A United States of Europe- is that possible? Would you like to see it happen?

Hi All! New here.
I'm very pro-european and think that with the rise of continental sized countries like China and India economically the need for a United Europe has never been greater!

Do you agree?

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Yes, I totally agree with you. I think a united European federation with a minimal federal government and strong states that would deal with everything but national defence and foreign issues could get enough support amongst people to become a reality.
A United States of Europe- is that possible? Would you like to see it happen?
Hi All! New here.
I'm very pro-european and think that with the rise of continental sized countries like China and India economically the need for a United Europe has never been greater!

Do you agree?


Europe sucks. As long as the English and Americans are spoiling our party, and we let it happen over and over again.

Europe should work on a common market like it was meant to be, and refrain from imperial stupid ideas!

And what you are saying about China and India.. It's our own bloody capitalist scum that's investing hard cash in those pirate states! China and India are both exploiting humans!!!

Capitalist always talk about free trade! My ass!
What we need is fair trade!
China and India are both exploiting humans!!!
They will be great countries when they will have:
-Free health care system
-Social rights and egalities
-Right to strike
My point is, we can make a living in Europe if we work in and for our own market.

It's idiot to buy things of of poor quality from China, and fly them in by air.
Airplanes can only fly cheap because there is no tax on the fuel!
It's criminal to do so, but big companies have their (bought) friends between high ranking politicians.
as a belgians point of view, yes maybe. as long we can keep our states cultural background, kings, queens etc they are part of how a country is , even if only it was nostalgia.

belgians seem to be strong without a gouverment of their own, im sure others can aswell, and replacing all gouverments with 1 president might work
belgians seem to be strong without a gouverment of their own, im sure others can aswell, and replacing all gouverments with 1 president might work

Haha A European president? We will nor can EVER AGREE!
as a belgians point of view, yes maybe. as long we can keep our states cultural background, kings, queens etc they are part of how a country is , even if only it was nostalgia.

belgians seem to be strong without a gouverment of their own, im sure others can aswell, and replacing all gouverments with 1 president might work

well try to say that to british, do you believe they expell their 'mother' just for EU ?

also some other areas with kings, but I believe the left side drivers are strongly bind with their customs that will not allow Eu to do that.
They will be great countries when they will have:
-Free health care system
-Social rights and egalities
-Right to strike

yes i share also this,
but my believes are that is more posiible Europe will become an Arab country or India, than they have real democracy, social rights, and right to strike,
in Syria 1200 tanks massacre rioters.
Definitely no way. The US share a common culture and one language. The cultural diversity found in Europe makes it unlikely to happen ever. Thank God for that, as I want to be able to travel to one place on the continent and not feel like in London...
Where I believe in is the opposite of a European empire.

What we need is a Europe of the regions.
That is.. A centrally ruled bill of rights, based on the universal rights of humans.
And also a common social law. Wages should be the same everywhere in Europe, for the same jobs.
In the same time, we also need to improve the possibility for people to build an own home and working place.
In a region we can bring the work closer to where people live, by building new compounds.
The magic word is "communalism" a political idea between communism and capitalism, that last systems both fail!

Be proud to be European, we have better food than the MacDonalds of the USA can offer.
We can make a better banking system than what the pirate banks like Goldman Sachs and others do.
Yes, I think that divided we are simply not competitive, we are like a preistoric creature with not future. I know that Europe is very complicated politically speaking, but finally we must learn to stay united.
The new state would be something innovative and never seen before, where every region has its own language but with an overnational language like English (which is also the easiest Indo-European language) to unite us.
No thank you from Serbia. I would rather we be like those Gauls who refuse to sacrifice their village to some behemoth. We do not possesss these submissive traits many other peoples seem to have.
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No thank you from Serbia. I would rather we be like those Gauls who refuse to sacrifice their village to some behemoth. We do not posesss these submissive traits many other peoples seem to have.
Oh it's so romantic, but where are to Gauls now with their language? If not few historians, we wouldn't' even know about them, right?
Even in 2 thousand years if there is a country name Serbia, Serbian language will evolve to something else that you won't be able to understand. The culture will be different, most likely religion too, even look of people will change. What will you do now? :shocked: Defend and die for things that will pass and be forgotten?!
Linear pottery anyone? Anyone? :grin:
Have to agree with Lebrok there. The old adage of united we stand, divided we fall has been historically proven time and again.
European Union was founded in The principals of each culture keeps its ID,

Today we see that some ones are Building European empire,

Wanted or Not for will support that, some will be slained for that, and will find way to survive and revenge it.

Europe is about to turn to a what? and that helps who?
It would be a very boring place if Europe was to become one country. One president for Europe with many countries would create a civil war.

Europe has always been many countries and it should stay that way.

I can see the good point of the EU,trying to stop wars from happening in Europe but the EU had committed bad non-white migration policy into Europe. EU has done more bad then good.

IMPH,EU should be dismantled.

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