Finnish army sends internet addicts home to "grow up"


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BBC News : Finnish army 'drops web addicts'

A number of Finnish conscripts have had their full term of military service slashed because of their addiction to the internet, the army says.
The Finnish Defence Forces say doctors have found some young men miss their computers too much to cope with the compulsory six months in the army.

The forces' recruitment officer said some troops were diagnosed as addicts.

The men concerned were sent home and would be called up again three years later, he said.

"For people who play [Internet] games all night and don't have any friends, don't have any hobbies, to come into the army is a very big shock," recruitment officer Commander-Captain Jyrki Kivela said.
wow, dont think they'd do that in the US, let people get out of the military for internet addiction. though someone would probably start up a Computer-holics Anonymous group...
hahahahaha....yeah...well I would DIE without even some kind of computer!!!!...I admit...I'm an addic ^^'
That's kind of bizarre. I've never heard of being addicted to the internet, at least not in a serious context. I wonder if they had the same problem with D&D "addicts" years ago. I guess there is a difference there, though. At least with D&D you're face to face with people.
I'm sure I heard in the news maybe about a year or so ago about a guy who died from sitting at his computer for about 3 days straight without getting up...I don't know whether he was on the internet or not or just playing games or whatever...but still, that's kinda freaky. :souka:
No kidding. I mean, I can get caught up in things, but DAMN! How could the hunger pangs not let you know that you really need to eat something? How could the intense pressure on the inner walls of your bladder not let you know that you really need to go to the bathroom, etc? I guess this guy didn't have a job, eh?
jovial_jon said:
I'm sure I heard in the news maybe about a year or so ago about a guy who died from sitting at his computer for about 3 days straight without getting up...I don't know whether he was on the internet or not or just playing games or whatever...but still, that's kinda freaky. :souka:

he was at an internetcaf? in... hmm.. taiwan?.. i'm guessing he had some sort of missfire on drugs.. otherwise the hunger would be immense after the first day or two...
yup, that's the story. but if he was at an internet cafe, surely someone would have noticed how long he'd been there and got him to leave...or at least gave him something to eat :D
3 days!?! I was in front of the PC for just a little more than 48 hours or so at a LAN party, I started to hallucinate. then i passed out i.. i think... :?

Glad i stopped doing stuff like that long ago.. didn't know i could DIE from it :worried:
Die ?!
No wonder why my mom sent me straight to bed when I had been by the computer for more than 50 hours without any sleep and started to threw up like a pig because of a glass of water O.O
Wow, I don't know if I ever got sick or anything from being in front of a computer for too long, but when I played Ultima Online, I would play for a long time (like 8 hours or something), and I would go up to the store after that to get a pack of smokes or something, I would almost say "Vendor Buy" to the cashier (which is how you buy stuff in UO). I can imagine being on for like 3 days straight though, I would go nuts.

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