Philosophy Philosophy: Are you an existentialist?


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Do you exist? What is the meaning of existence? Why do you exist?
What is the point?

What do you know about existentialism and are you an existentialist?
Do you live your life, as Thoreau proposed, deliberately, siezing every moment and sucking the marrow out of life? Or are you and absurdist like Sarte? Are you waiting for Godot? Entranced by Kirkegaard? or perhaps stuck in a room with No Exit. God, Existence, Reality....

Someone respond quickly!

Perhaps we can organize some of the responses into a poll.
It Seems.....

I was just waiting around to die, till I found nursing. Helping people is a good reason to get up in the morning and keep on living for me.That and hanging around to take care of my cats.


Thoreou got his ideas of contemplation from the Eastern religions, and it is similar to if not the same as the Buddhist Mindfulness. That is to always be present for this moment (even when planning, or remembering), and to create a calm space between stimuli and response. I attempt to live life mindfully, seeing in it a better understanding of myself, more serenity, and better control over impulses. I'm not finding the practice easy to remember, and go through long spaces of time not aware of what I was thinking, or being unaware that I was getting irritated, or the worst is climbing into some fantasy world and checking out for even longer periods of time. I try not to do these things.

As to my purpose in life, it is to enjoy this moment, connect more meaningfully with others, and hopefully leave behind a chain reaction of positive feelings. That's as I see it anyways.
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We must exist because we are here. From what we are givin as senses, we can only assume that we exist. If I didn't exist, I wouldn't be writing this, yet, none of us can ever be 100% sure of another's existence. I still like to think that the people I interact with exist.

Why do we exist? That is the million dollar question, my friend. If you're asking literally why we exist, I can answer. In my opinion, God put us here. There are other reasons too, some say evolution, some say rebirth, some say destiny. But what reason do we have for existing? There are much too many too count, but I'll try to get some of the big ones.
  • Reproduce
  • Find a purpose
  • Learn all that the universe has to offer
  • Survive

I know its a shabby list, but those are the extremely basic human goals in life, in my opinion.
Why do existentialists seem to fall into two categories- the angst-ridden anxious Eeyore types and the Carpe-diem ascetic Whitman types?

What happens when you have reproduced, passed that phase, found a purpose and fulfilled it, learned almost as much as a human brain can hold, and survived for a while???
sabro said:
Why do existentialists seem to fall into two categories- the angst-ridden anxious Eeyore types and the Carpe-diem ascetic Whitman types?

What happens when you have reproduced, passed that phase, found a purpose and fulfilled it, learned almost as much as a human brain can hold, and survived for a while???

Then, you either: die, go into a coma, commit suicide from discovering the "ultimate truth", or keep on living. ^_^

Although I doubt one would be able to ever fully understand everything there is to know, if they did, I would just spend my time writing so as to better enhance the progression of the human race as a whole.
I don't think I'm an existentialist ....

I don't look good in a black turtleneck ..... and blue lipstick brings me out in a rash ...!

When we discuss the great Existential question, I know that it has to do with existence, but what is the exact question?
Is the question "Why am I here?", "Why are we here?", or "What is real?"
sabro said:
I kinda look like the guy on the oats box
I hope not! When I was little I used to spend Saturdays with my Auntie at her in-laws. They had Quaker oats, and I used to be scared to death of that guy. I thought he was watching to make sure I behaved while I was in someone else's house!

I came out as 100% Quaker too! Either the quiz thinks everyone is a Quaker, or it's not very accurate! I had to choose 'none of the above' for the first several questions, as it lumps 'no god' in with 'not sure or not important', which isn't how I feel.

Anyway, getting back ontopic..

Existentialism makes my brain hurt, even though I have a degree in Philosophy! I find Sartre particularly confusing. About the only thing I remember about studying Being and Nothingness is that you just have to prove that existence is not a property, and then you can file the whole thing under 'b' for 'bin'. Anyway, I'm not an existentialist. I agree that anxiety, dread etc are fundamental to being a human, but I think they can be explained scientifically, as the result of genes, upbringing etc. I think neuroscience has made this aspect of existentialism somewhat defunct. I also don't buy the bit about humans having to impose their own meaning on life. The universe has many wonders that would exist without us, and these can give our lives meaning without any input from us - other than our observing them. Some damn good novels and films have been based on those themes though.

My therapist tried to use existential philosophy to help me find a means of coping with anxiety. She told me that I would always be anxious, so I had to find a way to use it to my advantage.

On the whole I have the same attitude to existentialism as I have toward anything else - there are useful bits in it, but no single philosophy can give a true picture.
sabro said:
When we discuss the great Existential question, I know that it has to do with existence, but what is the exact question?
Is the question "Why am I here?", "Why are we here?", or "What is real?"
We don't know the question, but the answer's '42' :D
When we discuss the great Existential question, I know that it has to do with existence, but what is the exact question?
Is the question "Why am I here?", "Why are we here?", or "What is real?"

Seriously, I think the only real question is "Why?"

And, I think the only real answer is "Why not?"*

*Thanks to my grandpappy for that answer.
mad pierrot said:
Seriously, I think the only real question is "Why?"
And, I think the only real answer is "Why not?"*
*Thanks to my grandpappy for that answer.

I hate to ask....
But why?
:angel: Fragment from one treatise-
... Wandering roads of "time" we start to think by this " the time periods "... This " great fetters " - "Time" - withdraw us in labyrinthes of "heathland", taking away at us "reviver" of revelation of "Instant"... Only in an instant moment, and not up to it and next - last true...
Very profound. Very profound.

I couldn't agree more! :)

Sorry, folks - I just have to say it ....

This is so ...deep,man ... !


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Would this particular thread work better if I get on the bongos and djembe?
Bompitta tap pitta tap bom tap tap....
We could dim the lights and recite poetry?

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