Pharaoh Tutankhamun OFFTOPIC about Tartessos and Hollywood


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"Aryan?, That is no human race.

What Tutan ... was half "ehpañó"!

It happened at the time when kings had only girls, then Egypt sent a ship to the Kingdom of Tartessos looking for a prince to marry him to the heiress, in Tartessos were perplexed at the request of those strange men, but the queen Tartessos was not willing to be taken to his son and ushered to a Ligurian son of one of his servants by Prince Tartessos thereby would all be happy and this is the way the Iberian genes came to the throne of Egypt and know that DNA Y will inherit from father to son and so on.

That sounds really realistic and scientific to me! But why didn't the queen want her son to become king of a rich and powerful kingdom abroad?
That sounds really realistic and scientific to me! But why didn't the queen want her son to become king of a rich and powerful kingdom abroad?

Every mother wants her son, but have no idea of what tartessos mothers with their children, are his life, is everything and the Queen of Tartessos to see these strange men from distant lands to take your child know never see him again. I must say that her husband, the king, if he would deliver his own son, I thought it would bring the kingdom of Tartessos something beneficial in the long run, as he sensed was wrong and the Queen never again see those strange men. The small Ligurian who was taken raparle sobbing after the head was never known in Tartessos, millennia later came news of Ligurian son of the official, was found in the guts of someone comparing with the same sun, called him Tutankhamun, no Tartessos queen or mother would have wanted that final for his child.

PD:PS: Please if Hollywood makes a movie, that will not change Tartessos The Kingdom of the British Isles or small Spanish children with small children in Britain, which is what they always do, otherwise Tutankhamun's curse fall upon the responsible. STOP.
PD:PS: Please if Hollywood makes a movie, that will not change Tartessos The Kingdom of the British Isles or small Spanish children with small children in Britain, which is what they always do, otherwise Tutankhamun's curse fall upon the responsible. STOP.

Yes, it is really a shame that Hollywood ruins recognized history such often! It really makes me mad! :mad:
Yes, it is really a shame that Hollywood ruins recognized history such often! It really makes me mad! :mad:

Oh yea! Also want to always be the players and if they can not because of ancient history make the English players, though the story takes place in times where a British English or not painted anything in there.

PS: Please no more movies Titanic, all vessels have been sunk, Robin Hood and not called it, (70 films) Oh my Good! What do you want to nosotos? please no more movies of Romans: Rome-Britain, no more English in Chinese courts or Japanese samurai coming to be better than anyone. What the film is about the Spanish Empire?, It turns out that there is an Englishman doing who knows what, who is the protagonist of the film, STOP, others also want to be actors, clichés out to others and glory to you, we have had enough, what happens?, only the British buy movie tickets.

If the Kingdom of Tartessos had been in England had already had 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 movies, since we do not have done none. Tell you, because that make the Spanish, forgive!, The Spanish only make films about the Spanish Civil War and Franco, do not know what the Kingdom of Tartessos.


When is the next?, Please no, no! :petrified:
Yes, the Ligurian was very happy in Egypt with the Egyptian princess until she had several sons, after the Ligurian disappeared in the waters of the Nile



Should be close to these two Spanish actors, he is already dead and she in the actuality is older to queen, but the profiles would choose for the movie, children should be sought by colleges or book, no plugs, no children my sister or my cousin's nephew.
:LOL: I took Carlitos off from my ignore list; it is being very funny reading his posts.
Las golondrinas de Tartessos.

"The swallows Tartessos" questions the "official story" of the West.

The book presents an innovative theory of Ana Maria Vazquez, a professor in the Department of Ancient History at the UNED.

To learn is to unlearn: All could be the opposite of how it was supposed to date: the Phoenicians who were not taught to write to the West, Andalusia taught to write the Western world. The Phoenicians "invented" by the Greeks might be the Huelva and the "red" Huelva was the "Phoenician".

New thesis questions "irrefutable truths"
In the Iberian Peninsula and the writing was used thousands of years before the Phoenicians appeared on their shores. This innovative thesis is confirmed by the studies made in this work. The Museum of Huelva (Spain) are exposed two prehistoric tools, found in megalithic tombs, with evidence of writing. They are the only signs, there are others in southern Spain. We must challenge what until now was regarded as irrefutable truth, that they were the Phoenicians who were taught to write. What if, in fact, have happened otherwise? What if these people of the sea all the mythology of the eastern Mediterranean situated on the Iberian Peninsula, had taught, indeed, to the Phoenicians? Would you write the Phoenicians in their own writing Annals of the West?

