Politics Is Europe becoming one country ?

The transformation of the EU identity.

Well, I'm from the 90's generation, born in 1995. This is the generation that in a few years will be controlling the administrating, political, economic and management issues all over Europe.
It will be the next global control generation and I can speak for many of my acquaintances that the concept of a united EU is, at least in our mind, very present, as I've met a lot of people my age that feel the same european belonging sensation I do.
That's the core reason for me to believe that, in not that long time, we will drop down the international borders within the EU. We were born in a time that the euro, the economic eurozone, the EU flag, the anglo-saxon culture and language and the transnational experiences are becoming way more intense than the nationalisms that could apart those.
Globalization is a logical consequence and we can't reverse it.
The generation's coming is a multilingual, multicultural and multidisciplinary mass that developed fastly the idea of Europe, rather than national country, where the eurozone is a whole feeling of belonging. Many of my friends do Erasmus, learn german, italian or russian, travel and go to festivals all around Europe, listen to french and italian music, see spanish, czech or swedish movies and know people all around the European zone, mainly.
So, despite all the benefits and prejudices, I'm sorry to disappoint many of the reactionaries that dislike the idea, but I see it coming in not that long period of time, due to the fast adaptation of the young generations to the idea of na european confederation and the notion of european identity opposed to others (the sharing of common history, of multicultural tolerance and diversity, of cultural global mark, etc.).
Of course this is, then, enhanced by the existence of transnational concepts that unite us together, such as feminism, the green politics, gay, animal or human rights and the hability of Internet, mass media or low cost travelling to decrease the virtual geoborders that apart us before.
Regarding the language adopted, I don't see it constituting a major problem, as the cultural diversity is accepted and welcome, so each minor state would maintain its original idiom, with the clear obligation of learning, at least, english and one other european language. Pretty simple.
I think the idea that EU (Europe) become one country has a lot of positive sides. But the half-solves are not good. In other words, EU (Europe) to become one state it must have all the prerogatives of state. Maybe one of problems is mental, for people who had for generations used to live in nation states is not easy to accept a supranational creation. But EU (Europe) as one state, with all the institutions that make up a state (including finance, police, army etc.), is necessary for European competitive position, small European countries has not a chance to compete with the giants on the world stage, in economy and to anything else.

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