Politics La Revolución española.


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You can see through this real time link to the protests in front of the sun of Madrid has already spread throughout Spain.

The people united will never be defeated.
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Spanish (protesting) in the world

Posted on 21 May, 2011 by the trader
El Pais, by Google translator;
In Brussels, the sun rises “with the word sun symbol contained in the Madrid metro was the text of one of the banners as yesterday showed, for the second consecutive day, some 300 young people in the vicinity of the Embassy of Spain to Belgium . Spanish MEPs, broth made by any personal experiences ” ee=”Los concentrados discutían en asamblea cómo mantener con vida el Movimiento 15-M en la capital donde se halla la sede de la Comisión Europea y de muchos organismos de la UE.Los eurodiputados españoles, puestos a caldo con experiencias personales por alguno de”>The meeting focused on discussing how to keep alive the 15-M Movement in the capital which is the seat of the European Commission and many EU bodies. <NO1> Spanish MEPs, broth made by any personal experiences young people, will have news this week from them.
The meeting agreed to establish an international commission to coordinate with similar movements to the 15-M in other nearby countries. Banners displaying inveighed against the bankers, the PSOE and the PP. “They call it democracy and it is not,” read one. On Friday, we could read in another: “Why go back?” Reports from Brussels Ricardo M. of Herrod.
In Paris, a hundred supporters of the Movement 15-M gathered at the Place de la Bastille, but it coincided with another rally moved to the nearby Piazza della Repubblica, reports Antonio Jiménez Barca. “The majority are Spanish, but gradually more and more French and citizens of other countries,” said Bruno Gangoiti, one of the participants. Young had planned to spend the night in the square.
In London, thousands of students and workers gathered again at the Spanish Embassy to continue showing their identification with the Movimiento 15-M. At noon they began to meet the first protesters, while “a minority group” continued the protest after spending the night outdoors.
In Italy, hundreds of young Spanish and Italians expressed their identification with the Movimiento 15-M. In streets and squares of Rome, Milan, Pisa, Bari, Bologna, Florence, Taranto, Padua, Palermo and Turin displayed placards, staged sit-ins and exhibited white balloons as a symbol of unity and peace. In Rome, some 200 people gathered for a second day on the plaza of Spain, next to the Embassy to the Holy See, Miguel Mora report. In Copenhagen, about 300 people gathered well before the Spanish legation.
In Mexico, some 100 young people gathered at the Embassy of Spain. They chanted and cheered, the slogan “they call it democracy and it is not.” Most were Spanish, but then joined Mexican protesters.
“Young people who reside outside of Spain we must support and match the actions that challenge our current political system,” explained one of the organizers. In Milan, the students gathered again in the Piazza del Duomo with some Italians. The # italianrevolution seemed to be gaining popularity in Facebook (14,000 registered last night) with the support of Viola and movement Popolo 5 Stars, whose leader, comedian Beppe Grillo, participated in the protests on Friday in Barcelona
Haha.. Facebook is a CIA operation.

The USA is busy to destabilize Europe already for a long time.
They use every trick in the book.
Oh, finally a citizen of another country European brother has deigned to write in this thread, Thanks.

I am really up to the eggs is always a vacuum to any topic related to Spain, as if not interested, go, go away to take tea with the Queen of England! sure that you receive.

U.S.A. conspiracies in this case, I think not. Probably if they had imginado the reach of the Internet had not democratized the invention.
Funny how in a civil country like Spain people from different backgrounds protest against the corruption in the political system, while in Italy there are still people who defend Berlusconi and his government. But we are not still dead!
Oh, finally a citizen of another country European brother has deigned to write in this thread, Thanks.

I am really up to the eggs is always a vacuum to any topic related to Spain, as if not interested, go, go away to take tea with the Queen of England! sure that you receive.

U.S.A. conspiracies in this case, I think not. Probably if they had imginado the reach of the Internet had not democratized the invention.

well lets see
Spanish case is a strange case,
Spain had civil war while others had WW2,
Spain had tasted all models last years, even the Barcelona Anarchist system that is a far left non communistic(non Russian style).

In Spain there are today also some demands for autonomia,

so it is a strange case,
that is why some do not want to write about,
Spain for many is unknown, or a country that has learned to pass troubles,

Spain is a strong card in EU yet is considered P.I.G.S.
well seems like each country take a Eurocup, or makes Olympics, or has strong football clubs has problems,
with out being a prophet I just think,
greece took Euro at portugal and problems started,
Spain took mondo etc and problems are in start,
portugal had 2 finalist in Euroleage and has problems,
is there a connection?
Well, look at the history under the Bush administration!!!

