Question about Y-DNA testing


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I am new to Y-DNA testing and would like to ask if any one has recommendations on which company to use. I am concerned with the validity of the analysis and if the results reflect reality, if any? Are there cases where people have paid for testing and have in fact received bogus results? At what point one needs to be suspicious of the results?

If any one has had first hand experience with how tests are done in these companies I would appreciate it. I see there are many service providers such as:
Family Tree DNA
Dna Heritage

Are these examples of legitimate companies that could be recommended?

Thank you
If you are only interested in Y-DNA testing then I suppose any of the companies can give you accurate testing. I used Family Tree DNA, and went with their "Super DNA" examination, at the time I purchased the kit it was $499.00, I think it has gone up to $548.00 now. Although I got the 67 marker test from FTDNA, I had to upgrade for an additional $99.00 test to get down deeper into which subclade of R1b1b2 my Y DNA falls into. Family Tree DNA does testing for the National Geographic Genographic Project, but in order to include your information into the project they charge an extra $15.00.
To tell the truth I wish I had gone with the Kit from 23 and Me. The complete kit Mitochondrial DNA, Y-DNA and other autosomal testing is $499.00. I think that the additional information that they provide about Health along with the MTDNA and Y-DNA information is a better value than the kit from Family Tree DNA. I also wasn't all that impressed with the reports and data I got from FTDNA.
I don't know enough about Genebase to offer an opinion. Perhaps one of the real DNA gurus will post and offer you some more complete information. I'll admit that I was a rank amateur when I purchased my test. I wish I had done some more investigation before hand.
Appreciate the comments, btw what is autosomal testing and what does it tell?
I am pretty curious of my Y-DNA results in terms of ancestry; however I am not sure on the level of quality control in these companies, therefore looking for a service provider with good reputation that does not screw people with deficient testing and really does what it is supposed to do.
I wish I could give you some more technical details but I don't know enough to comment on accuracy and reliability, but as fas as I know I haven't heard of any problems with Family Tree DNA. I did hear that 23andMe had sent some wrong results to some customers.
There are some people here that really know about this stuff, perhaps one of them will put some more information out here.

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