Politics Would you accept Israel as a member of the EU?

I just a little bit amazed, Canadians here absolutely openly promote U.S. government interests which can be formulated in the simple principle "keep Russians out of Europe, Americans inside and Germans in a tight rein (under total control)".

Well I don't speak for LeBorke but I think Russia has more of a spot in the EU than Turkey does. And as for US interests, there is the good, the bad, and the ugly. You can look at current events in all three perspectives but if you see only the bad or teh ugly, it doesn't hurt to discuss the good.
Hey, tell me what good is coming from the USA...!!!

Let's start... A MAG-LITE torch. (y)
Well I don't speak for LeBorke but I think Russia has more of a spot in the EU than Turkey does. And as for US interests, there is the good, the bad, and the ugly. You can look at current events in all three perspectives but if you see only the bad or teh ugly, it doesn't hurt to discuss the good.
My mistake that I used too common word "Canadians", you are all different of course.
I met people which hate USA and which idealise them, disagree with both. Personally came to the conclusion that Americans are nice people in the majority, but surplus force turns any country into world dictator and that does not bode well.
America for last 15 years lost reputation in Russia because of bombing of Serbia (panslavists hate USA for it), supported of Georgia by weapons, machinery (Humvees), instructors, money, satellite imagery, spreading lies about Russia in media, etc... that don't looks friendly.
Here is nice example, Fox News simply muzzle refugees of war in live broadcast just because they talk truth, it does not fit into the concept of "bad agressive Russia" which Fox News was obliged to spread among own population.

I also think that America is not interested in European integration, that simply not profitable for them. It interested to rule by separated and mired in controversy Europe, saving of military bases on the European soil which they still have from Cold War.
I agree.
EU must stand up against the US manipulating our policy.

They are doing that today still..
Sarkozy of France is a Mossad and CIA agent.

Israel and the USA behave like enemies of Europe.
At least, they are constantly busy with efforts to destabilize Europe.
And yes, Russia is more European then the USA and Israel. :grin:

We want the USA out, The British under a tight reign, and the Russians in. :grin:

I subscribe comrade :grin:

But you as man of left-wing socialist views should know that in RF communists are all fake. The leader of communist party have a Mercedes of 600th model and luxurious house :LOL: ("thanks" to communist party members and their party dues). Proletariat in indignation :confused:.
If it was for Reinaert, all nation states and borders should be abolished. Instead, smaller local communities should organize themselves, produce food and trade with other communities on an ecological and economical sustainable level. All tools of production belong to everyone and there is no hierarchy between the community members. There is no army or police either, but some sort of self-organized civil-defence.

I've met people like Reinaert in abundance in various places. But one thing I've never understood is what kind of secret service is needed to preserve this sort of social contitution.
Haha.. Communalism is a rather old concept. It worked in Europe, at least in the Duchy of Brabant.
It's a way of life that is the middle between communism and capitalism.

At least it brought great prosperity to Brabant, and in return that set greedy eyes on our Duchy.
Now, in Europe, this concept can be done again.
Because now we should have a common defense force, that defends Europe, and doesn't join the adventures of the USA and her satellite states. :LOL:

BTW.. It's somewhat the same concept as the Israelian Kibbutz..
The good side of Israel..
I subscribe comrade :grin:

But you as man of left-wing socialist views should know that in RF communists are all fake. The leader of communist party have a Mercedes of 600th model and luxurious house :LOL: ("thanks" to communist party members and their party dues). Proletariat in indignation :confused:.

What do you want then? European fake or Anglo-American fake?
Let's have our own..

Anyway, a Mercedes is cheaper than a Daimler or a Bentley.
On the other hand.. Who wants an American car?
Anyway, a Mercedes is cheaper than a Daimler...
Daimler like this one?
Laineart, you always look less funny with your mouth shut.

In a light of your communal longings and character, remind us again why do you dream about rich women?
Everybody should live in communes but you should be the king, right mister bullshit?
Laineart's communal motto:
...and if you don't like it, you shut up...
What do you want then? European fake or Anglo-American fake?
Let's have our own..

