Rh minus


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Some years ago I was researching how blood's groups are presented in diffrent populations.
One specific group is specialy characteristic for Europe. It is RH negative. I was always curious
are some suppositions, theories or studies which link together this blood group with some
ancient populations. Most hight density of this group exists among Basks, but they are to
small and to inbred population that they can proof anything (the same situation has place
with majority hg among them, wich is deffinitly not oruginal, if we take the postulated origin
of that population wich should be euskara-speaking pre-indo-european). So, my question is,
is there any knowing proof that alow link these blood group with any ancient population?
Especially, it would be interesting, in which (as I called) haplo-nation this gene had origin.
Personaly I think that this should have place in those population which had more recessive
genes like recessive genes of skin, hair, eyes etc. Why? Becouse they both are especially
appear in higher concentration in the same area, in Europe.
To my knowledge nobody researched Rh of ancient genomes. If you know the snippets for Rh in people you can check it yourself, as some of ancient genomes are available to download online.
The RH blood system is the most complex of 35 blood groups reported until now. There are 60 antigenes catalogued in BIGMUT and evry year is discovered some new antigenes and their respective antibodies. The most of europeans don't know that RH system is, actually, composed by 2 genes: RHD and RHCE. RHD is the more important in question of transfusion and new born because of its antibody anti-D is very dangerous when a mother that lacks the 2 RHD genes breeds a RHD baby. Europeans and another caucasians have totally deleted this gene while africans and most asians have only malfuction, some mutations like RH weak, Du (hard and soft) hybrid RHDCE alleles, etc.
This is something I have been working on for years. One thing that I do is "go back in time" as much as I can. So I found out a few things, that for example K is at a 4% frequency in Basque country and was so 1,500 years ago. Yet 5,000 years ago the frequency was between 17 and 25%.

Consider this: After 1,000s of years of mixing with neighbors, the Basques are still around 35% rh negative meaning that around the time K was almost 1/4 of their population, the rh negative blood factor could have been easily present in as many as 80% of the Basques making it likely that there was an original population very similar to the ancient Hebrews and potentially 100 percent rh negative. So far, I am very much inclined to believe that this traces back to Sumer. I have also looked at other rh negative populations in the world in places where rh negative blood is not so common and realized the Yorubas of Africa for example are much higher in rh negative blood than the African average. I still am working on this, but try to keep things updated here: http://www.rhesusnegative.net/staynegative/genetics/

And again: I don't put too much weight on rh negative blood "being European", but rather consider that there have been tribes in the Fertile Crescent which were 100 percent rh negative and today's European population is a mix of the different tribes which migrated here.
The RH blood system is the most complex of 35 blood groups reported until now. There are 60 antigenes catalogued in BIGMUT and evry year is discovered some new antigenes and their respective antibodies.

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