Debate Are you wasting your life?


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A University of California, San Diego psychiatry study of more than one million adults found that people who live the longest self-report sleeping for six to seven hours each night. Other studies show that sleeping more than 7 to 8 hours per day has been consistently associated with increased mortality. source

I always thought getting less that 8 hours sleep was bad for you, but it seems it's actually good for you.

Heres another thought, say you sleep 8 hours and you change to 6 you gain 2 hours a day.

2 hours x 360 days a year = 720 hours gained

720 hours divided by 24 hours to get days = 30 days gained per year

You have just created your 13 month year :grin:

after 12 years of 6 hour sleeping you have gained a year. in reality this is more because while a day is 24 hours we are usually only awake for 16 of those hours.

720 divided by 16 = 45 days per year
Oh, but I waiste so much of my time even without sleeping ...
lol, great answers guys!

As for the study, I think they got it backward. Most likely people that live the longest can regenerate faster therefore they need less sleep. The centenarians are usually heather and have more energy. Their bodies stay younger longer too. These can be the main reasons why they need less sleep then common folk.
Some studies also show that during sleep brain consolidates memories. One learns faster when has a good sleep.
The older you get the less sleep you need anyway, it is usually the young who need the most sleep.
I don’t know Antigone. Old people often sleep less at night because of all the pains and aches, and not because they don’t want to. Also they always sleep and nap during the day, therefore don’t need so much sleep at night. I’d say they need more sleep to rest and regenerate than young.
Mmm, but according to Edao's source a newborn needs 18hrs or more sleep per day, a 5yr old needs 11-13hrs, a 10yr old 9-11hrs, an adolescent 9-10hrs and an adult (including the elderly) only needs 7-8hrs on average. Except pregnant women, of course, who need more.
I can also confirm that elderly people need less sleep, as long as they are not completely morbid. This of course doesn't contradict the fact that they are less energetic.
Getting less than 8 hours sleep is bad, this is obviously an observation study which proves absolutely nothing.

If you sleep less, it will contribute negatively to your health which doesn't necessarily reduce the time you live, but it will make it less pleasant. Like elderly who does number 2 in diapers, no one wants to end up like that. So watch out for your health if you want your entire life to be lived happily and not only lived.
Well, the fact alone that man started to walk aroun on 2 feet, means he HAS to lie down for some time.

Just check this..


At a certain place the crap can't go up..
Yes, left under, near the appendix.
So, you have to lie down to get the crap processed.

Another strange coincïncidence is, we process our food in about 20 hours.
Be glad it isn't 24 hours.. :LOL:

So, sleep is neccessary, and isn't a waste of time at all.
Considering i sleep for about 10-12 hours daily i waste most of my life sleeping anyway! Although i do enjoy it so i guess it isn't a "waste" per se
We do waste our time in gossips and irrelevant activities which can not generate any results.This is the main difference between successful and a champion successful person.Now what do you want to be ?
We do waste our time in gossips and irrelevant activities which can not generate any results.This is the main difference between successful and a champion successful person.Now what do you want to be ?

I don't agree. Gossips have a social function, and there are no irrelevant activities.

Success has other parameters.
Being on the right place, at the right time, with the right talents, a lot of luck, and even more sweat.

Hey, I play games on the internet, and they train my brain. I did maths and physics together with my electronic studies, and I had the luck to meet people who I could help in developing the right software for their scientific research.
That also boosted my knowledge and salary for a while, until that dwarf GW Bush and his pals ruined the consumer economy, and made it a war economy.
Sarah Palin would make things only worse.. :grin:

But welcome, no offence.. :LOL:
Are you wasting your time?

The question is aint all wasting their life in some kind of way, we dont live forever.
Are you wasting your time?

The question is aint all wasting their life in some kind of way, we dont live forever.

Who wants to live forever?
If we wouldn't die of disease or being old, and only die because of a car crash, or some other kind of accident,
it would have as a consequence that social life as we know it would stop.
Nobody would ever dare to fly again.

Hey, I want to game all day, i'm not going to work, because some car can hit me!

The moment humans are immortal, the human species dies.
Evolution is necessary.
Life is only possible because there is death.

i waste alot of my time in watch movie.. but now i am trying to leave it.
I can get one if exceed 8 hours. Maybe it's related to low weather pressure. Low pressure can cause migraine, makes you tired and sleep longer, therefore making us think it's because longer sleep. The low pressure, or anything related to tiredness might be the main cause though.
The less you sleep the less sleep time your body demmands (within certain margin of course). I sleep 6 hours by night and also take a nap from 15:00 to 16:30 pm. That's enough for me.
I have accustomed to my body and mind to sleep 6 hours a day, due to the horrifying Spanish schedules that they do that my free time has to be in the night. The ideal thing to feel plethoric sound from 8 until 10 hours, I think that the people who sleeps as minimum 8 hours during the day are more awake than the one that sleeps less than 8 hours.

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