If you asking about left wing or right wing then I kinda in the middle, believe that capitalist and the socialist ideas completing each other. But without extreme.

Anyway, a Mercedes is cheaper than a Daimler or a Bentley.
On the other hand.. Who wants an American car?

:LOL::LOL::LOL: Actually not only communists corrupted; many politicians in RF are "poor" on the paper, but their wives have a lot of real estate :LOL:
i am not humoring anybody. but your reply smells like you are trying to joke about me.

anyway... i will declare my opinion for the posters who takes into account (if there is anyone).

i believe the EU (i forget the former name) is a project and founded by the developed european countries. the founders were already rich and developed, but, indivisually, small w.r.t US and USSR. So, their aim was to get the synergic effect of grouping in the beginning. with the help of succesfull portugal and spain experiments, and, with the collapse of USSR, they wanted to go after not only for economical benefits but the power also to compete with the US in controlling the different parts of the world. in this second stage they forgive some of their prosperity for the newcomers to control europe as a beginning. but there were some weak points in this project, like euro, nationalism of each country etc. etc..... anyway, it is a long story and may be discussed in another topic.

As a conclusion, the main idea: EU was, allready, a necessity for europeans against US and it would be absurd if US would join the union.

P.S. please dont answer lebrok, i had enough dissappointment about you.

I like you barbarian, and I honestly think you're a great guy and good human being.
I just can't resist pocking holes in conspiracy theory balloons.
Ending a war with Palestine is not enough. Israel has to pay and apologize for its crimes - it has to join the International Criminal Tribunal and send all its generals accused of war crimes on trial in The Hague. Then, Knesset is obliged to adopt a resolution condemning and apologizing for the crimes, a monument to the victims shall be built in Jerusalem and a version of "vergangenheitsbewältigung" has to take place. Of course, Israel must recognise the independent Palestine and have diplomatic relations with it. Also, government shall form Commission for Truth and Reconciliation.

If this all happens, but since Israel is a far right ethnocratic dictatorship it never will, I would accept Israel as member of the European Union.
Only on the same day Palestine joins and that they respect each other. As far as the EU is concerned both sides should know they will not get full respect from the EU until they reach a mutual agreement
Yes, maple leaf awakened the bear and he is angry :mad:.
I just a little bit amazed, Canadians here absolutely openly promote U.S. government interests which can be formulated in the simple principle "keep Russians out of Europe, Americans inside and Germans in a tight rein (under total control)". And no need to change theme on abstract topics :LOL:

You're so wrong- not all Canadians like US- in fact- results of the survey done a few years ago has shown that most of the Canadians don't like US way of "cowboy democracy" at all... They just act as world bullies, making up all the excuses to grab whatever they need from the rest of the world (first- it was Soviet block, then "war against the terrorism)...
Well, I understand that. Some American citizens portray themselves as Canadians.
And spam the internet with right wing US shit.

Hmm.. seemann could be one of them, reading his other postings.
Would you accept Israel as a member of the EU?
Today? No...

Tomorrow? Maybe...
...if US stop to help and to approve them...
...if they are in peace with Palestine and less arrogant with Arabic countries...
...if we accept Turkey in the EU...

"I have a dream" he said...
I think Turkey is moving further and further away from Europe every day.
And Israel shouldn't become a EU member ever!
They are not European.
And I think also, that England isn't European, but a US state.

Kick England out of the EU, give Northern Ireland back to the Irish,
and let Wales and Scotland also become members of the EU.
No, for the same reason Turkey shouldn't join. They are not Europeans. They shouldn't participate in european sports events either, but I guess it's too late for that...
Everybody lined up to get into the club, but now that the cards tower is crumbling and about to fall (funny that a crisis that started in the US will shatter the EU...), some countries will be relieved they couldn't join in time. As for Turkey, the events in northern Africa will make her a role model for wannabe democrats that will not fall into the islamic integrism at the first opportunity. Israel in the EU? Who can swear the EU will still be around tomorrow?

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