If you want to learn another, NEW language, which & why?


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I am from YOKOHAMA,Japan!!
I know that there are many Japanese-language learners here, however, I am curious if you ever thought about learning another, new, language.
If you had the time to learn a new language, which should it be and why?
Note: (no "brush-up" of a language you have already received lessons in, but it should be a completely new language for you). :wave:
Portuguese. It would come in very handy in Japan. (Really)
It would be French or Spanish as they are widely spoken in many countries, and also I really like how French sounds.
I want to go back to studying French again, because I forgot most it from high school. :blush:
I want to learn Chukchi so I can talk about salmon with the Chukchas. :clap:
nice thread,

i geuss i would like to studie Swedish, becaus i have a ex-swedish girl, and and she teached me some, i think the lang is interesting ( and bit funny, sorry you swedish guys/girls up here, no offence)

i wouldnt like to learn Old english,,, hehehe...
Chinese (Mandarin)...Although Japanese will be sufficient for now :bluush:
Oh! I just realised that I forgot to answer this very question myself!! :blush:
Well, if/when I have time, I'd love to learn ITALIAN!!! :cool:
Why? Well, it is one of the most beautiful languages in my opinion, and I today regret that I took French in high school instead, and not Italian...
However, a good thing of course is that my French can come in useful when learning Italian because it's Roman/Latin. :relief:
Old English, but finding some else to talk to could be difficult. I could then read Beowulf and Canterbury tales in the original text. Might give me an insight into Northern European languages as well. Mind you I am not a good language learner, it takes time and I can be impatient. :eek:kashii:
I'd like to learn Mandarin Chinese next, because it seems that it will be a good language to know in the coming years.

Mycernius said:
Old English, but finding some else to talk to could be difficult. I could then read Beowulf and Canterbury tales in the original text.

The Canterbury Tales was written by Chaucer, and it's in Middle English.
Glenn said:
I'd like to learn Mandarin Chinese next, because it seems that it will be a good language to know in the coming years.
I was under the impression that you had already learned the language... Your grammar description of Mandarin was superb ... so...:? Are you sure you weren't thinking Cantonese but wrote Mandarin instead ? :D
The Canterbury Tales was written by Chaucer, and it's in Middle English.
Does that mean OE & ME are very different to the point that a speaker of OE would not be able to grasp ME with relative ease ? :?
lexico said:
I was under the impression that you had already learned the language... Your grammar description of Mandarin was superb ... so...:? Are you sure you weren't thinking Cantonese but wrote Mandarin instead ? :D

I've learned some of the basics and done some reading about the grammar, but I haven't actually learned the language. That is, I couldn't use it practically.

lexico said:
Does that mean OE & ME are very different to the point that a speaker of OE would not be able to grasp ME with relative ease ? :?

They're pretty different orthographically, and I think by the time of ME the language had lost a lot of inflection.

Here is an example of OE (from Chapter XIV of Beowulf).

Here is an example of ME (from The Canterbury Tales):

And smale foules maken melodie,
That slepen alle night with open eye,
So priketh hem nature in hir corages;
Than longen folk to gon on pilgrimages

Also, here is a page that allows you to look at vocabulary of ME and hear how they pronounced it. It's pretty cool stuff. :cool:
misa.j said:
It would be French or Spanish as they are widely spoken in many countries, and also I really like how French sounds.
I'd like to refresh my Spanish for those reasons as well.....some form of Chinese would be a natural transition from Japanese but I find it extremely aesthetically unappealing (both written and spoken), unfortunately. Ah, well, the Spanish is mostly on when there's someone to practice with.... :relief:
Mycernius said:
Old English, but finding some else to talk to could be difficult. I could then read Beowulf and Canterbury tales in the original text. Might give me an insight into Northern European languages as well. Mind you I am not a good language learner, it takes time and I can be impatient. :eek:kashii:

i know some girl who understand and talk it... i can hook you UP :relief:
Elizabeth said:
I'd like to refresh my Spanish for those reasons as well.....some form of Chinese would be a natural transition from Japanese but I find it extremely aesthetically unappealing (both written and spoken), unfortunately. Ah, well, the Spanish is mostly on when there's someone to practice with.... :relief:

I'm the opposite: I find Mandarin Chinese to be a beautiful spoken language. I'd also like to add Korean to my list. It couldn't hurt, right? ;) Anyway, it seems that I'd just have to learn new phonemes and morphemes, new vocabulary, and a new version of phonetic writing and I'd be set; I understand the grammar is pretty similar to Japanese. Pretty simple, eh? :D
Glenn said:
I'm the opposite: I find Mandarin Chinese to be a beautiful spoken language. I'd also like to add Korean to my list. It couldn't hurt, right? ;) Anyway, it seems that I'd just have to learn new phonemes and morphemes, new vocabulary, and a new version of phonetic writing and I'd be set; I understand the grammar is pretty similar to Japanese. Pretty simple, eh? :D
A solid working knowledge of the alphabet shouldn't take more than a day or two....two-three months (conservatively) for a Japanese learner to understand basic basic grammar and sentences. And only 2-3 years to master general Korean magazines and newspapers ? For anyone more interested in the culture than I am, this has to be more logical and efficient than any other East Asian language. :bluush:
A new language that I want to learn..sou desu ne.. probably something to do with languages like bahasa indonesia, malay or arabic.

To befriend people of different cultures and beliefs...etc :wave:
dutch baka said:
nice thread,

i geuss i would like to studie Swedish, becaus i have a ex-swedish girl, and and she teached me some, i think the lang is interesting ( and bit funny, sorry you swedish guys/girls up here, no offence)

i wouldnt like to learn Old english,,, hehehe...

Funny how? I'm not offended, just curious.

I would like to learn Russian och German, i've taken some German and will countinue learning it after the summer, but i doubt that i will ever be able to speak it.
I really would like to learn Irish - for cultural/ancestral reasons - and I have tried !

But it was so bloody hard, I ended up chucking my books at the wall !

I'd also (curiously) like to look at Punjabi - I know nothing about the languages of India, and would like to surprise one or two of the guys who work at our place ! (I have the deep suspicion that I might be pleasantly surprised and interested).


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