Bush was good friends with the leaders of Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, and Italy.
Ideal to destabilize Europe.

I preferred the politics of Germany and France, to make a strong Europe.
And not jump into the same adventure as the Anglo-Americans.

The war in Iraq was idiot.
The war in Afghanistan was idiot.
And they still are!

Well, after Aznar Spain moved only a bit to the left, but that doesn't help them enough.

The real problem of countries like Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal is this:

They don't know much about the endless rules and possibilities to get funds from the EU still!!

Countries like The Netherlands have much profit from the EU, because companies have specialists that work for them.
Funny how in a civil country like Spain people from different backgrounds protest against the corruption in the political system, while in Italy there are still people who defend Berlusconi and his government. But we are not still dead!

It has been a youth uprising against the entire system, which has surprised the Spanish political class by surprise during the campaign for municipal elections and also in some autonomous regions and that the Spanish press has failed to cover accurately, is only principle of change.
well lets see
Spanish case is a strange case,
Spain had civil war while others had WW2,
Spain had tasted all models last years, even the Barcelona Anarchist system that is a far left non communistic(non Russian style).

In Spain there are today also some demands for autonomia,

so it is a strange case,
that is why some do not want to write about,
Spain for many is unknown, or a country that has learned to pass troubles,

Spain is a strong card in EU yet is considered P.I.G.S.
well seems like each country take a Eurocup, or makes Olympics, or has strong football clubs has problems,
with out being a prophet I just think,
greece took Euro at portugal and problems started,
Spain took mondo etc and problems are in start,
portugal had 2 finalist in Euroleage and has problems,
is there a connection?

Thanks for your explanations about Spain, I hope that every time we seem less strange, try to do the same, but in reverse.
Reinaert Well, look at the history under the Bush administration!!!

Bush was good friends with the leaders of Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, and Italy.
Ideal to destabilize Europe.

I preferred the politics of Germany and France, to make a strong Europe.
And not jump into the same adventure as the Anglo-Americans.

Maybe Bush was a demand for more than a choice of Spain, however after Aznar took socialism and continued meddling in wars with the proviso that the war called peace, the peace mission.

The war in Iraq was idiot.
The war in Afghanistan was idiot.
And they still are!

The world has not changed much.

Well, after Aznar Spain moved only a bit to the left, but that doesn't help them enough.

It thereby promoting youth: real democracy now, youth without a future, to end the bipartisanship PP (Partido Popular), PSOE (Spanish Workers' Party), the two-headed monster called PPSOE, the same dog with different collar.

The real problem of countries like Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal is this:

They don't know much about the endless rules and possibilities to get funds from the EU still!!

Countries like The Netherlands have much profit from the EU, because companies have specialists that work for them.

Since joining the European Union (EU) on 1 January 1986, Spain received 118,000 million euros from EU coffers, making it in the Member State has received the most aid. Starting this year, the Spanish EU funds destined to be cut drastically but will not prevent the second largest beneficiary of the list, behind Poland.

Well, look at the history under the Bush administration!!!

Bush was good friends with the leaders of Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, and Italy.
Ideal to destabilize Europe.

I preferred the politics of Germany and France, to make a strong Europe.
And not jump into the same adventure as the Anglo-Americans.

The war in Iraq was idiot.
The war in Afghanistan was idiot.
And they still are!

Well, after Aznar Spain moved only a bit to the left, but that doesn't help them enough.

The real problem of countries like Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal is this:

They don't know much about the endless rules and possibilities to get funds from the EU still!!

Countries like The Netherlands have much profit from the EU, because companies have specialists that work for them.

well you are right to that,
I have finished 5 years civil engineer, i have worked 10 years, i have specialization in Hydraylic and sea engineer, and i am out of business, I made a pattern, and no founds from state, and finally i sold it to a korean research laboratory,
last time Greek immigration abroad was by cheap no specialized workers,
this time is made by scientists and business mans,
only in England last 10 years immigrated 50 000 scientists (from mathematicians to doctors) and nobody knows how many in Arabia USA and rest of Europe,

about profits,


Greece manage to take more than 75% to make constructions etc,
where the money go? eaten by who,
Greek kthmatologio, (a certification of properties)
from 1996 Billions of EU counting units, (not EU then)
money eaten by politics and people pay to finish it by their own money.

