liberal help


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What exactly is a liberal? One of my friends say that it's not caring, as in not caring if people are homosexual, or not getting with other countries. they have a don't care attitude. my other friend, who i believe way more, says it is about caring for other people and keeping their freedoms and stuff. I think the first friend is wrong can someone help me?
Well the term liberal can't be summarized in one sentence, it's a big variety of things, and it differs from how you use it in the US and here in Europe, and also it differs from what it is meant by it now in the US rather than before. What is not getting with other countries? Don't care attitude? hmmmmmm, liberals beleive in the fundemental rights of ppl and that gov has no business in their life. So yeah i'd say liberals don't care if ppl are gay, which is a good thing, why would you want to care about what somone does with their own sexuality as long as they are not hurting other ppl ?
Just to get technical.

From Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Main Entry: 1lib?er?al
Pronunciation: 'li-b(&-)r&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin liberalis suitable for a freeman, generous, from liber free; perhaps akin to Old English lEodan to grow, Greek eleutheros free
1 a : of, relating to, or based on the liberal arts <liberal education> b archaic : of or befitting a man of free birth
2 a : marked by generosity : OPENHANDED <a liberal giver> b : given or provided in a generous and openhanded way <a liberal meal> c : AMPLE, FULL
3 obsolete : lacking moral restraint : LICENTIOUS
4 : not literal or strict : LOOSE <a liberal translation>
5 : BROAD-MINDED; especially : not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms
6 a : of, favoring, or based upon the principles of liberalism b capitalized : of or constituting a political party advocating or associated with the principles of political liberalism; especially : of or constituting a political party in the United Kingdom associated with ideals of individual especially economic freedom, greater individual participation in government, and constitutional, political, and administrative reforms designed to secure these objectives
- lib?er?al?ly /-b(&-)r&-lE/ adverb
- lib?er?al?ness noun
synonyms LIBERAL, GENEROUS, BOUNTIFUL, MUNIFICENT mean giving or given freely and unstintingly. LIBERAL suggests openhandedness in the giver and largeness in the thing or amount given <a teacher liberal with her praise>. GENEROUS stresses warmhearted readiness to give more than size or importance of the gift <a generous offer of help>. BOUNTIFUL suggests lavish, unremitting giving or providing <children spoiled by bountiful presents>. MUNIFICENT suggests a scale of giving appropriate to lords or princes <a munificent foundation grant>.

I'm tired of it being used as if it's a swear word.
I'm tired of it being used as if it's a swear word.


What about the liberal stereotype? A mindless hippy who isn't grounded in reality? An environmentalist, bi-sexual, socialist, free-loading, agnostic, vegetarian, LSD freak-pot smoking PETA member?
mad pierrot said:

What about the liberal stereotype? A mindless hippy who isn't grounded in reality? An environmentalist, bi-sexual, socialist, free-loading, agnostic, vegetarian, LSD freak-pot smoking PETA member?

Oh my lord, have you been spying on me? Heh.

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