Genetic mutations or traits permitting potential resistance to AIDS


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Y-DNA haplogroup
mtDNA haplogroup
Hi everybody.

I'm just aware of some. Like these ones in that study published in the official journal of AIDS : ( sorry I can't link the page because I don't have enough post in eupedia forum ) the title is :

A nonsense mutation (428G->A) in the fucosyltransferase FUT2 gene affects the progression of HIV-1 infection
just google it you ll find the link.

According to that study, to have FUT2 mutation and / or CCR5 deletion, both tested by 23andme, seems to increase the chance to be "long term non-progressor". Among "long term non-progressor", the mutation in FUT2 is overrepresented even if they are CCR5 normal type.

Mitochondrial DNA is important also as I have read on eupedia and by the link given in the thread.

I am myself pretty satisfied to be haplogroup K and AA on FUT2 which are both related to slow HIV progression.

Do you know other mutations or traits which are reported so far and that gives potential resistance ?
Can you show a photograph of the alleged HIV virus?
I think it is clear enough.

As I said in my first post, I can't link or show a picture because I have newcomer limitation.
As I said in my first post, I can't link or show a picture because I have newcomer limitation.

Ok, I hope that the picture is authentic, certainly when you put the picture will be a scientific milestone.

In the meantime we hope to have the license to tell me what you think pictures of inventors of all existing tests for HIV are of course reported that their tests were not created for them to find the HIV virus, yet used for this work, it would be interesting to know what you think about the different tests that yield results and the different interpretations given by country, so a result that is positive in one country in another country would be bad for the course HIV

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