What do you know about Poland?

Pepper, the capital city is Warszawa. You almost got it right. :)

Polish beers generaly cost about 1$ for a 0,5 l. I don't know if it's cheap for you or not.

Who drank ZUBROWKA? It's a vodka with grass. Once, i found there was a Japanese band calle like that. :p
Well, my mum's from Poland, so im half Polish! I don't talk polish though and thats :( I might lern a little bit (or russian :p (I know thats offending you :> ))

well were from Wroclaw (Breslau) and I wen't there about 10 times or so to see all my relatives but i didnt go in the past 3 years, i guess the city has developed a lot in that time.

You know what i LOVE about Poland? When you break down with your call and ring on somebodys door to get help they wont let you go untill you drank a cup of tea and ate some cookies with you :))

Tramway-drivers drive like pirates! :D

I want to see Masuren when I can talk a little Polish (or russian! :lol: )
Żubrówka and spirytus are very popular in Japan, available in almost every bar.
hum....I know nothing ^^
But still I've learned quite a few things about this country :p
Żubrówka and spirytus are very popular in Japan, available in almost every bar.
Yeah, I'd like to see someone from Japan (or anyone else for that matter) drink pure spirit (mind you, it has around 94-97% of ethanol). Vodka has typically 40% and I personally find the taste repulsive (contrary to popular belief, not all Polish people drink heavily you know). :)

First the Germans came and destroyed everything and killed everyone, and then the Russians came and did their thing.
Now this made me laugh so hard my roommates started worrying about me. :) Seems like after the Germans there was not much left for the Russians to do "their thing" on. :)

And since the Nazis (let's make a separation between the German people and the Nazis) killed everyone, Polish people today are the offspring of those Nazis and the Red Army, who "did their thing" together on the devastated ruins of what once was Poland. :)

No offense, but I found this all very amusing. :)
democrux said:
:) Seems like after the Germans there was not much left for the Russians to do "their thing" on. :)
Forgot the Soviet occupation of 1939-41? The Soviets deported up to 1.7 m Poles, many of them died as a result.

The time after Germany's defeat is yet another story, with large parts of Poland given to the SU. If I'm correctly informed the Polish resistance continued their fight until 1946, some perhaps resisted until 1956.
All you say is true, my friend, save for that I'm trying to point out that if indeed everyone was killed the first time, there was no way to persecute them further. :p I realize this is a sensitive issue and it was just a touch of irony on my part, in response to this particular statement by a certain sgt. Pepper, which I found quite amusing to say the least.
democrux said:
Yeah, I'd like to see someone from Japan (or anyone else for that matter) drink pure spirit (mind you, it has around 94-97% of ethanol).

Ha Ha, I've done it many times.
I don't know whether to congratulate you or to be sorry for you. :)

A popular (in certain circles) practice is to dilute spirit in water and thus reduce the "kill factor" to an acceptable level. The fact that I've seen it done by hard-drinking military officers proves that even for them spirit is virtually impossible to drink right away. :) I can't imagine what it'd take for one to be able to consume it in quantities larger than an occasional sip (unpleasant by itself).

Unless of course you're tring to mythologize our national abilities in the departament of drinking. :p
Shas said:
Well, my mum's from Poland, so im half Polish! I don't talk polish though and thats :( I might lern a little bit (or russian :p (I know thats offending you :> ))

Hehe, I'm not offended. :D I like Russians, and Russian too. :) But of course it's better to learn Polish ;)

You know what i LOVE about Poland? When you break down with your call and ring on somebodys door to get help they wont let you go untill you drank a cup of tea and ate some cookies with you :))

That can be very disturbing sometimes. :D

Tramway-drivers drive like pirates! :D

Really? :souka: And I thought ve have mad car-drivers.
i've noticed that these posts were made in most cases by polish people
are non-polish people don't have any reflections about this lovely :) country?

i'm really interested what is stereotype of pole in your countries
but i want more :)

i have to say that there's good knowledge about polish history :cool: especially about ww2 period
Poland's flag colour is the same with my own country. Red and white. Can you explain why?.. or the founder of our country had been agree to make the same colour??.. Then at almost the end WWII,only the pole is dare to revolt against the Nazis without any assistance from the West and the East ( but it is fail)...Pole revolt against nazis with their own strength.. Wow.. very brave... One girl that discover polonium.. the name is Marie Curie.... Polonium is a rare radioactive metallic element, occuringa naturally in uranium ore..
Well, Polish and Indonesian flags are similar, but the colors are reversed; Monaco on the other hand has a flag identical to Indonesian, keanureave. :)
Don't suppose they needed explicit permission to make it so. :)
at school (when i was 6 then) told us that this read color is polish blood on white flag, but seriously i don't remember why have such flag.....shame.... :bluush:
stalky said:
at school (when i was 6 then) told us that this read color is polish blood on white flag, but seriously i don't remember why have such flag.....shame.... :bluush:
Has something to do with the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth. IIRC, the colours were taken from the coat of arms.

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