Politics Barroso talking that EU is "non-imperial empire"

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Northern Russians - Slavonic & Finno-Ugric mixture, but hell it's just my guesses

So he will be first EU emperor? :LOL:
Well, Europe is an empire without an emperor. And indeed he is right that the EU didn't emerge out of the will of one dictator, or a group of political fanatics. But I think Europe should be an economical union in the first place.

We Europeans have created our own market. But large companies invest in China to produce, and sell their goods in Europe.
That's capitalism and wrong. Why? Transport is taking too much resources.
So, I guess Europe will be changing politics in the future.

The new name will be European Federation of Communalist Republics. :clap:
The new name will be European Federation of Communalist Republics. :clap:

Reinaert, what are you like in communism? I am actually did not thought that there is still some adherents of communism in Europe lol
There are still romantic in Europe.
@ Anton..
I said Communalist... That's a path between Capitalism and Communism.
Somewhat an Anarchy with basic rules.
Contradictio in terminis, I know.

Romantic? No, Realistic. You can't afford an economy that depends heavily on imports from the rest of the world in the long run. The Roman empire collapsed because of that, the British empire also.
Even now we see problems at sea. Pirates get away with a lot of looting.

But NATO has other priorities. :unbelievable:
well seems like PIGS are are happy,

since I am Greek I am very happy that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is arrested in NY for rape attempt.

today president of France should sleep easy cause his most popular opponent Dominique is in Prison
Who is that guy (Nigel Farage?), he looks very funny


So he will be first EU emperor? :LOL:

Well Anton although I am afraid of Europe to, At least EU is not the kingdom of 1 man show, Like Russia
Putin prime minister, Putin President, Putin President, 30 years of Putin-ism,
that is a life time Emperor,
Putin manage to Be more years emperor in Rusia that many Caesars (Cars) will envy him. cause they had less.

At least Europe changes faces more often

Nigel Farage and few others are the romantic people of a romantic EU, that wants Eu to stay as EU and not become China or USA.
EU will never become an Empire beacus there are many Nations and the problem is that those nations doesnt have similarities.
Euuuhhh... We don't want an empire!
GDP projected to 2050


source guardian newspaper

I don't see there being any other way forward than a full political and fiscal union. European nations are used to holding power on the world stage and with every decade that passes we are becoming more and more a bit player. Europeans like Americans have been ruthless in maintaining their power grip so when the tables turn we can't expect China, India or Brasil to play fair.

It you don't want your grand kids to be emmigrating to other parts of the world for work or sat in the unemployment office waiting for hand outs I would suggest becoming very pro EU and very pro Federal Europe.

In Scotland the Scottish National Party are all excited about the potential of breaking out of the UK, with a planned referendum in 4 or so years time. So when economic growth has picked up they can go oh that was ME!

Nationalism is dead! There have been various political borders and nations in Europe, languages have developed cultures evolved, why is everyone so romantic about thier tiny tribe? Lets look at the bigger picture and accept a Federal Europe.:grin:
I am Greek I am very happy that Dominique Strauss-Kahn is arrested in NY for rape attempt
But he was your best friend...

Germany don't want to pay for Greece, and DSK had always defended you in front of Merkel...

Europe is an empire without an emperor
Are you serious?
Well Anton although I am afraid of Europe to, At least EU is not the kingdom of 1 man show, Like Russia
Putin prime minister, Putin President, Putin President, 30 years of Putin-ism,
that is a life time Emperor,
Putin manage to Be more years emperor in Rusia that many Caesars (Cars) will envy him. cause they had less.

At least Europe changes faces more often

Nigel Farage and few others are the romantic people of a romantic EU, that wants Eu to stay as EU and not become China or USA.

I see you misunderstood me. Nobody wants to crown single man to reign :LOL: question was - what you think about Barroso words, that Europe is democratic empire or something, I myself don't understand Barros's point up to the end.
I am honestly say you, on this "Europe forum" I forced to defend current regime in Russia (because of very distorted view here) and in the same time always criticize it on Russian forums. Your point about 30 years of Putin kingship is nice example of distorted view, 30 years ago even Russia did not exist, there was Soviet Union. Putin was a president from 2000-2008, before 2000 year nobody has heard of this man. In 2012 elections in Russia, will see.

Nigel Farage and few others are the romantic people of a romantic EU, that wants Eu to stay as EU and not become China or USA.

His party have name "UKIP" United Kingdom Independence Party, natural conclusion from the name - separatists who are against the EU :LOL:
I'm not going to judge, may be that guy is nice and his views give greater pluralism, but his criticism is bordered with a direct insult very closely.

Experience of big countries says that they can exist only as presidential republics and leader should be respected, not blind Asian obedience but anyway respected. Look at USA, don't think that someone is able to say right in the face of Obama "you have a charisma of a damp rag and your parents is a low grade bank clerk..." :LOL: :LOL:
Germany don't want to pay for Greece?

Mmmm I don't see why not, Germany is making a very nice profit out of "helping" Greece plus is in the process of selling Greece submarines and stuff. It is hardly charity.
This isn't an econimist decision...

Merkel's popularity declines, and want to reassure her voters...but it may be a bluff, she knows that if nobody help Greece, the Euro will be down...

(Sorry for my poor English)
Yes I agree, but don't mind me. I just get annoyed at the impression given by the media that Germany is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts when it couldn't be further from the truth.

(You have nothing to apologise for VonRoust, your English is very good)
I just get annoyed at the impression given by the media that Germany is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts when it couldn't be further from the truth
Oh yes, "the truth is out there"...:wary2:

your English is very good
Yes I agree, but don't mind me. I just get annoyed at the impression given by the media that Germany is doing this out of the goodness of their hearts when it couldn't be further from the truth.

(You have nothing to apologise for VonRoust, your English is very good)

Uhm, who wrote that Germany did this for charity reasons?
It is the same with the US in the Middle East or with the Chinese in Africa:

It is all only for a better world to live in. Under one own's leadership, of course! :grin:

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