Economy Reuters: Riots shake faith in UK austerity, stability

It's simple..
The English have the revenge on their own doorstep now.
They asked for it!

And another one..

Look at the movie and pictures to see how repressive the English system is.
And always was! As a Dutchman I know too well what kind of criminal King Billy (WilliamIII) was.
He ruined the finances of the Dutch Republic for his own career.
As the King of England!!

A real crook!
British immigrants consist mainly from Indians, Africans, Arabs & Pakistanis. So I bet "white persons" on the photo have Arab or Pakistani roots. The Russian minority is small, live only in London and consist mainly from rich people, this is ridiculous to say that they are participated in the robbery of supermarkets.
And I don't understand the point of Antigone & Mzungu mchagga, you guys wanna to say that it's "whites" are to blame? Why then crowds of black immigrants with the TVs in hands running away from police? The time of big sales? :LOL:

You are jumping from one point to the other! What do Muslim fundamentalists now have to do with the looting in the shops?

But my friend, if you believe that all white people shown on the pictures (again: are Arabs or Pakistani with whitening cream, there's nothing much I can do to change your mind! I won't convince you anyway so I'm not going to let this continue to an endless conversation. Be happy in your country with low immigration rates, high corruption, high poverty, alcohol and drug abuse, civil-war hot-spots and Europe's lowest life-expectancy for males, and my wish is for you to stay there forever!
Anton England as many European countries have a problem with Huge immigration Numbers which some carry their Dogmas,
But that is in whole world,

modern riots in England is mostly based on 2 parts,

1 is the kill of a man in Tottenam by police force,

2 is geto boom, young with no future who ask better voice, who never been heard, who are no future,

Looting is the result of a riot,

in Brazil carnaval fiesta many people are kill as a result of the fiesta,
in athens after each riot we have some looting problems,

when the police and the public opinion looks at riots, it is time for the cheap criminality,
small dogs eat when big dogs don't care,

in west world looting is mobile phones, dog food, some tv or computer parts,

in your country looting was made Big dogs, who sold aircarriers to china, tanks guns etc to everywere,
it is another case the street looting, and another the 'Big' looting that was made by russian after Ussr collapse,
I don't think I've ever come across anyone who is so frightened of different races than Anton, it is quite fascinating to see.

I grew up with and have always lived amongst immigrants and am grateful for it, in fact I am an immigrant myself now so am at a bit of a loss to understand where Anton is coming from. But I suppose having to cope with anyone who is different is very new to Russia, possibly the wall should go back up to protect all that whiteness over there?
I see "tolerant boys" are angry :LOL:
Here problem is not in me, problem in that "tolerant liberal-socialist" ideology of political correctness and complete taboo on any right-wing appeals. Everyone here is wishing to play a role of such "conflict-free tolerant-socialist boy" even when it looks totally stupid :LOL:

Mzungu mchagga, yes maybe my country is not ideal as any other. But when I will go out of my home to walk it's still will be my country home while you will face with Africa :LOL:

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Well... As I said before...

Anton, I guess you never have witnessed what white hooligans are able to..

They are well organized.
They use modern communication means to strike at several places at the same time.

That is the impression I got when I saw the first movies.

Groups of well masked people, well organized.
As if they were wearing uniforms.
Hit and run tactics.

Then some stupid bystanders get in the shops to take a look around, and get their pictures on the media.
Police has been busy to arrest the fools.

Yes, that's what happened.

Some gangs organized the first lootings.
I just got that from English television, and it confirms what I expected.
Well... It was on Youtube already.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

There are lots of these kind of movies on Youtube.

Gangs mentioned in the UK:

Yardies or Yawdies: Jamaica
Columbia (cocain)

More to follow, I guess.


Please watch this one:

Blacks are most of the victims!
Government does nothing to stop the gangs.

Mar 2008
Over 190 different gangs are engaged in battles across London's poorest areas. And the gang members are getting increasingly younger. Why is a highly developed country losing control of its youth?
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I see "tolerant boys" are angry :LOL:
Here problem is not in me, problem in that "tolerant liberal-socialist" ideology of political correctness and complete taboo on any right-wing appeals. Everyone here is wishing to play a role of such "conflict-free tolerant-socialist boy" even when it looks totally stupid :LOL:

Mzungu mchagga, yes maybe my country is not ideal as any other. But when I will go out of my home to walk it's still will be my country home while you will face with Africa :LOL:

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That is the difference Anton you do not understand,

In my country I may go home facing Africa India what ever, And I might some times change way,
in your country going home means no africa and india, but Russian mafia,

except if you are one of them,
I don't think Anton is understanding much of anything, he is terrified of anything that is different and thinks everyone with a dark face comes from Africa.