Corruption is the problem,
to understand my words, a massive get out is ready to take place in Greece from public companies corporations etc, and a massive sold out,
yet each gov makes some places and some committees that the ones that works take space high salaries, while 10 000 worker are about to lose jobs, 3000 party members enter to committees and take from x3 to x10 money each.
while athens is 45% of population has 70% of public workers

Portugal Ireland Greece Spain not Italy,

Italy has not reach the red line
Thanks for your explanations about Spain, I hope that every time we seem less strange, try to do the same, but in reverse.

All I mean is that Spain in political affairs is far ahead of rest of Europe,
Spain I believe is an arena of politic theories,
People of Spain I believe that they are enough informed in political issues,
on the other hand Spain is among 3 most visited countries of EU, and yet keeps its color,
that is why many Believe that must not talk,
Spanish people are just warmhead like most meditereneans,
Spain is a country that can be far ahead or far behind other powers,
for me it is an alternate country that must find its own way, cause Spain's power is still uncovered, or not founded,
Spain is the only country that can change the way of Eu politics,
it is still with Ireland and Norway the untamed and indomitable spirit of western Eu
Reinaert Well, look at the history under the Bush administration!!!

Bush was good friends with the leaders of Great Britain, The Netherlands, Spain, and Italy.
Ideal to destabilize Europe.

I preferred the politics of Germany and France, to make a strong Europe.
And not jump into the same adventure as the Anglo-Americans.

Maybe Bush was a demand for more than a choice of Spain, however after Aznar took socialism and continued meddling in wars with the proviso that the war called peace, the peace mission.

The war in Iraq was idiot.
The war in Afghanistan was idiot.
And they still are!

The world has not changed much.

Well, after Aznar Spain moved only a bit to the left, but that doesn't help them enough.

It thereby promoting youth: real democracy now, youth without a future, to end the bipartisanship PP (Partido Popular), PSOE (Spanish Workers' Party), the two-headed monster called PPSOE, the same dog with different collar.

The real problem of countries like Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal is this:

They don't know much about the endless rules and possibilities to get funds from the EU still!!

Countries like The Netherlands have much profit from the EU, because companies have specialists that work for them.

Since joining the European Union (EU) on 1 January 1986, Spain received 118,000 million euros from EU coffers, making it in the Member State has received the most aid. Starting this year, the Spanish EU funds destined to be cut drastically but will not prevent the second largest beneficiary of the list, behind Poland.

Yes but according to population were there enough?
All that money went where? to some party members?

the war for a better life is eternal, but there can be 1 king.
so the problem in Greece is elsewhere,
a new taxation is on the lose in Greece by todays news,
to cover the minus (-) of economical balance,
Lets see each Greek must pay about 50 E Xtra to cover balance,
while a party member in a public electricity corporation before few months spend 7 000 for 2 days sleep in a hotel in Athens for sleeping as was quest in congress!!!!!
that is the wrong, to ask from a farmer all day out working in the sun 50E to take 1 rich party member free vacations in a suite in an 20* hotel with his girlfriend,
before few years, 1 800 000 bottles of 1,5 lt water where pass to public spend to a congress of 3 000 people that last 4 days !!!!

simply south EU is the test, if they manage that then in future they will manage to create a rulling class, they now are testing on how much money from people can take, soon with our money (peoples money) they will make us more poor and they will get more rich.

EU is after china, They don't want middle class people,
all crisis hit the middle class,
the more the middle class the more the country will be hit.
they try to eliminate middle class, small producers, educated people etc.
that is why many Believe that must not talk,
Spanish people are just warmhead like most meditereneans,

Can never possess us.
In Spain there are today also some demands for autonomia,

Spain has 17 autonomous regions and 2 autonomous cities Ceuta and Melilla are.

Spain had tasted all models last years, even the Barcelona Anarchist system that is a far left non communistic(non Russian style).

In the last years?


There were several variants of anarchism in Spain: anarchism of the peasantry in rural Andalusia urban anarcho-syndicalism in Catalonia, particularly its capital Barcelona, ​​and what anarchism is sometimes called "pure"in other cities such as Zaragoza. However, these movements had many similarities and shared ideology.

Spain is a strong card in EU yet is considered P.I.G.S.

I think you confuse the whole U.E. with an English newspaper, excuse me, but everyone knows who the real pigs in Europe.
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