rh negative

  1. M

    Basques more WHG or Neolithic

    One interesting detail about Basques, the only people that preserve relative old languages indigenous to Europe, Is that they have a lot more I2(Native) than G2(Inmigrant agriculturalist). Among Western European men the I2:G haplogroups ratio is way more 'equilibrated'. But for some reason...
  2. M

    Rh- & AB0 Ireland

  3. M

    Rh negative in Scottland

    Here's and old study about Rh negative in Scottland(Highlands). Long story short, Rh negative seems to be bigger in heavily Celtic areas, where also there's high O blood type. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E2VHziDBYQVyYmS6ggOtQHHIJ5UMiigt/view?usp=drivesdk...
  4. M

    Rh negative from the Anthropocene?

    Rh negative comes from the Anthropocene? I've been studying blood groups for a while now and I came with this hypothesis. The Rhesus marker, provides information of antigens in red cells. Being positive is you have the Rh antigen, the same as the macaque/rhesus monkey(where it was discovered...
  5. RH NEG-I

    RH negative factor

    Hello everyone thank you for having me. This is my first post though I have read many. My question is regarding the genetic trending effect that the RH negative blood factor may have had on ancient people, primarily so called "caucasions" since the factor is almost exclusive to those of European...