You should travel Anton and learn something.
That is the difference Anton you do not understand,

In my country I may go home facing Africa India what ever, And I might some times change way,
in your country going home means no africa and india, but Russian mafia,

except if you are one of them,

So called "Russian mafia" in many respects is a myth of western journalism. Yes, Russia have criminal elements inside as any other country, but when you hearing about "Russian mafia" in Europe, USA or any other country I recommend to check their ethnic origin first. Very often it's people from ex-Soviet republics or Eastern Europe, not from RF. We are not responsible for those people since their homeland got independence in 1989-1991 period.

But back to topic
I must ask for sorry for rude joke about deportation in Africa, but again, I don't understand the point of people here, see only baseless accusations.
Mark your points gentlemen:
1. Reason in not assimilated immigrants, many of which unemployed persons.
2. It's blame of British government only as Reinaert says
3. Probably cause in social structure of British society.
4. ...
Say something concrete, right now I see only semi-hysterical reaction on 1st point of view
So called "Russian mafia" in many respects is a myth of western journalism. Yes, Russia have criminal elements inside as any other country, but when you hearing about "Russian mafia" in Europe, USA or any other country I recommend to check their ethnic origin first. Very often it's people from ex-Soviet republics or Eastern Europe, not from RF. We are not responsible for those people since their homeland got independence in 1989-1991 period.

But back to topic
I must ask for sorry for rude joke about deportation in Africa, but again, I don't understand the point of people here, see only baseless accusations.
Mark your points gentlemen:
1. Reason in not assimilated immigrants, many of which unemployed persons.
2. It's blame of British government only as Reinaert says
3. Probably cause in social structure of British society.
4. ...
Say something concrete, right now I see only semi-hysterical reaction on 1st point of view

Huge immigration promoted by media-cinema gives hope,
Hope do not exist or it is dead, due to crisis
Local people see no future,
money and taxes just went to support banks and 'private' investors,
so future is started painted 'black'. not african black
meaning that youth is feeling as the 'no future' generation,
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But back to topic
I must ask for sorry for rude joke about deportation in Africa, but again, I don't understand the point of people here, see only baseless accusations.
Mark your points gentlemen:
1. Reason in not assimilated immigrants, many of which unemployed persons.
2. It's blame of British government only as Reinaert says
3. Probably cause in social structure of British society.
4. ...
Say something concrete, right now I see only semi-hysterical reaction on 1st point of view

And we see your hysterical reaction to anyone with dark skin. But the disagreement has been mainly against your insistance that it is the immigrants only who are rioting and looting, when it is not. It is EVERYONE from all across society, rich, poor, white, black, brown but the majority of rioters have been white and British.

I think it is a mistake to try and find one reason for the trouble, imo it is a combination of everything.
1. Poor government,
2. Poor policing,
3. Economic downturn,
4. Crumbling education system,
5. Outdated class structure,
6. Crumbling family and social structure,
7. Unemployment and simple boredom.

Although, I predict that now the new football season has begun everything will quieten down again. Keep the masses entertained and they shut-up.
I think it is very sad to watch the developments in the UK... There could be many reasons to explain it, but then, it is still very sad. It also reminded me of movies about mass catastrophes. It is quite true that if anything happens to governments, the society will ruled by the gangs, where stronger takes it all, killing the others...
The only exception to the rule is Japan. No looting or any greed appeared in post cunami Japan, where people were indeed helping each other. Perhaps it is the time to look to Japan and try at least to understand how they managed to build such a society?
and about those teenagers who were looting and burning, I wish that they could see how difficult life could be - for instance in country- side Lithuania -in winter it is very cold, one has to prepare the woods, water is in a well, doing laundry means a very hard work, etc... And still people can be happy...

The best addiction rehab camp is right in such very difficult conditions on a remote place in the country. And they say the more difficult daily life is, the better chance people have in changing themselves.
The only exception to the rule is Japan. No looting or any greed appeared in post cunami Japan, where people were indeed helping each other. Perhaps it is the time to look to Japan and try at least to understand how they managed to build such a society?

In Japan is a acute shortage of land areas, idea of mass immigration was unacceptable from the outset. Japanese society on 99% consist from original ethnic population.
And we see your hysterical reaction to anyone with dark skin. But the disagreement has been mainly against your insistance that it is the immigrants only who are rioting and looting, when it is not. It is EVERYONE from all across society, rich, poor, white, black, brown but the majority of rioters have been white and British.

I think it is a mistake to try and find one reason for the trouble, imo it is a combination of everything.
1. Poor government,
2. Poor policing,
3. Economic downturn,
4. Crumbling education system,
5. Outdated class structure,
6. Crumbling family and social structure,
7. Unemployment and simple boredom.

Although, I predict that now the new football season has begun everything will quieten down again. Keep the masses entertained and they shut-up.

What you think about riots in Paris of 2005?

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