The Phoenicians, reaching the Iberian Peninsula in the late second millennium BC, they found a people already using a wheel to polish the gold and linear writing signs. The Greek geographer Strabo referred to the turdetanos as people who had laws written in verse six thousand years old). One swallow does not make a summer. Huelva's writings are not alone in the twilight of prehistory: many signs of deeds 'prehistoric', dating from 7000 BC appear in Europe and the Mediterranean islands. There are already many birds accompanying the flight of swallows Tartessos.

The author


Ana Maria Vazquez Hoys
Degree in Geography and History from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Ana Maria Vazquez Hoys a PhD in Ancient History, teacher and tutor in the department of UNED in 1980.

He is a member of various organizations such as the Spanish Association of Friends of Archaeology, the Spanish Association of Classical Studies, International Studies Association Romans, the International Council of Indo-European and Thracian Studies, the Institute of Phoenicians (UCM).

She is the author of nearly thirty publications and essays, including those found in the religious Diana Hispano, the Dictionary of the Ancient World, the Greek world. From the beginnings to the Roman conquest, History of Rome I. The Roman Republic, and Greece. The Greek World. He has written several articles and participated in numerous conferences and, anecdotally, has been responsible for educational programs on television and radio (as some areas within the program The adventure of knowledge, TVE).
In a nutshell, complete bullshit.

The Phoenicians developed their alphabet from the earlier alphabets, which in turn ultimately derived from the Egyptian hieroglyphs, via the Proto-Canaanite Alphabet. In the mid-to-late 2nd millennium BC, there was also the alphabet of Ugarit, which was also an abjad (consonant alphabet) just like the Phoenician alphabet, but which used cuneiform symbols for it. In any case, the link of Phoenician to earlier scripts in the Near East is very clear.

In contrast, the Tartessians adopted their writing system only in the 8th or 7th century BC from the Phoenicians. The Tartessians were an iliterate people before that period. The whole claim about the "6000 years" only comes from a statement by Strabo in his "Geography" (Book 3, chapter 1.6), where Strabo said that the Turdetani (the people who are generally considered descendants of the Tartessians) asserted this, but it is obviously not true.

All the linguistic tests are based on archaeological materials of existing inscriptions on headstones protohistóricas of the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula.
There is great acceptance in erudite cultural Portuguese and foreign means in using diverse names for the stelas epigrafiadas of the peninsular Southwest, such as the inscriptions Turdetanas or Tartésicas, being this way omitted the real name of the people who has written such inscriptions, and this people is the Konii, that also name turns out to be engraved his, as: Konti, in the stelas of Iberia Española.

The development of the words epigráficas of the stelas they will announce that the writing and peninsular Iberian language is native, although this one has been influenced by other languages that came to the Hispanic iberia. As also I say that it was not the Indo-European one the one that caused the language in Occident, but yes the Indo-European one has received influences of the Iberian one.

The archaeological papers epigráfica, here presented will elucidate with facts, where it was the birth of the writing and language, and since also she has come to the Indo-European one.

The so-called Indo-European people, they were the Iberians of the megalithic epoch who came to the east, as to the Caucasus and other parts of the ground. The first people builders of the Menhirs and Dolmens, were Iberian. This affirmation will be demonstrated, in another work.
Bearing in mind that does not exist archaeological traces of an Indo-European people, easily it goes over to the conclusion that the Indo-European model, in his centrifugal and expansionist form, remains limited to a simple myth. This is what today many students of linguistics think.

Still, in fact, the first people existed, with a common maternal language, but this people, to the fact of having come to many places of the central Europe, to where they lived, he does not want to say, that they were of Indo-European origin.
Seguidamente presented the exhibition, of a work epigráfico, regarding a word, of the acquaintance Estela Konii de Bensafrim, discovered in this locality, for the Portuguese archaeologists, Estácio da Veiga and Santos Rocha, that "situated" in the Council of Lagos, of the Province of the Algarve – Portugal.
In this one exhibition, elucidate as a peninsular Iberian word it comes to the Indo-European one.



