in their regions they also go to northern italy in search of public works... not starting private business and even less enterprises... this is true in 70% of cases

The north , despite having less sunlight, has better soil, less mountains (this is important because plain lands makes mecanization easier) and better irrigation which leads to better yields.
That is a bit true, and a bit not,

I wonder from where is the famous Italian wheat and semigdale (semola) of pasta-psaggeti and where are produced-fabrique?

By what I know Italy has the priviledge of Hydro-power in the North, and the 2 ports entrance to central in Europe also in North,
so that gives North an advantage to build industry,

but I wonder, if Italy starts drilling the oil of apulia
the fields among Greece Albania and Italy,
where industry will grow?
will it grow to South, or North will put problems so to keep its imperialism?

The South could have more and more potential in agriculture, of what it produces nowdays.. also because if you cut the agriculture, the industrial businesses are non-existing..
Pasta is done in Southern italy, but... surprise, also northern italy produce pasta.. Barilla is in northern italy.. so it's again 5-0 for northern italy-versus southern italy
The north , despite having less sunlight, has better soil, less mountains (this is important because plain lands makes mecanization easier) and better irrigation which leads to better yields.
you are right this is one of the many historical motives southern italy is less developed..
Those studing "Questione Meridionale", have speculated this is one of the motives southern italy has done badly in times, but there are many others... and this doesn't justificate the undevelopment of southern italy

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