Just how reliable is the BBC ?


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I've been quite shocked at a gross error (or approximation) in a BBC article about Belgium today :

BBC said:
The syndicate includes the owners and patrons of the cafe La Fraternelle in the town Mouscron, south-west of Brussels.

Mouscron is not anywhere near Brussels. The nearest big cities are Lille or Roubaix in France, or Courtrai, Tournai or even Ghent, in Belgium. Please check the map. Then Mouscron would not be as much south-west of Brussels as almost perfectly west of it (at the same latitude as the ring road). With such approximations, they could as well have said it was east of London or North of Paris...
South-west of Brussels seems inaccurate for sure, but it isn't implied that the town is near Brussels.
South-west of Brussels seems inaccurate for sure, but it isn't implied that the town is near Brussels.

Next time why don't they say South-West of Moscow...
The quality of the BBC is very good. Its political independence has been in serious question ever since the Hutton enquiry. It may as well be privatised, given how scared they have been of upsetting givernment ever since.
It has some deficiencies but definitely better than the pathetic mainstream American media. America the Stupid: purveyors of codswallop.
It has some deficiencies but definitely better than the pathetic mainstream American media. America the Stupid: purveyors of codswallop.

It's no surprise, given the market the media is aiming at. This from one of today's UK papers:

39% believe in evolution? It's the same as saying 'science is controversial.'

If however, you asked the average American "What is the solution to global warming - cutting back on your carbon emissions, or relying on science?" the overwhelming evidence is the latter. So - is science a handy refuge when convenient in avoiding choices that involve sacrifice for the greater good, and future generations?

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