Drawing of the Heroun (Stela) of Bensafrim Fotografia of the Stela of Bensafrim - Lagos
(it arrives in the right side, the rectangle of the word).
Retángulo of the word
KONII....... ONAH or ONAI.
Reading Sinistrorsa Diminutivo is, NAI = Nº 1, Conterbia Belaisca
That translated is: ONAH or ONAI, which it means: to (); or (); um (one); uma (one).
For the Castilian language of ON há formed> ONE; and of ONA> ONE. For the-YEAR-OLD Portuguese> UM; and of ONE> UMA. Also for the Latin, language of the linguistic peninsular branch, of ONAI, was spoilt for OINO, but it still had evolution for, UNU and ONE similar to the peninsular Hispanic one. For French, ON; in English, ONE; in Irish, AON, in Gaelic, AON, and in the Galego, UNHA.

I stretch the persevered Galego the letter (H) instead of the (I)st being the most original, and direct of the word Konii, ONAH for ONHA> UNHA. Of the Konii, ONAH to the Arab OUÂH.
When the language and writing expanded of the Western end of the Europe towards the Etruria prerromana, she had the influence of the writing of the Middle East across the ancient Greece, and the proper Greek language was receiving influence of both the parts, both of the European Occident and of the Middle East.
This way the desvirtuación of the peninsular word, ONAI, has gone on to the primitive Latin, AINOS, but derivative to the influence Fenícia, her depart from the Greeks, OINOS was written. This modification yes has to, to the fact, that the letter peninsular (character) Konii, To = (ai), to be synonymous of the Fenício, Or = (aiyn). This way of (A) INOS, will spend her (O) INOS.

The Greeks, was writing OINE, and the Indo-European one moreover will spoil the word, OIWOS. It is necessary to point out that the letter W, since it is doubled of the Vth or U, is very much recent. The W, it is a little similar to the ancient character of the letter S.
Some peninsular words were modified, for the influence of the name of some characters of the grafía Fenícia, when commercialization with the Iberian Occident, and today we can still distinguish this modification, in some current languages, which were languages peninsular, such (branches) as English.

The primitive word S (A) N (son in the Konii) that is inscripta, in the Heroun (Stela) of Ourique – Portugal, son has spent it S (O) N (in English).

The language of the Konii, it was the primitive peninsular language, being the Vascone (Baskoni) a linguistic branch of this language, which had proper evolution his.
(Son) means the peninsular word SAN and it is pronounced like in the writing, since it is the blood abbreviation. In the ancient times the peoples prerromanos it was pronounced, since « IT IS A BLOOD OF OUR BLOOD », it is « SAN « our son.

That's why reason the Englishmen, even call the son of SAN. The primitive Etruscans, peninsular branch, also were calling SAN theirs children, this one word even is in some inscriptions of the people Etrusco, which the etruscologistas say to mean to the name of Ancestral, and to the word Son they think about Clan, but Clan means Família or Families, as in the Clans of Scotland.

Of this mold, we can affirm without doubting, that the writing and language, it has departed from the European Occident for the East when from the migration of the Iberian peoples of the Megalithic Culture, possibly in the Neolithic period.

In the archaic Portuguese the synonymous one of two characters, “ the Ist “ and "H" of the word ONAI ú ONAH, had succession his.
Humiliante, adj. PROSODIC AND RE M the Ist S S I V O
Humilha ção, s.f. DR. J. PERES MONTENEGRO
Humilhante, adj.
Whoever wrote this has no idea about linguistics. In Tartessian the O-like looking letter actually had the value "E". Furthermore, it's very clear that the Tartessian script was not the original one but adopted from the Phoenicians.

Otherwise, in Phoenician the O-shaped letter (Ayin) was not a vowel at all but a consonant. Specifically, the sound it represents is a so-called "pharyngal fricative", which is a sound common to the Semitic languages, but uncommon otherwise. When the Greeks adopted the alphabet from the Phoenicians, they changed the value of the letter to "O". In a similar fashion, the Tartessians changed the value of the letter to "E".

Furthermore, it's well known that what is described above as "Konii" or "Kontii" is in fact actually part of another word, and actually means "Narkenti" or "Narkenii", which is frequently occuring in Tartessian inscriptions and may be related with "burial".

The rest is just fantasy.

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