International politics

mad pierrot

I jump to conclusions
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The world via Chi-town
Ok, as a disclaimer right now, I'm fairly drunk and not sure if this post will make much sense. What the hell, this is the internet. If posting drunk means I'm outta line, I'd better quit posting now.

Anyways, I was hanging out with a Nepalese friend tonight and I got into an interesting discussion. I don't particularly care for my president, more or less. (I'm American.) My Nepalese friend, on the other hand, really likes President Bush. Why? Because he puts his country's interests before anything else, according to him. I can understand this kind of Machiavellian thinking, but it begs asking another interesting question. Should a country look out for it's own interests first, even if it means foresaking the better good of the planet? I'm curious what other people here think. I can understand his logic bit I believe it to be short sighted.

Well, what do you think? Should a nation's best interests come first, or should we all bow to the UN and take global considerations beforehand?


(PS- I'll check this for spelling and coherency once I sober up.)
America is Being Sold Lock, Stock, and Barrel

Mad Pierrot said:
My Nepalese friend, on the other hand, really likes President Bush. Why? Because he puts his country's interests before anything else, according to him.
Ok Mad Pierrot now you got my juices flowing! I beg to differ here. I doubt very much if President Bush is putting the interests of the USA before anything else.

1. Take the issue if illegal immigration for example. Since 9/11 neither the president nor congress has taken any steps to seal the borders with Mexico and Canada. Mexicans and other illegals are flooding over the boarders to the tune of 15,000 per day and the boarder patrol is helpless to stop it. It is estimated that there are more than 15 million illegals in the US at this very moment. Many states allow anyone to get a drivers license without proof of citizenship. The drivers license has become our unofficial national ID card. It is, by default, proof of citizenship. All one needs to do is show their drivers license and no other questions are asked. When illegal immigrants are discovered they are let go under orders from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). Any illegal immigrant can get any medical care needed for free. By law! If Mexicans can flood across the boarders what about international terrorists huh? I thought so.

Is this inaction by the President and the government putting the intersts of the USA first? Ha! Not in my opinion.

2. Jobs are leaving the USA faster than you can shake a stick at. Factories are closing at an astounding rate and moving production over to China. Service industries are being off-shored to India, Australia and the Caribbean Islands. Just try and call your computer company about a problem and you will more than likely get someone in a foreign country. Why? because it's cheaper. Just call almost any customer service office of any major company here in the USA and you will get someone overseas. Rarely, if ever, will you be able to speak to an actual American.

Boeing just sold most of their business to Japan and IBM sold their portion of personal computers to China. Chrysler and GM are planning on shutting down factories here in the US and building their cars in China in the not too distant future. ALot of our major weapons for the military are also being made in China! Why? It's beyond me. Go figure. But something is cooking under the surface for the entire country to be moving to China. Rather than Denmark, I'd say something is rotten in the USA.

Don't believe how vast the exporting of American jobs and companies is? Well log on to Lou Dobbs at CNN. First take the "Exporting America" quiz on the left side of the page to see how much you (by "you" I mean anyone) really know. Then, on the right side of the page, under "From The Show" click on "Exporting America". You will be astounded at the number of companies moving jobs and factories over to China.

By the way Mad Pierrot, I think you are from the Chicago area. Did you know that the Chicago Skyway Toll Road was sold to a foreign country? I forget which one, but that country now has control over the setting of tolls and and the upkeep of the road. There is also a bill before congress at this very minute that will allow all interstates in the USA to be able to have tolls and to be sold to the highest bidder if the state so desires. Check out this link.

For those not living here in the USA it is slowly becoming a third world country before my very eyes. I see and hear about it everyday. If you are American and overseas and working now, I say stay there because there will be little or no work for you when you return save for a blue collar job or two that is still left.

Does this have the USA's interests first? HA! Not in my opinion.

3. The Patriot Act was designed to combat terriorism since 9/11 but all it is doing is taking the freedoms guaranteed us under the constitution away from us. Slowly but surely our rights are being taken away from us from right under our noses and 99% of Americans don't even notice it or care about it. Benjamin Franklin once said, and I paraphrase here, "Those who would give up their freedom for security deserve neither security or freedom." Don't believe me about the Patriot Act? Well check out this article by a US congressman. What we are witnessing here in the USA is a rise of a police state. Need proof? Just ask me and I will provide you with the links.

Does the Patriot Act have the interests of American Citizens first? Ha! Not on your life in my opinion.
I can understand this kind of Machiavellian thinking, but it begs asking another interesting question. Should a country look out for it's own interests first, even if it means foresaking the better good of the planet?
Yes and no. In a perfect world, a country should look out for it's own interests first, but not at the expense of the planet. However, from what I stated above, I believe American big business (and maybe European also) has it's own interests first and the hell with both the USA and the planet. As long as "they" are making a profit, they could care less about either.

To ensure these profits and to make sure every American pays what they borrowed, congress has just passed and the President has signed, a bill that now forbids anyone to file for bankruptcy without being required to pay back their debts to the banks and the credit card companies. No one can now erase their debts and start over again should they have a major medical illness or make a bad business decision. If you get laid off your job because your company closed and moved over to China and you cannot make your mortgage payments, tough sh1t! You now STILL have to pay that money back! Thank God my house is paid for and I have no debt!

Does a bill like this have Americans' interests first? Ha! Think Again!

What is going on right now is great for China, India, and other third world countries, but devistating to the USA and it's people. How the USA can survive is beyond me, but President Bush DOES NOT have the interests of the country first. He is an oilman first. Halliburton, formerly (?) run by VP Dick Cheney is making a fortune off the government in Iraq and the Congress just approved 85 BILLION dollars for the military and Iraq! What could be done with half that amount spent in the US?
Does a bill like this have the USA's interests first? Ha! No way Jose!

I also have had a few Bourbon and Water while perusing this forum, so if this post post does not make any sense just say so. But I feel I am witnessing the fall of the great power that was once known as The US of A. Why else would it be sold to China piece by piece and our rights slowly being taken away?
Great response!

In fact, I couldn't agree with you more on most of what you said. At the time I was talking to my friend, however, I didn't feel like getting dragged into an argument over those kind of details you just mentioned. I had a feeling he wouldn't believe me, either.

However, from what I stated above, I believe American big business (and maybe European also) has it's own interests first and the hell with both the USA and the planet.

This was actually another source of contention in another discussion I had with him. Big business going abroad. Multi-nationals and Third World countries. The UN and IMF, etc. Whose duty is it to protect developing nations from a quasi-imperialist form of capitalism? A whole slew of questions related to topics like that. Suffice to say we both felt differently.

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