Politics Would you accept Israel as a member of the EU?

I believe Israel should get in EU so it would be under bether control
I think that nobody seriously wants Israel as EU Member for many reason. Expecially because Europe is living a difficult moment and to discuss about Israel in the EU would only make things more difficult. I think both EU and Israel have their different problems to think and to solve.
Yes but not now. The next evolution of mankind will see groups of countries all over the world uniting, just like the EU today. I think it's inevitable that the EU will expand into areas of the old Roman Empire. I.e. all countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. However I think that such countries need to come a LONG way before they can be accepted into us. The start has already begun with the Arab spring and those people crying out and fighting for long-awaited democracy! Then give it about 40-50 years for them to sort themselves out, get a little freer and richer, then they will be a perfect fit for the EU.
I can't see why not, given that Turkey will be the next euro-member. If the EU accepts Turkey, then Israel is also a suitable candidate as they are more European (culturally speaking) than Turkey.
first of all Turkey is a secular republic. what about israel? they are not suitable for EU. Their purposes are so different. they are so radical and cruel against arabs. nobody cannot compare turkey and israel. Israel is an unnatural country. Still they are not legal, their behaviours are not legal. EU cannot accept Israel.
It sounds like you are a muslim.
Should Kurds have their own country from part of Turkey, same as Palestinians from part of Israel?
I don't think the 'Israel is not geographically part of Europe' argument is valid. I see the E.U. one day expanding beyond the traditional 'European' borders. I mean look at turkey, 97% of it is in Asia.

I personally wouldn't mind Israel one day being part of the EU, but it has a hell of a lot of shit to sort out before it does, and personally I don't see it sorting them out ANY time soon.
I agree that a question of Israels part of the European civilization is complicated considering the history of the Ashkenazi, and I think that one can rightly argue that it both is and isn't. But I don't think that is the discussion. Neither do I consider the issue of EU OCTs and OMRs an argument of side-stepping the membership criteria. French Guiana is until other is reported a part of France. I think that Cape Verde could only have been in the EU as an autonomous part of Portugal, and as such it's future is West African. Australia and New Zealand would make great members. That is not in their future, and I don't think it is in Israel's either.

In Brussels there are federalists, confederalists, maximalists, minimalists, localists, regionalists, anarkists, conservatists, socialists, nationalists, imperialists who agree and disagree in varying issues. I am sure that there is a decent amount of people representing every possible shape and form of a future European Union, including that of a global super power. But this is not what the European Idea is about, it's not the purpose and the vision of the Civilization state, and I think it will be hard to find broad consent to that in Europe on any level.

Thus, I think that the likelihood to form a future consensus in changing the content of enlargement policy - from that of the Copenhagen criteria - to include non-European democracies is slim. In addition to that, I believe we are beginning to discern the final shape of the EU concerning enlargement. I do not believe the EU will include anymore countries from around the Black Sea, including Belarus and Israel.

And I don't think that we should close our eyes to the development of the world around and pretend that the EU is alone. What we have been doing in Europe for half a century is echoing around the world on every continent and civilization, and our failures and successes building the European Confederacy is followed and setting precedent.

We can't and we won't continuously include every next fringe country that would like to be in the EU. Where does Europe end? I think we will have a decent picture of that in 2020.

Beyond that I don't see Israel any more eligible than Algeria - which can call on strong arguments as well - to join the EU, and I do not believe it is in it's best interest. I think that any mutual benefits for the EU and Israel can be found and met in bilateral agreements of trade and cooperation. There is no reason to include Israel in our political institutions and I certainly question the grounds on such a position. How would it benefit Israels geopolitical positions and relations within the region with at European Union membership? Would it not further set it apart and alienate it from it's neighbors? We can and we will support Israels continued existence even outside the EU.

The European Idea and the civilization state is easily translated into other parts of the world. I believe that Israels future lies in a Middle-Eastern regional cooperation, with mutual acceptance and friendship with it's neighbors, and assurances that threats, war and violence is multilaterally difficult to resort to. This would be possible with regional interdependence and integration. This can only start to become a reality when Palestine is declared a sovereign country, and the democratization of the Maghreb and the Mashriq will pave the way for such a reality.

In the mean time, I think we must support the safety of Israel as well as criticize it when it abuses the rights of it's neighbors. I believe that a friend supports, and that a good friend sometimes says no. I believe this includes membership into the European Union.
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I'd rather see Israel as U.S.A. member, than E.U. member. =)
If Israel were granted member status, they'd better change the name because by definition it won't be a European Union anymore since Israel is not in Europe.

I think it's important to remember that in many ways, Muslims today are not unlike the Jews of old Europe. Semitic culture, living in ghettos, regarding assimilation as unfavourable and disloyal to their ancestors, devoutly obedient to the laws of Abraham (exactly like Muslims, remember that Muhammad is merely the final prophet of Islam not the ONLY prophet). I think it took a long time before any real assimilation occurred and the jews actually changed their religious culture because of it, emphasising the "academic" aspects of their religion, memorisation of Torah, debate of Talmud, etc etc. I didn't even mention anything about the dislike of out-marriage to gentiles...for another time.

The basis of Israel is not democracy, it's ethnocentrism. That being said, i have no emotional attachment to the issue, i'm just trying to be objective and insightful.
No way. I think Israel is too different from us in the EU, like Turkey. And they would be another countries who get money from Germany then. Countries I never want to see inside the EU. And what is geographically outside of Europe should not become a member of the EUROPEAN Union... my opinion. I'm not even sure if I want to see Germany in it or have the €, but that has other reasons.
No. Simply because Israel is not part of Europe. A member of the EU should be part of Europe.

Last time I checked Israel was between ME stated,thus not in Europe.
I would accept them if I had a voice in it, they're very industrious and innovative people. But I doubt it is ever going to happen since there is other countries physically in the way that are not EU; unless they also accept Turkey and Lebanon.
The EU needs to contract not expand. Israelis in the ME and should not be considered for EU membership.
Short answer is: No.

Hope someday Palestine becomes free, even if some of them don't think the same way regarding Catalonia.
Not accepting them because they're physically in ME is not really a reason, it's like saying :"I don't like you because you're over there..", which doesn't make any sense. Is the real reason something more specific?
I believe that Israel should join the EU. However, not in it's current state. Israel should only send an application for membership once it stops the illegal colonization of Palestine, tears down the walls dividing Palestine and Israel, stops persecuting the Palestinians, and give The Nation of Palestine it's full, lawful, and true independence. They also need to give the Arabs, and Muslims in Israel the full rights that they deserve.

After this occurs, they should be able to join, and I think they would be a good member of it; once they reform.

However, whether this is to occur is unlikely, but one can dream.

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