Italy referendum rejects nuclear power, water privatisation and legittimo impedimento

Err... can you explain and justify this in the next years to the people living in Oceania, Bangladesh, India, Carribean, Peru, Sahara region, Arctic region, tornado/hurricane/tyclone/taifoon areas etc... those who right at the moment don't have the rights or cash for making a new living in disaster free areas?

BTW I'm not sure if we have the same metabolism as dinosaurs. And I can't remember anyone complaining of a mass plant extinction in case of CO2 emissions.

As you can see I was actually trying to keep the status quo, avoiding next ice age with extra production of CO2. There wouldn’t be a change, at least a big one.
The only problem with geo-engineering is that no one is able to predict precisely what will happen. We still know too little. We are only about 100 years into climate research, and it is a very complicated system.
Even without human help the climate fluctuates from Ice Age to Warm (like current) periods. We still don’t know why it happens, and why for last 10 million years.
I would be glad if CO2 could do the trick and help people to regulate global temperatures to avoid Ice Ages. With new technologies in the future we might be able release global warming or cooling gasses or water vapors in big amounts and suck them out from atmosphere in mater of months. At least to counteract natural clime change occurrences like ice ages or cooling periods due to big volcano explosions. Just one Pinatubo eruption in 1991 lowered world temperature by 1C next year, this is huge. Should we mention super volcanoes? They are known to be 100 times bigger than Pinatubo.
How fair is it to the any peoples on this planet? Not sure, I’m not a god. ;)

People generally don’t like changes, they are threatened by them. Maybe I’m an optimist not seeing much danger to life on earth if we double or triple the CO2 level. Definitely there will be changes, possibly big ones, but nothing really catastrophic some “experts” envisioned. There will be no run away effect and end of life as we know it, period. Just some changes, but what’s new?

I don’t think we will be able to avoid doubling CO2 level anyway. Just look how Asia and the rest of the world are growing and burning fossil fuels. What’s left is to adopt,... and be an optimist. :rolleyes:
Definitely our earth will be greener. :grin:

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