Politics Is a common EU military possible?reasonable?


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I'm interested in European affairs,cultures,and so on..(y)I want to know from you native Europeans that if you think a common European military in the future possible?necessary?reasonable?
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In the midst of extensive continent-wide austerity programs that include the end of mandatory military service in Germany and the most significant reduction in the Royal Navy fleet size since before either world war? Why, what on earth gave you the impression that it's a sore subject? :wary2:
they are working on it since 2000

however, i guess, they dont want to spend money for army. but if unemploymnt increase they may work harder on it.
I'm interested in European affairs,cultures,and so on..(y)I want to know from you native Europeans that if you think a common European military in the future possible?necessary?reasonable?

I'm for it, I think it will be necessary to become as undependent on help from the US as possible. I also think it's a good idea because I'm against conscription/mandatory military service.
Military shall be abolished completely with a few exceptions of special units designed for extraordinary situations such as 11 March 2004 or 7 July 2005.
Military shall be abolished completely with a few exceptions of special units designed for extraordinary situations such as 11 March 2004 or 7 July 2005.

That would be impossible the way the world is today. Russia is modernizing and strengthening their military so if we abolished ours they would walk right in and take over all of Europe. I would prefer a smaller army that could be mobilized faster.
NATO has done a pretty good job for 50+ years, why change it? First, we need the US experience and equipment, and second, the money tap is running dry. A European army would be a nightmare to organise and structure. I think we should keep NATO as it is, especially with the current Russian political context (Russia chums some EU members, that would be a problem in case things would heat up).

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