Philosophy Philosophical question number 10

If accompanied with these God-like powers, I might accept. With my mental and physical body at its peak (let's keep it at 25), never able to be damaged, no feeling pain, what about breathing? What if the Earth gets blown up and I'm alone in space? How will I function without oxygen?

In short, unless you can promise me Godhood, I'll probably have to decline.
I might just take the offer up on curiosity, i would like to know what happens in the next 100-200 years and how far we progress, or dont.

Maybe space travel oneday will be possible, would be nice to see. Maybe one day NK disapears off the globe or China/Japan stop there moaning.
Or maybe one day soon we will blow ourselves up. Curiosity may get the better of me.
Mycernius said:
As Smoke seems to have left his questions at number 9, iI have decided to take up the flag with this one ( hope you don't mind mate):

If you were offered immortality, would you accept or refuse?

I ask this because it seems to have come up on the 'Why do people die thread?' and because I did a play a couple of years back called 'The Immortal City' in which an entire city was given immortality by a demon to see what would happen. Eventually everyone left the city to live a mortal life in the outside world.
The question above sets no boundries on the immortality offered. You would remain the same and be able to go anywhere.
You thieving b******!
only fooling boss!
immortality is something i could ***** and whine about for ages...but i won't.

In short...I would refuse.
Have you ever thought about what would happen to the life insurance industry if even one person out of a thousand were immortal?

Imagine that one out of every thousand births would result in an immortal person....but that nobody would have any way of knowing who that one person was, other than the fact that he didn't die.
InnerVision said: <<<Welcome to the Death Clock(TM), the Internet's friendly reminder that life is slipping away... second by second. Like the hourglass of the Net, the Death Clock will remind you just how short life is. :D

I love the part when it shows 'Seconds Left in My Life . :D

Btw ... my date of Death is 20th May, 2056. ah ... !!! :D

(Sorry, in case I'm getting off-topic)
AIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *claws out eyes* Why why why would anyone make a clock like that!? That's horrible! ... I'll have nightmares about my life slipping away second by second forever now... Evil people...

I'd definitely chose immortality. Especially if I got to stay young like I am now. The only problem I see would be having to live on while your family passed away... that'S really tough. Other than that... no difficulties. Friends come and go anyways, you don't need them to DIE to have them leave you. It's just like moving a lot; you get new friends as time pass by. Some you like, and wanna spend a lot of time with, and might be a little sad when you leave them, others you don't really like but hang out with them anyways.. But Oh, the marvels of an immortal life... the things you could do, the things you could experience. Also... all the different sort of personalities you could try out; you'd have all the time in the world for finding your true self.

Life is waaaay to short. It's unfair. You only get to make a few choices and then that'll be your life. What if you make a wrong choice? No, no time to fix that wrong choice. People say.. you can always move on, and yeah, sure. Move on. But... that wrong choice will remain fresh in everyones memories, including yours, and a life time is too little time to forget about it.

I wish I'd been born a cat. Or something that couldn't think about how short life is.

*takes a look at the Death Clock again and faints*
hedonists forever! :D

Almost everyone gladly accepts immortality with god-like powers, and quickly
refuses to take it, when it can`t promice to have no pain and suffering
(for except heartache)
So, is pleasure (self-pleasure) the main goal of human life? :D

Goodness, you love to know the seconds left in your life?! This is outragious, totally outragious!!!
:D you know how many unexpected things can happen in a life. It is
possible to choke to death with a cherry stone just eating your supper. Or be hit by a reckless driver. There is a possibility of meteorite falling right at the vertex. Broken heel may bring you all the waaay down the stairs... and so on... and the clocks stop ticking, but the bell starts to toll.
What is better, then? :eek:

Life is waaaay to short. It's unfair
then don`t waste every precious second of it

InnerVision, sorry for messing with your pics %))) couldn`t help it :sorry:

#2 a bit revised, but not free of yawning anyway =)

#3 no matter how good you are
=> If you were offered immortality, would you accept or refuse?

It depends on the conditions. Would we keep our youth and health ? Would our organs be repaired when they get damaged (e.g. if we become blind, can we recover sight at one point or be forced to live for the rest of eternity blind ?). How would we solve the problem of stocking all our memories in our limited brain ? Does that mean that we would eventuually forget what we don't need after sometime to "make some space on the hard-drive" and regenerate fresh neurons ? So that also means that we would probably only keep the most useful and intertesting part of knowledge, and eventually become a universal genius as perfect in everything as humans can be with their limited brain capacities.
I'd rather not accept immortality, but long life. If you are immortal, the pleasure of life are diminished. They are no longer pleasures to experience in a lifetime, but an everyday/every-year/every-decade experience. And what are decades to an immortal? Long life would allow me to experience most of life's great experiences, happy and sad, without being stuck in the world for too long that life becomes mundane.
Death is a Gift

Death should not be thought of as a destruction but as a relief. We all die sooner or later, that is what unites us. Humans have not had and never will have the hope of ataining perfection through an infinate existance, that is why choosing immortality is arrogant. To chose immortality would mean that you think that you are better than all the other people who have died before you, or who will die later. We must accept death as a release into a world of infinate freedom, not a destruction or end to our lives, but a beginning to a grander scheme that is much more than our measly 70 year average existance.
xeo4d said:
To chose immortality would mean that you think that you are better than all the other people who have died before you, or who will die later.

Not necessarily. I choose many things that have been denied to those before me, that's not arrogance, just progress.

A lot of people think immortality would be boring. How do people get bored? I don't get it. I have to cram 48 hours worth of stuff into every 24 as it is! I have a hundreds of books waiting to be read, stacks of unplayed video games, a library full of more books and DVDs across the road, hundreds of satellite channels, scores of posts here to reply to...I don't understand boredom - unless I'm at work!

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