French false-cognates to English, German & other Germanic placenames/lastnames...

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French placenames/lastnames which also show a false-cognateness to English, German and other Germanic placenames/lastnames...

(nowt to do with Swedish Andersson English Anderson and other Germanic -son lastnames) ?

-ton (Argenton, Charenton etc nowt to do with English -ton) ?

-ney -ey -sey -ley -say -ay (nowt to do with Watney, Stepney, Putney, Hackney, Haringey, Bungay, Cray, Selsey, Eckersley in England nor Grimsey in Iceland nor Ecksley, Hacheney, Fley, Elsey, Bredeney, Nordeney, Ardey, Boy, Kray in Germany) ?

-dam- (nowt to do with the -dam in Amsterdam Holland nor the one in Potsdam Germany) ?

-berry (nowt to do with either -burgh or eating berries) ?

-lille- (nowt to do with either 'little' nor Norweigian: Lillehammer/Lillestrom) ?

-lande- (nowt to do with Germanic -land) ?

-aing (nowt to do with English and other Germanic -ingas/ing) ?
-oing (see above)

-try (-try in French placename: Commentry etc nowt to do with -try(tree) in English placenames: Daventry,Coventry,Owestry,Hawtry) ?

-tal (nowt to do with German -thal/tal nor English -dale) ?

-nol (nowt to do with knoll,knowl,nall,nal) ?

-cote (nowt to do with Germanic -cot) ?
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French name: Santrop (shortening of Saint Tropez) nowt to do with Sandthorpe, Heythrop, Winthrop, Dunthrop, Landthrop, Sandtrap (Golf bunker) etc in England nor Bottrop, Waltrop, Frintrop, Hiltrop, Hontrop etc in Deutschland ?
Would you care giving examples of French place names for each ?

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