What makes you proud of your country?


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I guess that most of us are more or less proud of their own countries.
So.. tell everyone, what makes you feel so proud? ;)
- history, religion, traditions,
- amazing landscapes,
- cuisine,
- Polish Army.
- history, landscapes, cultures, traditions
Natural beauty, history, cultures, traditions, norms.
4 words people...



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No one really eats them, well at least they won't admit to it.
Lol, and did you hear about bacon flavour ice-cream?
Denmark: Society in general… I think it’s the best evolved democracy (that goes for all the Scandinavian countries) you even get paid to educate yourself. And no matter what your background is you can get any education you want.

Oldest monarchy. Wonderful nature. Denmark just has it all and nicest open minded people in the world.
There is nothing that makes me proud of my country.

Is that a principled, "One shouldn't be proud of where one is born just because one is born there" kind of thing? Or you just really don't like Germany?
There is nothing that makes me proud of my country.

What about economy? What about many innovative minds improving lives, in other countries too?

Objectivity is appreciated Mzungu, but common there's got to be something that makes you proud of Germany, or at least feel good.
Is that a principled, "One shouldn't be proud of where one is born just because one is born there" kind of thing? Or you just really don't like Germany?

What about economy? What about many innovative minds improving lives, in other countries too?

Objectivity is appreciated Mzungu, but common there's got to be something that makes you proud of Germany, or at least feel good.

Both actually. First of all my influence on selecting which country I was born into was very limited, not to say, zero. But ok, in the case of this thread we'll just put this aside.

It's not that I don't like Germany. I enjoy living here, and the reason may also be economical. But I didn't think about economy and politics first when this thread was opened and after having read the other comments. Because these are things that can eventualy vanish. I thought about people, culture and geography, the "soft qualities" so to say, that will remain. And if it comes to that part, there is nothing Germany can actually compete with and claim to be over average. I've explained it in another tread before which got deleated. The landscape here is overall boring, the climate is mostly depressing, the food is in my taste worse than what most European countries can offer (except for UK, but in that case I even wished we had invented fried mars bars, though :LOL:), the people... oh well, at least not over average either, most culture and traditions are lost (and if not, than not in the part of Germany I am coming from), architecture is mosly cold and/or boring, I could continue this list...

I nearly would have said that I appreciate religious harmony and tolerance. Since 1648 there has been no tension between Catholics and Protestants anymore, Huguenots were invited and Frederik the Great even wanted to build mosques to invite Muslim traders and soldiers. But I think I'd better leave that part here... :grin:
I am not proud of my country.. The Netherlands.

Well, one thing, just off the very top of my head, that I would be very proud of, if I were German, would be the music that Germans have given to the world.

These are just my own favorites: Bach, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, Mozart (the only opera that I listen to that isn't written in a Romance language).
Well, I like the Germans because of what they are today.

I could tell you my version of the story.
How Germany was tricked into WWI.
How the British fooled the Americans, to enter WWI.

Strange things were happening back then..
Mostly British "divide and rule" politics.

Figure it out.. Brits fought against Russia.. Allied with the Ottoman Empire.
During WWI it was the other way around!
Who are the worst warmongering people in Europe?

Agression of Serbia and Russia against Austria.
Germany wanted to assist Austria against Russia, and therefore they had to secure their back by silencing France.
Not a big idea in 1914, they did that in 1870 already.
But the Brits came in to disturb the fun.
Instead of a quick war, Germany had to fight on 2 fronts now, a thing they didn't want.

So the Brits spoiled everything.
The Brits were the real nuts that caused a massacre on a gigantic scale.

Even Sir Winston Churchill admitted that in his memoirs.

A man that made a lot of stumbling mistakes throughout his carrier.

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