What is your favourite period in British history ?


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I have just completed a Brief History of England for Eupedia.

I suppose that many of you are at least partially familar with the history of England or the UK. What is your favourite period ?

I like all periods, but the 18th and 19th century are particularily exciting. My favourite king, however, would be Henry VIII, for having the guts to dismiss the Pope as a mere foreign ecclesiastic, nationalise all the church's property (a good way to become ultra-rich quicker than Bill gates :p ) and lay the foundation to a strong and unified England.
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I think I'd go for Roman Britain, around 200AD. Mind you I like Roman history.
As for my favourite monarch possibly Elizabeth I. In a time of Queens she was the best. Definiatly her fathers daughter. Another would be John. A popular king with the people, just not well liked by the barons. Read somewhere he was the closest we've had to an atheistic king. Didn't care much for religion, which is surprising cinsidering the era in which he lived. As for his brother, Richard, a blood thristy homosexual with no love of the country he ruled. A bit of a jerk really
I'd vote Britain during Second World War and especially the social history of that period, the "People's War" - how the Britons lived, built a sense of community during the harsh years.
Furthermore, political history during that period; the Neville Chamberlain, the Winston Churchill and the Clement Atlee years.
In addition, the history of the working class in Britain and industrialisation....
Most interesting would probably be Roman Britain & then the early Anglo-Saxon era.
Favourite king? Every dead king is a good king!
bossel said:
Favourite king? Every dead king is a good king!

Does that imply that the deadest king is the best king ? :p Shall we check their tomb and see which one has decomposed most so far ? :sorry:
I find it interesting

That the preferences are so evenly distributed.

It would be difficult for me to choose one period, since the influence of the UK over world events has been so pervasive in at least the last three hundred years--and truthfully before even that. However, if I must choose one period, and that was the Hobson's Choice offered, I would pick the Victorian era. Like most of history, it is one of great contrasts and a long period of British affluence (some would say at the expense of the rest of the world!).

Sic transit gloria mundi
Shooter452 said:
However, if I must choose one period, and that was the Hobson's Choice offered, I would pick the Victorian era.

You don't have to choose only one period. This is an open poll, and you can choose as many periods as you wish (I chose almost all of them, which explains why the results are so evely distributed :p )
bossel said:
Most interesting would probably be Roman Britain & then the early Anglo-Saxon era.
Favourite king? Every dead king is a good king!
Do I sense a republican here? :?
What about the Cromwell period for you? Wasn't he a kiljoy. Mind you what do you expect from a puritan. The Irish still hate him.
Maciamo said:
You can choose as many periods as you wish (I chose almost all of them, which explains why the results are so evely distributed :p )
I chose five feeling guilty for having chosen more than 3, but almost all ?? :? That's rather contradictory to "favorite" grammarwise as in "is your favourite", wouldn't you say ??
From Stonehenge to the Septarchs, William the Norman, the Union and Captain Drake's victory over the Armada; these are the glorious days of Britannia for me. :)
Maciamo said:
Shall we check their tomb and see which one has decomposed most so far ? :sorry:
Good questions! I suppose, the less of a king is left, the better. Hence, when decomposed completely that should be my favourite(s).

Mycernius said:
What about the Cromwell period for you?
Interesting times, yeah, but Cromwell was not much better than a king, IMO (well, actually worse than some kings). Some nice ideas for reforms, but in general - & for the Irish in particular - not such a nice ruler as well.
lexico said:
I chose five feeling guilty for having chosen more than 3, but almost all ?? :? That's rather contradictory to "favorite" grammarwise as in "is your favourite", wouldn't you say ??

Yeah, I know. I feel a bit guilty too. :p But if you ask me about my favourite food, I will give you a similar answer, because it depends too much on the period of the year, day and time. As it changes, I try to give a good average of my favourite (not just for now, but let's say, the last few years). If you insist on asking my is my favourite food right now, I may say none if I am not hungry. It's the same for history. I try to remember the periods I have been the most interested in.
Victorian glory!

The sun never sets....

Why? There are many good reasons but one of my favorite historians (Peter Hopkirk) mostly writes about happenings in that period.

Read The Great Game and Setting the East Ablaze for some great insight into Britian's ventures into Central Asia!
I didna know!

Maciamo said:
You don't have to choose only one period. This is an open poll, and you can choose as many periods as you wish (I chose almost all of them, which explains why the results are so evely distributed :p )
And it is too late now!
I'm going for the Elizabethan period, mainly because those are my favourite blackadder episodes. And anyone that wears an arsenic face mask deserves respect.
Shooter452 said:
And it is too late now!

No, just tell me and I will edit the poll. :)
The Victorian Age, of course. :cool:
Leroy_Brown said:

When the United States of America declared independence. :cool:

Right on!
I read somewhere that this was more a war against the British government than the people. Thanks to George III trying to run the country with a tame prime minister, Lord North. Probably wouldn't have happened if they had listened to other members of parliament who agreed with the colonies problems. I think George Washington wasn't going for total independence just more autonomy. The more radical factions wanted total independence. Oh hum, all in the past now.
I chose seven.... :cool: The most fave period is: the Second World War.... :)

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