Politics What is the best type of government?

whats the best goernment type?

  • Parliamentary democracy

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Federalism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • republican Democracy

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • absolute monarchy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • communism

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • socialism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • theoocracy (ruleby priests or religious government)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • militocracy (rule by military or a military government)

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • meritocracy (an hierachy based on achievement)

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • technocracy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • anarchy

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • aristocracy (rule by a hereditary elite)

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • tyranny or dictatorship

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • monocracy (rule by one person)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • oligarchy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • mobocracy (rule by the masses)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Plutocracy (rule by the wealthiest people)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Panocracy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charismacracy (rule by animal magnetism)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other type

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


The Angel of Justice
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Northeast Greenhills, San Juan, Manila, Philippine
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What is the best type of government?

I always think Meritocracy would work.

I neglected to explain the meanings of the other words listed in the poll
Technocracy- rule by scientists
oligarchy- rule by an elite few

fictional Krypton's Science Council (Kryptonian government) in Superman comics is an example of a technocracy.

17th century British government and Athenian Greek city-state were examples of aristocracy or oligarchy. Greeks claimed to have invented democracy but it was ruled by wealthy merchants, not the common man. The peasants, slaves and women had no right to vote and participate in the ancient Greek government. Even British parliament came only as an oligarchy, not a democracy because a cadre of feudal barons forced English King John to share their power with them.

theocracy-rule by priests or religious rule.

Best examples of a theocracy would be the present-day Iran and the erstwhile Taliban government.
I belive a millitocracy would be the form of government i would wish to serve under. Unfortunate at this current time it would not fit the need of the nation. But a government like the one in ancient japan under the shogun, was one of order, and i apreciate this. Also I belive that it shold be mixed with a republic, as too keep the leader aware of the peoples wishes, and to keep the leader benevolent. If the leader becomes tyranical he must be overthrown.
This poll is flawed from the start, Can you tell me what is the difference between parliamentary democracy and republican democracy ? Why should these exlude federalism, socialism, meritocracy, etc. ? For example Germany is a parliamentary democracy, a republican democracy, a federalist country, governed by socialists (same for Spain or Belgium).
I think the best type of government is one that is not corrupt. Well... i guess that rules all of them out then :D
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The best type of government is self government. People should run their own lives and not infringe upon the individual sovereignty of others. Some people would call this form of government anarchy. This is a pretty accurate label......if by anarchy you mean no external government (unless you choose to submit to someone).

People who say libertarian anarchism has no basis in reality have no evidence to back them up. Why is it countries that tend to be freer tend to prosper more? Why is it more controlled countries like the collapsed communist countries failed miserably?

Looking at the economic index.......we can easily see how more economically free countries are the prosperous developed countries while the most unfree countries are less developed/developing countries;


Taking it to the logical conclusion.....more economic freedom = greater prosperity. Why? Because peaceful voluntary exchange between people benefit both parties and ultimately all of society. Command economies lead to inefficiencies and wastages.

This also applies to individual freedom. The US is the toughest on drugs of any developed country.......and they also have the worst drug problem of any developed nation. While the Netherlands having a more relaxed policy toward drugs has led to the lowest amount of drug abuse of any developed nation.

The more you look at it, it is easier to see why government intervention in anything always does harm. Freedom has worked time and time again, no matter what statists have claimed before.

And besides.......why do we give any special rights or status to the state not normally given to other institutions or people? Why is the government allowed to commit mass murder (through war and executions), mass enslavement (through legislation), and mass robbery (through taxation)? It doesn't make any sense! ;)
I personally don't subscribe to the view that I can have confidence in delegating my views to someone I vote for every five years. They will always look to their own interests, with the view that the know better than the voters. Very parent - child. I don't think... Localised, federated government with referenda on all key issues for me.
I personally don't subscribe to the view that I can have confidence in delegating my views to someone I vote for every five years. They will always look to their own interests, with the view that the know better than the voters.

I certainly agree with that. But what do you suggest instead ?
I certainly agree with that. But what do you suggest instead ?

We have the technology to pay for goods online; web-based personal and corporate banking; online tax returns etc. Why not voting? They argue it's about security/fraud but that's an excuse.

Have all key decisions put to referenda, and voted upon either via the web or electronically at local facilities (libraries, government buildings etc.) for those without a PC.

It would keep the politocos on their toes, as currently they don't really worry about voter concerns until election time every 4-5 years. With referenda, they would have to keep their eye on the voter ball all the time!
Democratic socialism (emphasis on both)!

Maciano is right... this list does not accurately express the array of possibilities. I was looking for the option "democratic socialism" which would apply to the EU, among other descriptive terms.

I vote for that. The USA system gives corporations WAY too much power, and look at the result of laissez-faire politics 1981-2008... big mess.

Millions without healthcare access, education highly discriminatory by wealth, etc. Give me the European system found in Germany, France, Spain, etc., ANY DAY!

Many hope that Obama will bring this about, but I fear he is mostly just another right-of-center Democrat, which I like better than the ultra-right Republicans, but still...

:unsure: Maybe we can get the EU to adopt us...
I was looking for the option "democratic socialism" which would apply to the EU, among other descriptive terms.

I vote for that. The USA system gives corporations WAY too much power, and look at the result of laissez-faire politics 1981-2008... big mess.

Millions without healthcare access, education highly discriminatory by wealth, etc. Give me the European system found in Germany, France, Spain, etc., ANY DAY!

Many hope that Obama will bring this about, but I fear he is mostly just another right-of-center Democrat, which I like better than the ultra-right Republicans, but still...

:unsure: Maybe we can get the EU to adopt us...

Unfortunately, democratic socialism gets taken over by big money thinking. Britain's Labour party membership cards say on the back "The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party..." What a laugh! That's why their membership has fallen by nearly two thirds in twelve years. I was one that also left, dismayed by the hypocrisy of big business-speak in a 'democratic socialist' party. (I'm an MBA and couldn't distinguish between the slick 'empty suits' in the party, and the business types I've spent my career in.)

The theory is sound - but power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I would vote for meritocracy (an hierachy based on achievement), but coming up with the system that makes it work as it's supposed to is a task of it's own.
I would vote for meritocracy (an hierachy based on achievement), but coming up with the system that makes it work as it's supposed to is a task of it's own.
For the US: What MAY happen, if there continues to be some investment in the lower income areas/people, and unlawful discrimination is tamed, the society will be largely a meritocracy. There will be achievers who are HAVES, and the others who are the HAVE NOTS. There won't be much of a middle class. Technology, automation, robotics, etc. will largely do away with those middle class jobs.

If the US keeps its form of government, then there is a problem in that there are many more HAVE NOTS than HAVES. Just as per the Trump election, people will be influenced to vote against their own interests by demagogues. It will be a mess. Let's hope for the best.

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